Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/polygon/polygon.hpp>
#include <cassert>
namespace gtl = boost::polygon;
using namespace boost::polygon::operators;
int main() {
//lets construct a 10x10 rectangle shaped polygon
typedef gtl::polygon_data<int> Polygon;
typedef gtl::polygon_traits<Polygon>::point_type Point;
Point pts[] = {gtl::construct<Point>(0, 0),
gtl::construct<Point>(10, 0),
gtl::construct<Point>(10, 10),
gtl::construct<Point>(0, 10) };
Polygon poly;
gtl::set_points(poly, pts, pts+4);
//now lets see what we can do with this polygon
assert(gtl::area(poly) == 100.0f);
assert(gtl::contains(poly, gtl::construct<Point>(5, 5)));
assert(!gtl::contains(poly, gtl::construct<Point>(15, 5)));
gtl::rectangle_data<int> rect;
assert(gtl::extents(rect, poly)); //get bounding box of poly
assert(gtl::equivalence(rect, poly)); //hey, that's slick
assert(gtl::winding(poly) == gtl::COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
assert(gtl::perimeter(poly) == 40.0f);
//add 5 to all coords of poly
gtl::convolve(poly, gtl::construct<Point>(5, 5));
//multiply all coords of poly by 2
gtl::scale_up(poly, 2);
gtl::set_points(rect, gtl::point_data<int>(10, 10),
gtl::point_data<int>(30, 30));
assert(gtl::equivalence(poly, rect));
return 0;
//Now you know how to use the built in polygon data type
Copyright: | Copyright � Intel Corporation 2008-2010. |
License: | Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) |