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SplashScreenImage  - AS3 Flex

Classpublic class SplashScreenImage
InheritanceSplashScreenImage Inheritance Object
Implements IMXMLObject

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4.6
Runtime Versions: AIR 3

Use the SplashScreenImage class to specify different splash screen images based on characteristics of a mobile device. For example, you can use different images for a splashscreen based on the DPI, orientation, or resolution of the device.

You typically define a SplashScreenImage class in an MXML file. Use the SplahsScreenImageSource class to define the different image choices and corresponding device configurations. You then set the application's splashScreenImage property to the name of the SplashScreenImage MXML component.

The procedure for determining the best match of an SplahsScreenImageSource definition to a mobile device is as follows:

  1. Determine all of the SplashScreenImageSource definitions that match the settings of the mobile device. A match occurs when:
    • The SplashScreenImageSource definition does not have that setting explicitly defined. For example, no setting for the dpi property matches any device's DPI.
    • For the dpi or aspectRatio property, the property must exactly match the corresponding setting of the mobile device.
    • For the minResolution property, the property matches a setting on the device when the larger of the Stage.stageWidth and Stage.stageHeight properties is equal to or greater than minResolution.
  2. If there's more than one SplashScreenImageSource definition that matches the device then:
    • Choose the one with largest number of explicit settings. For example, a SplashScreenImageSource definition that specifies both the dpi and aspectRatio properties is a better match than one that only species the dpi property.
    • If there is still more than one match, choose the one with highest minResolution value.
    • If there is still more than one match, choose the first one defined in the component.

Note: This class cannot be set inline in the MXML of the application. You must define it in a separate MXML file and reference it by using the application's splashScreenImage property.

MXML SyntaxexpandedHide MXML Syntax

The <s:SplashScreenImage> tag inherits all of the tag attributes of its superclass and adds no new tag attributes:

  <s:SplashScreenImage xmlns:fx="" 
      <!-- Define one or more SplashScreenImageSource. -->

Default MXML PropertymxmlContent

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Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
      mxmlContent : Array
The SplashScreenImageSource sources for this SplashScreenImage.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
    getImageClass(aspectRatio:String, dpi:Number, resolution:Number):Class
Returns the Class of the SplashScreenImageSource that best matches the specified device parameters.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
    initialized(document:Object, id:String):void
Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4.6
Runtime Versions: AIR 3

The SplashScreenImageSource sources for this SplashScreenImage. Typically you do not call this method directly. Instead, you add SplashScreenImageSource definitions inline in the MXML file of the SplashScreenImage component.

    public function get mxmlContent():Array
    public function set mxmlContent(value:Array):void
Constructor Detail


public function SplashScreenImage()

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4.6
Runtime Versions: AIR 3


Method Detail


public function getImageClass(aspectRatio:String, dpi:Number, resolution:Number):Class

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4.6
Runtime Versions: AIR 3

Returns the Class of the SplashScreenImageSource that best matches the specified device parameters.

You do not call this method directly; it is called internally by Flex.

Override this method in a SplashScreenImage component if you want to override the default Flex logic of picking the best matching SplashScreenImageSource instance.


aspectRatio:String — Either flash.display.StageAspectRatio.PORTRAIT or flash.display.StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE, whichever is greater.
dpi:Number — The DPI of the mobile device.
resolution:Number — The resolution of the mobile device's bigger dimension, in pixels.

Class — The Class for the image to be displayed as a splash screen image.

Related API Elements


public function initialized(document:Object, id:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 4.6
Runtime Versions: AIR 3

Called after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized.


document:Object — The MXML document that created this object.
id:String — The identifier used by document to refer to this object. If the object is a deep property on document, id is null.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx="" 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="" 
        xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SplashScreenImage xmlns:fx=""
            private var andImage:Class;
            override public function getImageClass(aspectRatio:String, dpi:Number, resolution:Number):Class
                // Are we running on IOS ?
                if (Capabilities.version.indexOf("IOS") == 0)
                    return andImage;
                return super.getImageClass(aspectRatio, dpi, resolution);
    <!-- no settings, so this acts as default-->
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('image_not_found.jpg')"/>
    <!-- specific settings  -->
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('pinkball.jpg')"
                               dpi="160" minResolution="0"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('yellowball.jpg')"
                               dpi="160" minResolution="500"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('orangball.png')"
                               dpi="160" minResolution="1000"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('yellowball.jpg')"
                               dpi="160" minResolution="1000" aspectRatio="portrait"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('yellowball.jpg')"
                               dpi="240" aspectRatio="portrait"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('pinkball.jpg')"
                               dpi="240" aspectRatio="landscape"/>
    <s:SplashScreenImageSource source="@Embed('pinkball.jpg')"