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  1. base

    Base class of most policy classes defining the narrow observer policies.

    1. static void _ub(Impl &&)

      Special function which causes noticeable hard undefined behaviour.

    2. static bool _has_value(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns true if a value is present in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    3. static bool _has_error(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns true if an error is present in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    4. static bool _has_exception(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns true if an exception is present in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    5. static bool _has_error_is_errno(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns true if the error code in the implementation passed in has a domain or category matching that of POSIX errno. Constexpr, never throws.

    6. static auto &&_value(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns a reference to the value in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    7. static auto &&_error(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns a reference to the error in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    8. static auto &&_exception(Impl &&) noexcept

      Returns a reference to the exception in the implementation passed in. Constexpr, never throws.

    9. static void _set_has_value(Impl &&, bool) noexcept

      Sets whether the implementation has a value. Constexpr, never throws.

    10. static void _set_has_error(Impl &&, bool) noexcept

      Sets whether the implementation has an error. Constexpr, never throws.

    11. static void _set_has_exception(Impl &&, bool) noexcept

      Sets whether the implementation has an exception. Constexpr, never throws.

    12. static void _set_has_exception(Impl &&, bool) noexcept

      Sets whether the implementation’s error code has a domain or category matching that of POSIX errno. Constexpr, never throws.

    13. static void narrow_value_check(Impl &&) noexcept

      Observer policy performing hard UB if no value is present. Constexpr, never throws.

    14. static void narrow_error_check(Impl &&) noexcept

      Observer policy performing hard UB if no error is present. Constexpr, never throws.

    15. static void narrow_exception_check(Impl &&) noexcept

      Observer policy performing hard UB if no exception is present. Constexpr, never throws.

  2. all_narrow

    Policy class defining that hard undefined behaviour should occur on incorrect narrow and wide value, error or exception observation. Inherits publicly from base.

  3. error_code_throw_as_system_error<T, EC, EP>

    Policy class defining that EP ought to be rethrown if possible, then the ADL discovered free function outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() should be called on incorrect wide value observation. Inherits publicly from base. Can only be used with basic_outcome.

  4. error_code_throw_as_system_error<T, EC, void>

    Policy class defining that the ADL discovered free function outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() should be called on incorrect wide value observation. Inherits publicly from base. Can only be used with basic_result.

  5. exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, EP>

    Policy class defining that the ADL discovered free function rethrow_exception() should be called on incorrect wide value observation. Inherits publicly from base. Can only be used with basic_outcome.

  6. exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, void>

    Policy class defining that the ADL discovered free function rethrow_exception() should be called on incorrect wide value observation. Inherits publicly from base. Can only be used with basic_result.

  7. fail_to_compile_observers

    Policy class defining that a static assertion should occur upon compilation of the wide value, error or exception observation. Inherits publicly from base.

  8. terminate

    Policy class defining that std::terminate() should be called on incorrect wide value, error or exception observation. Inherits publicly from base.

  9. throw_bad_result_access<EC>

    Policy class defining that bad_result_access_with<EC> should be thrown on incorrect wide value observation. Inherits publicly from base.

Last revised: December 13, 2018 at 21:10:19 UTC

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