object Behavior

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. Behavior
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit final class BehaviorDecorators[T] extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. def canonicalize[T](behavior: Behavior[T], current: Behavior[T], ctx: TypedActorContext[T]): Behavior[T]

    Given a possibly special behavior (same or unhandled) and a “current” behavior (which defines the meaning of encountering a same behavior) this method computes the next behavior, suitable for passing a message or signal.

    Given a possibly special behavior (same or unhandled) and a “current” behavior (which defines the meaning of encountering a same behavior) this method computes the next behavior, suitable for passing a message or signal.

  2. def empty[T]: Behavior[T]

    A behavior that treats every incoming message as unhandled.

  3. def existsInStack[T](behavior: Behavior[T])(p: (Behavior[T]) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Go through the behavior stack and apply a predicate to see if any nested behavior satisfies it.

    Go through the behavior stack and apply a predicate to see if any nested behavior satisfies it. The stack must not contain any unstarted deferred behavior or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

  4. def ignore[T]: Behavior[T]

    A behavior that ignores every incoming message and returns “same”.

  5. def interpretMessage[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: TypedActorContext[T], msg: T): Behavior[T]

    Execute the behavior with the given message

  6. def interpretSignal[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: TypedActorContext[T], signal: Signal): Behavior[T]

    Execute the behavior with the given signal

  7. def isAlive[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean

    Returns true if the given behavior is not stopped.

  8. def isDeferred[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean

    Returns true if the given behavior is the special Unhandled marker.

  9. def isUnhandled[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean

    Returns true if the given behavior is the special unhandled marker.

  10. def same[T]: Behavior[T]

    Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the system to reuse the previous behavior.

    Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the system to reuse the previous behavior. This is provided in order to avoid the allocation overhead of recreating the current behavior where that is not necessary.

  11. def start[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: TypedActorContext[T]): Behavior[T]

    Starts deferred behavior and nested deferred behaviors until all deferred behaviors in the stack are started and then the resulting behavior is returned.

  12. def stopped[T](postStop: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T]

    Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor shall terminate voluntarily.

    Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor shall terminate voluntarily. If this actor has created child actors then these will be stopped as part of the shutdown procedure.

    The PostStop signal that results from stopping this actor will be passed to the given postStop behavior. All other messages and signals will effectively be ignored.

  13. def stopped[T]: Behavior[T]

    Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor shall terminate voluntarily.

    Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor shall terminate voluntarily. If this actor has created child actors then these will be stopped as part of the shutdown procedure.

    The PostStop signal that results from stopping this actor will be passed to the current behavior. All other messages and signals will effectively be ignored.

  14. def unhandled[T]: Behavior[T]

    Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the system to reuse the previous behavior, including the hint that the message has not been handled.

    Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the system to reuse the previous behavior, including the hint that the message has not been handled. This hint may be used by composite behaviors that delegate (partial) handling to other behaviors.

  15. def validateAsInitial[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T]

    Validate the given behavior as a suitable initial actor behavior; most notably the behavior can neither be same nor unhandled.

    Validate the given behavior as a suitable initial actor behavior; most notably the behavior can neither be same nor unhandled. Starting out with a Stopped behavior is allowed, though.