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std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> &)

Serialises a basic_outcome to a std::ostream.

Serialisation format is:

<unsigned int flags><space><value_type if set and not void><error_type if set and not void><exception_type if set and not void>

This is the wrong function to use if you wish to print human readable output. Use std::string print(const basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> &) instead.

Overridable: Not overridable.

Requires: That operator<< is a valid expression for std::ostream and T, EC and EP.


Header: <boost/outcome/iostream_support.hpp> (must be explicitly included manually).

Last revised: March 03, 2019 at 21:04:29 UTC

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