/*global define*/
], function(
DeveloperError) {
'use strict';
* Terrain data for a single tile. This type describes an
* interface and is not intended to be instantiated directly.
* @alias TerrainData
* @constructor
* @see HeightmapTerrainData
* @see QuantizedMeshTerrainData
function TerrainData() {
defineProperties(TerrainData.prototype, {
* The water mask included in this terrain data, if any. A water mask is a rectangular
* Uint8Array or image where a value of 255 indicates water and a value of 0 indicates land.
* Values in between 0 and 255 are allowed as well to smoothly blend between land and water.
* @memberof TerrainData.prototype
* @type {Uint8Array|Image|Canvas}
waterMask : {
get : DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError
* Computes the terrain height at a specified longitude and latitude.
* @function
* @param {Rectangle} rectangle The rectangle covered by this terrain data.
* @param {Number} longitude The longitude in radians.
* @param {Number} latitude The latitude in radians.
* @returns {Number} The terrain height at the specified position. If the position
* is outside the rectangle, this method will extrapolate the height, which is likely to be wildly
* incorrect for positions far outside the rectangle.
TerrainData.prototype.interpolateHeight = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;
* Determines if a given child tile is available, based on the
* {@link TerrainData#childTileMask}. The given child tile coordinates are assumed
* to be one of the four children of this tile. If non-child tile coordinates are
* given, the availability of the southeast child tile is returned.
* @function
* @param {Number} thisX The tile X coordinate of this (the parent) tile.
* @param {Number} thisY The tile Y coordinate of this (the parent) tile.
* @param {Number} childX The tile X coordinate of the child tile to check for availability.
* @param {Number} childY The tile Y coordinate of the child tile to check for availability.
* @returns {Boolean} True if the child tile is available; otherwise, false.
TerrainData.prototype.isChildAvailable = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;
* Creates a {@link TerrainMesh} from this terrain data.
* @function
* @private
* @param {TilingScheme} tilingScheme The tiling scheme to which this tile belongs.
* @param {Number} x The X coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data.
* @param {Number} y The Y coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data.
* @param {Number} level The level of the tile for which to create the terrain data.
* @returns {Promise.<TerrainMesh>|undefined} A promise for the terrain mesh, or undefined if too many
* asynchronous mesh creations are already in progress and the operation should
* be retried later.
TerrainData.prototype.createMesh = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;
* Upsamples this terrain data for use by a descendant tile.
* @function
* @param {TilingScheme} tilingScheme The tiling scheme of this terrain data.
* @param {Number} thisX The X coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme.
* @param {Number} thisY The Y coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme.
* @param {Number} thisLevel The level of this tile in the tiling scheme.
* @param {Number} descendantX The X coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
* @param {Number} descendantY The Y coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
* @param {Number} descendantLevel The level within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling.
* @returns {Promise.<TerrainData>|undefined} A promise for upsampled terrain data for the descendant tile,
* or undefined if too many asynchronous upsample operations are in progress and the request has been
* deferred.
TerrainData.prototype.upsample = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;
* Gets a value indicating whether or not this terrain data was created by upsampling lower resolution
* terrain data. If this value is false, the data was obtained from some other source, such
* as by downloading it from a remote server. This method should return true for instances
* returned from a call to {@link TerrainData#upsample}.
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True if this instance was created by upsampling; otherwise, false.
TerrainData.prototype.wasCreatedByUpsampling = DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError;
return TerrainData;