
< cpp‎ | chrono
Utilities library
Type support (basic types, RTTI, type traits)
Dynamic memory management
Error handling
Program utilities
Variadic functions
Date and time
Function objects
Relational operators
Optional and any
Pairs and tuples
Swap, forward and move
Type operations
Defined in header <chrono>
constexpr chrono::hours operator "" h(unsigned long long hrs);
(1) (since C++14)
constexpr chrono::duration</*unspecified*/, std::ratio<3600,1>>
                        operator "" h(long double hrs);
(2) (since C++14)

Forms a std::chrono::duration literal representing hours.

1) integer literal, returns exactly std::chrono::hours(hrs)
2) floating-point literal, returns a floating-point duration equivalent to std::chrono::hours


[edit] Parameters

hrs - the number of hours

[edit] Return value

The std::chrono::duration literal.

[edit] Possible implementation

constexpr std::chrono::hours operator ""h(unsigned long long h)
    return std::chrono::hours(h);
constexpr std::chrono::duration<long double, ratio<3600,1>> operator ""h(long double h)
    return std::chrono::duration<long double, std::ratio<3600,1>>(h);

[edit] Notes

These operators are declared in the namespace std::literals::chrono_literals, where both literals and chrono_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::chrono_literals, and using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals.

In addition, within the namespace std::chrono, the directive using namespace literals::chrono_literals; is provided by the standard library, so that if a programmer uses using namespace std::chrono; to gain access to the duration classes, the duration literal operators become visible as well.

[edit] Example

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
int main()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    auto day = 24h;
    auto halfhour = 0.5h;
    std::cout << "one day is " << day.count() << " hours\n"
              << "half an hour is " << halfhour.count() << " hours\n";


one day is 24 hours
half an hour is 0.5 hours

[edit] See also

constructs new duration
(public member function of std::chrono::duration)