/*global define*/
], function(
ImageryLayerFeatureInfo) {
'use strict';
* Describes the format in which to request GetFeatureInfo from a Web Map Service (WMS) server.
* @alias GetFeatureInfoFormat
* @constructor
* @param {String} type The type of response to expect from a GetFeatureInfo request. Valid
* values are 'json', 'xml', 'html', or 'text'.
* @param {String} [format] The info format to request from the WMS server. This is usually a
* MIME type such as 'application/json' or text/xml'. If this parameter is not specified, the provider will request 'json'
* using 'application/json', 'xml' using 'text/xml', 'html' using 'text/html', and 'text' using 'text/plain'.
* @param {Function} [callback] A function to invoke with the GetFeatureInfo response from the WMS server
* in order to produce an array of picked {@link ImageryLayerFeatureInfo} instances. If this parameter is not specified,
* a default function for the type of response is used.
function GetFeatureInfoFormat(type, format, callback) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(type)) {
throw new DeveloperError('type is required.');
this.type = type;
if (!defined(format)) {
if (type === 'json') {
format = 'application/json';
} else if (type === 'xml') {
format = 'text/xml';
} else if (type === 'html') {
format = 'text/html';
} else if (type === 'text') {
format = 'text/plain';
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
else {
throw new DeveloperError('format is required when type is not "json", "xml", "html", or "text".');
this.format = format;
if (!defined(callback)) {
if (type === 'json') {
callback = geoJsonToFeatureInfo;
} else if (type === 'xml') {
callback = xmlToFeatureInfo;
} else if (type === 'html') {
callback = textToFeatureInfo;
} else if (type === 'text') {
callback = textToFeatureInfo;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
else {
throw new DeveloperError('callback is required when type is not "json", "xml", "html", or "text".');
this.callback = callback;
function geoJsonToFeatureInfo(json) {
var result = [];
var features = json.features;
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; ++i) {
var feature = features[i];
var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo();
featureInfo.data = feature;
featureInfo.properties = feature.properties;
// If this is a point feature, use the coordinates of the point.
if (defined(feature.geometry) && feature.geometry.type === 'Point') {
var longitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];
var latitude = feature.geometry.coordinates[1];
featureInfo.position = Cartographic.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude);
return result;
var mapInfoMxpNamespace = 'http://www.mapinfo.com/mxp';
var esriWmsNamespace = 'http://www.esri.com/wms';
var wfsNamespace = 'http://www.opengis.net/wfs';
var gmlNamespace = 'http://www.opengis.net/gml';
function xmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var documentElement = xml.documentElement;
if (documentElement.localName === 'MultiFeatureCollection' && documentElement.namespaceURI === mapInfoMxpNamespace) {
// This looks like a MapInfo MXP response
return mapInfoXmlToFeatureInfo(xml);
} else if (documentElement.localName === 'FeatureInfoResponse' && documentElement.namespaceURI === esriWmsNamespace) {
// This looks like an Esri WMS response
return esriXmlToFeatureInfo(xml);
} else if (documentElement.localName === 'FeatureCollection' && documentElement.namespaceURI === wfsNamespace) {
// This looks like a WFS/GML response.
return gmlToFeatureInfo(xml);
} else if (documentElement.localName === 'ServiceExceptionReport') {
// This looks like a WMS server error, so no features picked.
throw new RuntimeError(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(documentElement));
} else if (documentElement.localName === 'msGMLOutput') {
return msGmlToFeatureInfo(xml);
} else {
// Unknown response type, so just dump the XML itself into the description.
return unknownXmlToFeatureInfo(xml);
function mapInfoXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var result = [];
var multiFeatureCollection = xml.documentElement;
var features = multiFeatureCollection.getElementsByTagNameNS(mapInfoMxpNamespace, 'Feature');
for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < features.length; ++featureIndex) {
var feature = features[featureIndex];
var properties = {};
var propertyElements = feature.getElementsByTagNameNS(mapInfoMxpNamespace, 'Val');
for (var propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < propertyElements.length; ++propertyIndex) {
var propertyElement = propertyElements[propertyIndex];
if (propertyElement.hasAttribute('ref')) {
var name = propertyElement.getAttribute('ref');
var value = propertyElement.textContent.trim();
properties[name] = value;
var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo();
featureInfo.data = feature;
featureInfo.properties = properties;
return result;
function esriXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var featureInfoResponse = xml.documentElement;
var result = [];
var properties;
var features = featureInfoResponse.getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'FIELDS');
if (features.length > 0) {
// Standard esri format
for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < features.length; ++featureIndex) {
var feature = features[featureIndex];
properties = {};
var propertyAttributes = feature.attributes;
for (var attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < propertyAttributes.length; ++attributeIndex) {
var attribute = propertyAttributes[attributeIndex];
properties[attribute.name] = attribute.value;
result.push(imageryLayerFeatureInfoFromDataAndProperties(feature, properties));
} else {
// Thredds format -- looks like esri, but instead of containing FIELDS, contains FeatureInfo element
var featureInfoElements = featureInfoResponse.getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'FeatureInfo');
for (var featureInfoElementIndex = 0; featureInfoElementIndex < featureInfoElements.length; ++featureInfoElementIndex) {
var featureInfoElement = featureInfoElements[featureInfoElementIndex];
properties = {};
// node.children is not supported in IE9-11, so use childNodes and check that child.nodeType is an element
var featureInfoChildren = featureInfoElement.childNodes;
for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < featureInfoChildren.length; ++childIndex) {
var child = featureInfoChildren[childIndex];
if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
properties[child.localName] = child.textContent;
result.push(imageryLayerFeatureInfoFromDataAndProperties(featureInfoElement, properties));
return result;
function gmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var result = [];
var featureCollection = xml.documentElement;
var featureMembers = featureCollection.getElementsByTagNameNS(gmlNamespace, 'featureMember');
for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < featureMembers.length; ++featureIndex) {
var featureMember = featureMembers[featureIndex];
var properties = {};
getGmlPropertiesRecursively(featureMember, properties);
result.push(imageryLayerFeatureInfoFromDataAndProperties(featureMember, properties));
return result;
// msGmlToFeatureInfo is similar to gmlToFeatureInfo, but assumes different XML structure
// eg. <msGMLOutput> <ABC_layer> <ABC_feature> <foo>bar</foo> ... </ABC_feature> </ABC_layer> </msGMLOutput>
function msGmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var result = [];
// Find the first child. Except for IE, this would work:
// var layer = xml.documentElement.children[0];
var layer;
var children = xml.documentElement.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
layer = children[i];
var featureMembers = layer.childNodes;
for (var featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < featureMembers.length; ++featureIndex) {
var featureMember = featureMembers[featureIndex];
if (featureMember.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var properties = {};
getGmlPropertiesRecursively(featureMember, properties);
result.push(imageryLayerFeatureInfoFromDataAndProperties(featureMember, properties));
return result;
function getGmlPropertiesRecursively(gmlNode, properties) {
var isSingleValue = true;
for (var i = 0; i < gmlNode.childNodes.length; ++i) {
var child = gmlNode.childNodes[i];
if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
isSingleValue = false;
if (child.localName === 'Point' || child.localName === 'LineString' || child.localName === 'Polygon' || child.localName === 'boundedBy') {
if (child.hasChildNodes() && getGmlPropertiesRecursively(child, properties)) {
properties[child.localName] = child.textContent;
return isSingleValue;
function imageryLayerFeatureInfoFromDataAndProperties(data, properties) {
var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo();
featureInfo.data = data;
featureInfo.properties = properties;
return featureInfo;
function unknownXmlToFeatureInfo(xml) {
var xmlText = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xml);
var element = document.createElement('div');
var pre = document.createElement('pre');
pre.textContent = xmlText;
var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo();
featureInfo.data = xml;
featureInfo.description = element.innerHTML;
return [featureInfo];
var emptyBodyRegex= /<body>\s*<\/body>/im;
var wmsServiceExceptionReportRegex = /<ServiceExceptionReport([\s\S]*)<\/ServiceExceptionReport>/im;
var titleRegex = /<title>([\s\S]*)<\/title>/im;
function textToFeatureInfo(text) {
// If the text is HTML and it has an empty body tag, assume it means no features were found.
if (emptyBodyRegex.test(text)) {
return undefined;
// If this is a WMS exception report, treat it as "no features found" rather than showing
// bogus feature info.
if (wmsServiceExceptionReportRegex.test(text)) {
return undefined;
// If the text has a <title> element, use it as the name.
var name;
var title = titleRegex.exec(text);
if (title && title.length > 1) {
name = title[1];
var featureInfo = new ImageryLayerFeatureInfo();
featureInfo.name = name;
featureInfo.description = text;
featureInfo.data = text;
return [featureInfo];
return GetFeatureInfoFormat;