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DataDictionaryRegistryService  - AS3 Data Dictionary

Interfacepublic interface DataDictionaryRegistryService

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

The interface for DataDictionaryRegistryService

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
createDataDictionary(dataDictionary:DataDictionary, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Creates a data dictionary in a persistent store and returns the unique identifier of the stored data dictionary.
deleteDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Deletes a data dictionary from the persistent store.
getAllDataDictionaries(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns all data dictionaries.
getAllDataDictionaryReferences(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns all data dictionary references.
getDataDictionaries(searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns all data dictionaries that meet the criteria specified in a search filter.
getDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns a data dictionary object that corresponds to an identifier.
getDataDictionaryReferences(searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns all data dictionary references that meet the criteria specified in a search filter.
getSystemDataDictionaries(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null, locale:String = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Returns all system data dictionaries.
markReadyToPublish(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Mark the given Data Dictionary read to Publish.
publishDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Publish the data dictionary identified by the given dataDictionaryId.
revertToLastPublished(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Revert to the last published version of the data dictionary identified by the given dataDictionaryId.
updateDataDictionary(dataDictionary:DataDictionary, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Updates an existing data dictionary.
Method Detail


public function createDataDictionary(dataDictionary:DataDictionary, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Creates a data dictionary in a persistent store and returns the unique identifier of the stored data dictionary.


dataDictionary:DataDictionary — The DataDictionary object.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the unique identifier of the stored data dictionary.


public function deleteDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Deletes a data dictionary from the persistent store.


dataDictionaryId:String — The identifier of the data dictionary to delete.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken A token that allows you register for the event. Add a listener for ResultEvent to detect if the call to the server is successful. The value of ResultEvent.result is null, that is, it does not hold any information.


public function getAllDataDictionaries(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns all data dictionaries.


clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the list of data dictionaries.


public function getAllDataDictionaryReferences(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns all data dictionary references.


clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the list of data dictionary references.


public function getDataDictionaries(searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns all data dictionaries that meet the criteria specified in a search filter.


searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter — The criteria for a data dictionary search, such as name or type.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the list of data dictionaries that match the search criteria.


public function getDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns a data dictionary object that corresponds to an identifier.


dataDictionaryId:String — The unique identifier for the data dictionary.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the data dictionary.


public function getDataDictionaryReferences(searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns all data dictionary references that meet the criteria specified in a search filter.


searchFilter:DataDictionarySearchFilter — The criteria for a data dictionary search, such as name or type.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the list of data dictionary references that match the search criteria.


public function getSystemDataDictionaries(clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null, locale:String = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Returns all system data dictionaries.


clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.
locale:String (default = null) — The locale that specifies the user's language. This operation is locale-sensitive and uses the locale to customize information for the user.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken An instance of mx.rpc.AsyncToken. You can extract the response of the call from ResultEvent or FaultEvent through handler or responder. ResultEvent.result contains the list of system data dictionaries.


public function markReadyToPublish(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 10
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Mark the given Data Dictionary read to Publish.


dataDictionaryId:String — data dictionary identifier
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value has been received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error has been received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — DataDictionary


public function publishDataDictionary(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 10
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Publish the data dictionary identified by the given dataDictionaryId.


dataDictionaryId:String — data dictionary identifier
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value has been received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error has been received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — DataDictionary


public function revertToLastPublished(dataDictionaryId:String, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 10
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Revert to the last published version of the data dictionary identified by the given dataDictionaryId.


dataDictionaryId:String — data dictionary identifier
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value has been received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error has been received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — DataDictionary


public function updateDataDictionary(dataDictionary:DataDictionary, clientHandler:Function = null, errorHandler:Function = null):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Data Dictionary Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2

Updates an existing data dictionary. The data dictionary must have the specified name and identifier.

Name and identifier fields are mandatory for a data dictionary. The data dictionary name is unique and case-insensitive. If the name is not unique, a fault is thrown.


dataDictionary:DataDictionary — The data dictionary to update.
clientHandler:Function (default = null) — The method called by the service when the asynchronous request completes and the return value is received.
errorHandler:Function (default = null) — This method is called by a service when the asynchronous request completes and an error is received.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken A token that allows you register for the event. Add a listener for ResultEvent to detect if the call to the server is successful. The value of ResultEvent.result is null, that is, it does not hold any information.