
object Effect

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Effect
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class MessageAdapter[A, T](messageClass: Class[A], adapt: (A) ⇒ T) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior create a message adapter for the messages of type clazz

  2. sealed abstract class NoEffects extends Effect

    Used for NoEffects expectations by type

  3. sealed abstract class ReceiveTimeoutCancelled extends Effect
  4. final case class ReceiveTimeoutSet[T](d: FiniteDuration, message: T) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior set a new receive timeout, with message as timeout notification

  5. final case class Scheduled[U](delay: FiniteDuration, target: typed.ActorRef[U], message: U) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior used context.scheduleOnce to schedule message to be sent to target after delay FIXME what about events scheduled through the scheduler?

  6. final class Spawned[T] extends Effect with Product3[Behavior[T], String, typed.Props] with Serializable

    The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior (and optionally specific props)

  7. final class SpawnedAnonymous[T] extends Effect with Product2[Behavior[T], typed.Props] with Serializable

    The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior (and optionally specific props)

  8. final case class Stopped(childName: String) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior stopped childName

  9. final case class Unwatched[T](other: typed.ActorRef[T]) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior started watching other, through context.unwatch(other)

  10. final case class Watched[T](other: typed.ActorRef[T]) extends Effect with Product with Serializable

    The behavior started watching other, through

Value Members

  1. object NoEffects extends NoEffects with Product with Serializable

    Used to represent an empty list of effects - in other words, the behavior didn't do anything observable

  2. object ReceiveTimeoutCancelled extends ReceiveTimeoutCancelled with Product with Serializable
  3. object Spawned extends Serializable
  4. object SpawnedAnonymous extends Serializable