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Header <boost/algorithm/hex.hpp>

Convert sequence of integral types into a sequence of hexadecimal characters and back. Based on the MySQL functions HEX and UNHEX.

Marshall Clow

namespace boost {
  namespace algorithm {
    struct hex_decode_error;
    struct non_hex_input;
    struct not_enough_input;

    typedef boost::error_info< struct bad_char_, char > bad_char;
    template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> 
      unspecified hex(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator);
    template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> 
      unspecified hex_lower(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator);
    template<typename T, typename OutputIterator> 
      boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< T >, OutputIterator >::type 
      hex(const T *, OutputIterator);
    template<typename T, typename OutputIterator> 
      boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< T >, OutputIterator >::type 
      hex_lower(const T *, OutputIterator);
    template<typename Range, typename OutputIterator> 
      unspecified hex(const Range &, OutputIterator);
    template<typename Range, typename OutputIterator> 
      unspecified hex_lower(const Range &, OutputIterator);
    template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> 
      OutputIterator unhex(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator);
    template<typename T, typename OutputIterator> 
      OutputIterator unhex(const T *, OutputIterator);
    template<typename Range, typename OutputIterator> 
      OutputIterator unhex(const Range &, OutputIterator);
    template<typename String> String hex(const String &);
    template<typename String> String hex_lower(const String &);
    template<typename String> String unhex(const String &);
