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IQueryService  - AS3 Asset Manager
Interfacepublic interface IQueryService
Deprecated: Deprecated

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

An interface that provides search capability from backend Data Services destinations. A separate implementation of this interface is required for each Data Services Assembler.

Because the implementation of this class has state, you must call IQueryService.reset() before using the same instance for more than one search request.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
fill(itemCollection:ListCollectionView, searchFilters:IList, dataService:DataService, searchEntityName:String):mx.rpc:AsyncToken
Populates the itemCollection by calling the backend Dataservice.fill() method.
Retrieves the string representation of SearchFilter.JOIN_OPERATOR for this query service implementation.
Retrieves the string representation of the SearchFilter.Operator for this query service implementation
Retrieves the type name of the QueryService.
prepareQueryParams(searchFilters:IList, searchEntityName:String):void
Prepares the parameters to use as input by DataService.fill().
Releases any item within the specified collection from management by this service.
Resets the current state of any QueryService object implemented using this interface.
Method Detail


public function fill(itemCollection:ListCollectionView, searchFilters:IList, dataService:DataService, searchEntityName:String):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Populates the itemCollection by calling the backend Dataservice.fill() method. The parameters of the fill method are prepared by prepareQueryParams(). The DataService instance should already have authenticated channelSet in case authentication is required at the backend Data Services server.


itemCollection:ListCollectionView — The results of the fill() operation.
searchFilters:IList — The search filters to pass to the data service.
dataService:DataService — The LiveCycle instance on which fill is actually called.
searchEntityName:String — The name of the entity on which the search is performed.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — asyncToken The AsyncToken that provides a place to set additional or token-level data for asynchronous remote procedure call operations. Also allows an IResponder to be attached for an individual call.


public function getJoinOperatorString(operator:int):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Retrieves the string representation of SearchFilter.JOIN_OPERATOR for this query service implementation.


operator:int — An integer that represents the operator.

String — A string that represents the operator.


public function getOperatorString(operator:int):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Retrieves the string representation of the SearchFilter.Operator for this query service implementation


operator:int — An integer that represents the operator.

String — A string that represents the operator.


public function getQueryTypeName():String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Retrieves the type name of the QueryService. For example, HQLQuery or CMSQuery.



public function prepareQueryParams(searchFilters:IList, searchEntityName:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Prepares the parameters to use as input by DataService.fill().


searchFilters:IList — A collection of searchFilters to perform the search with.
searchEntityName:String — The entity name of the class to perform the search on. Has a corresponding destination configured on the server.


public function releaseSearchResults(resultsListView:ListCollectionView, dataService:DataService):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Releases any item within the specified collection from management by this service.


resultsListView:ListCollectionView — The results to release.
dataService:DataService — The data service instance that releases the results.


public function reset():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Asset Manager Building Block 9.5
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10

Resets the current state of any QueryService object implemented using this interface. The state of the QueryService is defined by the prepareQueryParams() function.