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Dictionary  - AS3

Classpublic dynamic class Dictionary
InheritanceDictionary Inheritance Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Lite 4

The Dictionary class lets you create a dynamic collection of properties, which uses strict equality (===) for key comparison. When an object is used as a key, the object's identity is used to look up the object, and not the value returned from calling toString() on it.

Note: You cannot use a QName object as a Dictionary key.

The following statements show the relationship between a Dictionary object and a key object:

 var dict = new Dictionary();
 var obj = new Object();
 var key:Object = new Object();
 key.toString = function() { return "key" }
 dict[key] = "Letters";
 obj["key"] = "Letters";
 dict[key] == "Letters"; // true
 obj["key"] == "Letters"; // true
 obj[key] == "Letters"; // true because key == "key" is true b/c key.toString == "key"
 dict["key"] == "Letters"; // false because "key" === key is false
 delete dict[key]; //removes the key

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Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Dictionary(weakKeys:Boolean = false)
Creates a new Dictionary object.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Provides an overridable method for customizing the JSON encoding of values in an Dictionary object.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Constructor Detail


public function Dictionary(weakKeys:Boolean = false)

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Lite 4

Creates a new Dictionary object. To remove a key from a Dictionary object, use the delete operator.

weakKeys:Boolean (default = false) — Instructs the Dictionary object to use "weak" references on object keys. If the only reference to an object is in the specified Dictionary object, the key is eligible for garbage collection and is removed from the table when the object is collected. Note that the Dictionary never removes weak String keys from the table. Specifically in the case of String keys, the weak reference will never get removed from the key table, and the Dictionary will keep holding a strong reference to the respective values.
Method Detail


public function toJSON(k:String):*

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 11, AIR 3, Flash Lite 4

Provides an overridable method for customizing the JSON encoding of values in an Dictionary object.

The JSON.stringify() method looks for a toJSON() method on each object that it traverses. If the toJSON() method is found, JSON.stringify() calls it for each value it encounters, passing in the key that is paired with the value.

Dictionary provides a default implementation of toJSON() that simply returns the name of the class. Clients that wish to export Dictionary objects to JSON must provide their own toJSON() implementations. You can do so by redefining the toJSON() method on the class prototype.

The toJSON() method can return a value of any type. If it returns an object, stringify() recurses into that object. If toJSON() returns a string, stringify() does not recurse and continues its traversal.


k:String — The key of a key/value pair that JSON.stringify() has encountered in its traversal of this object

* — The class name string.

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