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LCTaskManager  - AS3 ADEP Task Management
Classpublic class LCTaskManager
InheritanceLCTaskManager Inheritance TaskManager Inheritance Manager
Implements ILCTaskManager

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

The TaskManager class provides the implementation for tasks that reside on the Document Server. Even though the tasks are on the Document Server, you connect through the Experience Server.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
LCTaskManager(taskManagerEndpointName:String, remotingURL:String = null, locale:String = null)
Adds a new attachment to the Document Server.
Invokes the Render service for the provided Task identifier.
Completes the task specified by the taskId parameter.
Delete an attachment from a task.
Retrieves the attachments based on a task identifier.
Updates an existing attachment to the Document Server.
Constructor Detail


public function LCTaskManager(taskManagerEndpointName:String, remotingURL:String = null, locale:String = null)

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Constructor. To specify the taskManagerEndpointName parameter, use the LCTaskManagerServiceConstants class for the names of the endpoints provided by Document Server.

taskManagerEndpointName:String (default = NaN) — Specifies the name of the Remoting endpoint.
remotingURL:String (default = null) — Specifies the remoting URL to connect to the Document Server.
locale:String (default = null) — Species the user locale.

Related API Elements

Method Detail


public function addAttachment(taskId:String, file:FileReference, attachmentPermissions:IAttachmentPermissions, assertionId:String = null):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Adds a new attachment to the Document Server.


taskId:String — Specifies the target task for this attachment operation.
file:FileReference — Specifies the file to add as the attachment.
attachmentPermissions:IAttachmentPermissions — Specifies the permissions of the attachment.
assertionId:String (default = null) — Specifies the assertion string. This parameter is required when uploading attachments using the Mozilla FireFox web browser.

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken — An object that is used the specify handlers for this asynchronous call.


public function callRenderService(taskId:String, params:Object = null):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IObjectToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Invokes the Render service for the provided Task identifier.


taskId:String — Specifies the task identifier to render.
params:Object (default = null) — Specifies the parameters for the render call.

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IObjectToken — A token to track the render call.


public function completeTaskWithInfo(taskId:String, completeTaskAction:String):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Completes the task specified by the taskId parameter.


taskId:String — Specifies the identifier of the task to complete.
completeTaskAction:String — Specifies the name of the action to complete the task with. Provide a value of null if no action is required.

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken — An object that is used to specify the handlers for this asynchronous call.


public function deleteAttachment(taskId:String, attachmentId:String):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Delete an attachment from a task.


taskId:String — Specifies the task identifier from which to delete an attachment.
attachmentId:String — Specifies the identifier of the attachment to delete from the task.

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken — An object that is used the specify handlers for this asynchronous call.


public function getAttachmentList(taskId:String):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:ICollectionToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Retrieves the attachments based on a task identifier.


taskId:String — Specifies the task identifier from which to retrieve the list of attachments.

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:ICollectionToken — A collection of attachment info objects.


public function updateAttachment(taskId:String, attachmentId:String, file:FileReference, assertionId:String = null):com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Task Management 10
Runtime Versions: AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2

Updates an existing attachment to the Document Server.


taskId:String — identifies the target task for this attachment operation.
attachmentId:String — id of the attachment to update.
file:FileReference — the new contents of the attachment.
assertionId:String (default = null) — assertion string only required when updating attachments in FireFox

com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken — An object that is used the specify handlers for this asynchronous call.