Source: Core/loadJson.js

/*global define*/
    ], function(
        loadText) {
    'use strict';

    var defaultHeaders = {
        Accept : 'application/json,*/*;q=0.01'

    // note: */* below is */* but that ends the comment block early
     * Asynchronously loads the given URL as JSON.  Returns a promise that will resolve to
     * a JSON object once loaded, or reject if the URL failed to load.  The data is loaded
     * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,
     * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled. This function
     * adds 'Accept: application/json,*/*;q=0.01' to the request headers, if not
     * already specified.
     * @exports loadJson
     * @param {String|Promise.<String>} url The URL to request, or a promise for the URL.
     * @param {Object} [headers] HTTP headers to send with the request.
     * 'Accept: application/json,&#42;&#47;&#42;;q=0.01' is added to the request headers automatically
     * if not specified.
     * @returns {Promise.<Object>} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded.
     * @example
     * Cesium.loadJson('').then(function(jsonData) {
     *     // Do something with the JSON object
     * }).otherwise(function(error) {
     *     // an error occurred
     * });
     * @see loadText
     * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}
     * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}
    function loadJson(url, headers) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(url)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('url is required.');

        if (!defined(headers)) {
            headers = defaultHeaders;
        } else if (!defined(headers.Accept)) {
            // clone before adding the Accept header
            headers = clone(headers);
            headers.Accept = defaultHeaders.Accept;

        return loadText(url, headers).then(function(value) {
            return JSON.parse(value);

    return loadJson;