A 2D Physics Engine for Games
This is the complete list of members for b2EdgeAndPolygonContact, including all inherited members.
AddType(b2ContactCreateFcn *createFcn, b2ContactDestroyFcn *destroyFcn, b2Shape::Type typeA, b2Shape::Type typeB) (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protectedstatic |
b2Contact() (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inlineprotected |
b2Contact(b2Fixture *fixtureA, int32 indexA, b2Fixture *fixtureB, int32 indexB) (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
b2EdgeAndPolygonContact(b2Fixture *fixtureA, b2Fixture *fixtureB) (defined in b2EdgeAndPolygonContact) | b2EdgeAndPolygonContact | |
Create(b2Fixture *fixtureA, int32 indexA, b2Fixture *fixtureB, int32 indexB, b2BlockAllocator *allocator) (defined in b2EdgeAndPolygonContact) | b2EdgeAndPolygonContact | static |
Destroy(b2Contact *contact, b2BlockAllocator *allocator) (defined in b2EdgeAndPolygonContact) | b2EdgeAndPolygonContact | static |
Destroy(b2Contact *contact, b2Shape::Type typeA, b2Shape::Type typeB, b2BlockAllocator *allocator) (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protectedstatic |
e_bulletHitFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
e_enabledFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
e_filterFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
e_islandFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
e_toiFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
e_touchingFlag enum value (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
Evaluate(b2Manifold *manifold, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2Transform &xfB) | b2EdgeAndPolygonContact | virtual |
FlagForFiltering() | b2Contact | inlineprotected |
GetChildIndexA() const | b2Contact | inline |
GetChildIndexB() const | b2Contact | inline |
GetFixtureA() | b2Contact | inline |
GetFixtureA() const (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inline |
GetFixtureB() | b2Contact | inline |
GetFixtureB() const (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inline |
GetFriction() const | b2Contact | inline |
GetManifold() | b2Contact | inline |
GetManifold() const (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inline |
GetNext() | b2Contact | inline |
GetNext() const (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inline |
GetRestitution() const | b2Contact | inline |
GetTangentSpeed() const | b2Contact | inline |
GetWorldManifold(b2WorldManifold *worldManifold) const | b2Contact | inline |
InitializeRegisters() (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protectedstatic |
IsEnabled() const | b2Contact | inline |
IsTouching() const | b2Contact | inline |
m_fixtureA (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_fixtureB (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_flags (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_friction (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_indexA (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_indexB (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_manifold (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_next (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_nodeA (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_nodeB (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_prev (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_restitution (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_tangentSpeed (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_toi (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
m_toiCount (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
ResetFriction() | b2Contact | inline |
ResetRestitution() | b2Contact | inline |
s_initialized (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protectedstatic |
s_registers (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protectedstatic |
SetEnabled(bool flag) | b2Contact | inline |
SetFriction(float32 friction) | b2Contact | inline |
SetRestitution(float32 restitution) | b2Contact | inline |
SetTangentSpeed(float32 speed) | b2Contact | inline |
Update(b2ContactListener *listener) (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | protected |
~b2Contact() (defined in b2Contact) | b2Contact | inlineprotectedvirtual |
~b2EdgeAndPolygonContact() (defined in b2EdgeAndPolygonContact) | b2EdgeAndPolygonContact | inline |