Source: Core/throttleRequestByServer.js

/*global define*/
    ], function(
        defaultValue) {
    'use strict';

    var activeRequests = {};

    var pageUri = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? new Uri(document.location.href) : new Uri();
    function getServer(url) {
        var uri = new Uri(url).resolve(pageUri);
        var server = uri.authority;
        if (!/:/.test(server)) {
            server = server + ':' + (uri.scheme === 'https' ? '443' : '80');
        return server;

     * Because browsers throttle the number of parallel requests allowed to each server,
     * this function tracks the number of active requests in progress to each server, and
     * returns undefined immediately if the request would exceed the maximum, allowing
     * the caller to retry later, instead of queueing indefinitely under the browser's control.
     * @exports throttleRequestByServer
     * @param {String} url The URL to request.
     * @param {throttleRequestByServer~RequestFunction} requestFunction The actual function that
     *        makes the request.
     * @returns {Promise.<Object>|undefined} Either undefined, meaning the request would exceed the maximum number of
     *          parallel requests, or a Promise for the requested data.
     * @example
     * // throttle requests for an image
     * var url = '';
     * function requestFunction(url) {
     *   // in this simple example, loadImage could be used directly as requestFunction.
     *   return Cesium.loadImage(url);
     * };
     * var promise = Cesium.throttleRequestByServer(url, requestFunction);
     * if (!Cesium.defined(promise)) {
     *   // too many active requests in progress, try again later.
     * } else {
     *   promise.then(function(image) {
     *     // handle loaded image
     *   });
     * }
     * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}
    function throttleRequestByServer(url, requestFunction) {
        var server = getServer(url);

        var activeRequestsForServer = defaultValue(activeRequests[server], 0);
        if (activeRequestsForServer >= throttleRequestByServer.maximumRequestsPerServer) {
            return undefined;

        activeRequests[server] = activeRequestsForServer + 1;

        return when(requestFunction(url), function(result) {
            return result;
        }).otherwise(function(error) {
            return when.reject(error);

     * Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be simultaneously open to a single server.  If this value is higher than
     * the number of requests per server actually allowed by the web browser, Cesium's ability to prioritize requests will be adversely
     * affected.
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 6
    throttleRequestByServer.maximumRequestsPerServer = 6;

     * A function that will make a request if there are available slots to the server.
     * @callback throttleRequestByServer~RequestFunction
     * @param {String} url The url to request.
     * @returns {Promise.<Object>} A promise for the requested data.

    return throttleRequestByServer;