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Custom payloads

So far in this tutorial, type EC in result<T, EC> has always been a std::error_code or boost::system::error_code. With NoValuePolicy set to default_policy<T, EC, EP>, EC needs in fact to merely satisfy the trait is_error_code_available<T> for EC to be treated as if an error_code. Outcome specialises that trait for std::error_code and boost::system::error_code, hence they “just work”.

If no specialisation exists, trait::is_error_code_available<EC> is true if there exists some ADL discovered free function make_error_code(EC).

Thus, we can in fact use any custom EC type we like, including one carrying additional information, or payload. This payload can carry anything you like, and you can tell Outcome to do various things with that payload under various circumstances. For example:

  1. If the user tries to observe an unsuccessful result, throw a custom exception containing the cause of failure with accompanying context from the payload.
  2. If the user ever constructs an outcome from a payload carrying result, set the exception ptr in the constructed outcome to a custom exception containing the cause of the failure with accompanying context from the payload.
  3. Transmit a stack backtrace specifying the exact point at which failure occurred, symbolising that backtrace into human readable text at the moment of conversion into human readable text.
  4. Upon a namespace-localised result from library A being copy/moved into a namespace-localised result from C bindings library B, set the C errno if the error code and category map onto the errno domain.

There are many, many other options of course. This tutorial can only cover a reasonable subset. This section covers Example 1 above, throwing custom exceptions with payload upon observation of an unsuccessful result.

Last revised: February 08, 2019 at 22:18:08 UTC

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