ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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Regular  - AS3 Flash

Classpublic class Regular
InheritanceRegular Inheritance Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flash CS3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9.0, AIR 1.0

The Regular class defines three easing functions to implement accelerated motion with ActionScript animations. The acceleration of motion for a Regular easing equation is the same as for a timeline tween at 100% easing and is less dramatic than for the Strong easing equation. The Regular class is identical to the fl.motion.easing.Quadratic class in functionality.

Related API Elements

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] The easeIn() method starts motion from a zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.
[static] The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.
[static] The easeOut() method starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Method Detail


public static function easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flash CS3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9.0, AIR 1.0

The easeIn() method starts motion from a zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.


t:Number — Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.
b:Number — Specifies the initial value of the animation property.
c:Number — Specifies the total change in the animation property.
d:Number — Specifies the duration of the motion.

Number — The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example animates a rectangle using the Regular.easeIn easing function:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

stage.frameRate = 31;

var box:Sprite = new Sprite(); * 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 100, 350);;
box.x = 50;
box.y = 10;

var startValue:Number = box.x;
var finishValue:Number = 400;
var duration:Number = 3;
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(box, "x", Regular.easeIn, startValue, finishValue, duration, true);
myTween.looping = true;


public static function easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flash CS3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9.0, AIR 1.0

The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.


t:Number — Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.
b:Number — Specifies the initial value of the animation property.
c:Number — Specifies the total change in the animation property.
d:Number — Specifies the duration of the motion.

Number — The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example animates a rectangle using the Regular.easeInOut easing function:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

stage.frameRate = 31;

var box:Sprite = new Sprite(); * 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 100, 350);;
box.x = 50;
box.y = 10;

var startValue:Number = box.x;
var finishValue:Number = 400;
var duration:Number = 3;
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(box, "x", Regular.easeInOut, startValue, finishValue, duration, true);
myTween.looping = true;


public static function easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flash CS3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9.0, AIR 1.0

The easeOut() method starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.


t:Number — Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.
b:Number — Specifies the initial value of the animation property.
c:Number — Specifies the total change in the animation property.
d:Number — Specifies the duration of the motion.

Number — The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example animates a rectangle using the Regular.easeOut easing function:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

stage.frameRate = 31;

var box:Sprite = new Sprite(); * 0xFFFFFF);, 0, 100, 350);;
box.x = 50;
box.y = 10;

var startValue:Number = box.x;
var finishValue:Number = 400;
var duration:Number = 3;
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(box, "x", Regular.easeOut, startValue, finishValue, duration, true);
myTween.looping = true;