Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.ftp_hook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
import ftplib
import logging
import os.path
from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook
from past.builtins import basestring

def mlsd(conn, path="", facts=None):

    List a directory in a standardized format by using MLSD
    command (RFC-3659). If path is omitted the current directory
    is assumed. "facts" is a list of strings representing the type
    of information desired (e.g. ["type", "size", "perm"]).

    Return a generator object yielding a tuple of two elements
    for every file found in path.
    First element is the file name, the second one is a dictionary
    including a variable number of "facts" depending on the server
    and whether "facts" argument has been provided.
    facts = facts or []
    if facts:
        conn.sendcmd("OPTS MLST " + ";".join(facts) + ";")
    if path:
        cmd = "MLSD %s" % path
        cmd = "MLSD"
    lines = []
    conn.retrlines(cmd, lines.append)
    for line in lines:
        facts_found, _, name = line.rstrip(ftplib.CRLF).partition(' ')
        entry = {}
        for fact in facts_found[:-1].split(";"):
            key, _, value = fact.partition("=")
            entry[key.lower()] = value
        yield (name, entry)

[docs]class FTPHook(BaseHook): """ Interact with FTP. Errors that may occur throughout but should be handled downstream. """ def __init__(self, ftp_conn_id='ftp_default'): self.ftp_conn_id = ftp_conn_id self.conn = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.conn is not None: self.close_conn()
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Returns a FTP connection object """ if self.conn is None: params = self.get_connection(self.ftp_conn_id) self.conn = ftplib.FTP(, params.login, params.password) return self.conn
[docs] def close_conn(self): """ Closes the connection. An error will occur if the connection wasn't ever opened. """ conn = self.conn conn.quit()
[docs] def describe_directory(self, path): """ Returns a dictionary of {filename: {attributes}} for all files on the remote system (where the MLSD command is supported). :param path: full path to the remote directory :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.cwd(path) try: # only works in Python 3 files = dict(conn.mlsd()) except AttributeError: files = dict(mlsd(conn)) return files
[docs] def list_directory(self, path, nlst=False): """ Returns a list of files on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to list :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.cwd(path) files = conn.nlst() return files
[docs] def create_directory(self, path): """ Creates a directory on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to create :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.mkd(path)
[docs] def delete_directory(self, path): """ Deletes a directory on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to delete :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.rmd(path)
[docs] def retrieve_file(self, remote_full_path, local_full_path_or_buffer): """ Transfers the remote file to a local location. If local_full_path_or_buffer is a string path, the file will be put at that location; if it is a file-like buffer, the file will be written to the buffer but not closed. :param remote_full_path: full path to the remote file :type remote_full_path: str :param local_full_path_or_buffer: full path to the local file or a file-like buffer :type local_full_path: str or file-like buffer """ conn = self.get_conn() is_path = isinstance(local_full_path_or_buffer, basestring) if is_path: output_handle = open(local_full_path_or_buffer, 'wb') else: output_handle = local_full_path_or_buffer remote_path, remote_file_name = os.path.split(remote_full_path) conn.cwd(remote_path)'Retrieving file from FTP: {}'.format(remote_full_path)) conn.retrbinary('RETR %s' % remote_file_name, output_handle.write)'Finished retrieving file from FTP: {}'.format( remote_full_path)) if is_path: output_handle.close()
[docs] def store_file(self, remote_full_path, local_full_path_or_buffer): """ Transfers a local file to the remote location. If local_full_path_or_buffer is a string path, the file will be read from that location; if it is a file-like buffer, the file will be read from the buffer but not closed. :param remote_full_path: full path to the remote file :type remote_full_path: str :param local_full_path_or_buffer: full path to the local file or a file-like buffer :type local_full_path_or_buffer: str or file-like buffer """ conn = self.get_conn() is_path = isinstance(local_full_path_or_buffer, basestring) if is_path: input_handle = open(local_full_path_or_buffer, 'rb') else: input_handle = local_full_path_or_buffer remote_path, remote_file_name = os.path.split(remote_full_path) conn.cwd(remote_path) conn.storbinary('STOR %s' % remote_file_name, input_handle) if is_path: input_handle.close()
[docs] def delete_file(self, path): """ Removes a file on the FTP Server. :param path: full path to the remote file :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.delete(path)
[docs] def rename(self, from_name, to_name): """ Rename a file. :param from_name: rename file from name :param to_name: rename file to name """ conn = self.get_conn() return conn.rename(from_name, to_name)
def get_mod_time(self, path): conn = self.get_conn() ftp_mdtm = conn.sendcmd('MDTM ' + path) return datetime.datetime.strptime(ftp_mdtm[4:], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
class FTPSHook(FTPHook): def get_conn(self): """ Returns a FTPS connection object. """ if self.conn is None: params = self.get_connection(self.ftp_conn_id) self.conn = ftplib.FTP_TLS(, params.login, params.password ) return self.conn