Source: Core/Spline.js

/*global define*/
    ], function(
        DeveloperError) {
    'use strict';

     * Creates a curve parameterized and evaluated by time. This type describes an interface
     * and is not intended to be instantiated directly.
     * @alias Spline
     * @constructor
     * @see CatmullRomSpline
     * @see HermiteSpline
     * @see LinearSpline
     * @see QuaternionSpline
    function Spline() {
         * An array of times for the control points.
         * @type {Number[]}
         * @default undefined
        this.times = undefined;

         * An array of control points.
         * @type {Cartesian3[]|Quaternion[]}
         * @default undefined
        this.points = undefined;


     * Evaluates the curve at a given time.
     * @function
     * @param {Number} time The time at which to evaluate the curve.
     * @param {Cartesian3|Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
     * @returns {Cartesian3|Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new instance of the point on the curve at the given time.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} time must be in the range <code>[t<sub>0</sub>, t<sub>n</sub>]</code>, where <code>t<sub>0</sub></code>
     *                             is the first element in the array <code>times</code> and <code>t<sub>n</sub></code> is the last element
     *                             in the array <code>times</code>.
    Spline.prototype.evaluate = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;

     * Finds an index <code>i</code> in <code>times</code> such that the parameter
     * <code>time</code> is in the interval <code>[times[i], times[i + 1]]</code>.
     * @param {Number} time The time.
     * @param {Number} startIndex The index from which to start the search.
     * @returns {Number} The index for the element at the start of the interval.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} time must be in the range <code>[t<sub>0</sub>, t<sub>n</sub>]</code>, where <code>t<sub>0</sub></code>
     *                             is the first element in the array <code>times</code> and <code>t<sub>n</sub></code> is the last element
     *                             in the array <code>times</code>.
    Spline.prototype.findTimeInterval = function(time, startIndex) {
        var times = this.times;
        var length = times.length;

        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(time)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('time is required.');
        if (time < times[0] || time > times[length - 1]) {
            throw new DeveloperError('time is out of range.');

        // Take advantage of temporal coherence by checking current, next and previous intervals
        // for containment of time.
        startIndex = defaultValue(startIndex, 0);

        if (time >= times[startIndex]) {
            if (startIndex + 1 < length && time < times[startIndex + 1]) {
                return startIndex;
            } else if (startIndex + 2 < length && time < times[startIndex + 2]) {
                return startIndex + 1;
        } else if (startIndex - 1 >= 0 && time >= times[startIndex - 1]) {
            return startIndex - 1;

        // The above failed so do a linear search. For the use cases so far, the
        // length of the list is less than 10. In the future, if there is a bottle neck,
        // it might be here.

        var i;
        if (time > times[startIndex]) {
            for (i = startIndex; i < length - 1; ++i) {
                if (time >= times[i] && time < times[i + 1]) {
        } else {
            for (i = startIndex - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                if (time >= times[i] && time < times[i + 1]) {

        if (i === length - 1) {
            i = length - 2;

        return i;

    return Spline;