Source: Scene/GroundPrimitive.js

/*global define*/
    ], function(
        StencilOperation) {
    'use strict';

     * A ground primitive represents geometry draped over the terrain in the {@link Scene}.  The geometry must be from a single {@link GeometryInstance}.
     * Batching multiple geometries is not yet supported.
     * <p>
     * A primitive combines the geometry instance with an {@link Appearance} that describes the full shading, including
     * {@link Material} and {@link RenderState}.  Roughly, the geometry instance defines the structure and placement,
     * and the appearance defines the visual characteristics.  Decoupling geometry and appearance allows us to mix
     * and match most of them and add a new geometry or appearance independently of each other. Only the {@link PerInstanceColorAppearance}
     * is supported at this time.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Because of the cutting edge nature of this feature in WebGL, it requires the EXT_frag_depth extension, which is currently only supported in Chrome,
     * Firefox, and Edge. Apple support is expected in iOS 9 and MacOS Safari 9. Android support varies by hardware and IE11 will most likely never support
     * it. You can use to verify support for your hardware.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Valid geometries are {@link CircleGeometry}, {@link CorridorGeometry}, {@link EllipseGeometry}, {@link PolygonGeometry}, and {@link RectangleGeometry}.
     * </p>
     * @alias GroundPrimitive
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
     * @param {Array|GeometryInstance} [options.geometryInstances] The geometry instances to render.
     * @param {Boolean} [] Determines if this primitive will be shown.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.vertexCacheOptimize=false] When <code>true</code>, geometry vertices are optimized for the pre and post-vertex-shader caches.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.interleave=false] When <code>true</code>, geometry vertex attributes are interleaved, which can slightly improve rendering performance but increases load time.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.compressVertices=true] When <code>true</code>, the geometry vertices are compressed, which will save memory.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.releaseGeometryInstances=true] When <code>true</code>, the primitive does not keep a reference to the input <code>geometryInstances</code> to save memory.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.allowPicking=true] When <code>true</code>, each geometry instance will only be pickable with {@link Scene#pick}.  When <code>false</code>, GPU memory is saved.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.asynchronous=true] Determines if the primitive will be created asynchronously or block until ready. If false initializeTerrainHeights() must be called first.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.debugShowBoundingVolume=false] For debugging only. Determines if this primitive's commands' bounding spheres are shown.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.debugShowShadowVolume=false] For debugging only. Determines if the shadow volume for each geometry in the primitive is drawn. Must be <code>true</code> on
     *                  creation for the volumes to be created before the geometry is released or options.releaseGeometryInstance must be <code>false</code>.
     * @example
     * // Example 1: Create primitive with a single instance
     * var rectangleInstance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
     *   geometry : new Cesium.RectangleGeometry({
     *     rectangle : Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(-140.0, 30.0, -100.0, 40.0)
     *   }),
     *   id : 'rectangle',
     *   attributes : {
     *     color : new Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
     *   }
     * });
     * scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.GroundPrimitive({
     *   geometryInstances : rectangleInstance
     * }));
     * // Example 2: Batch instances
     * var color = new Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); // Both instances must have the same color.
     * var rectangleInstance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
     *   geometry : new Cesium.RectangleGeometry({
     *     rectangle : Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(-140.0, 30.0, -100.0, 40.0)
     *   }),
     *   id : 'rectangle',
     *   attributes : {
     *     color : color
     *   }
     * });
     * var ellipseInstance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
     *     geometry : new Cesium.EllipseGeometry({
     *         center : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-105.0, 40.0),
     *         semiMinorAxis : 300000.0,
     *         semiMajorAxis : 400000.0
     *     }),
     *     id : 'ellipse',
     *     attributes : {
     *         color : color
     *     }
     * });
     * scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.GroundPrimitive({
     *   geometryInstances : [rectangleInstance, ellipseInstance]
     * }));
     * @see Primitive
     * @see GeometryInstance
     * @see Appearance
    function GroundPrimitive(options) {
        options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);

         * The geometry instance rendered with this primitive.  This may
         * be <code>undefined</code> if <code>options.releaseGeometryInstances</code>
         * is <code>true</code> when the primitive is constructed.
         * <p>
         * Changing this property after the primitive is rendered has no effect.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * Because of the rendering technique used, all geometry instances must be the same color.
         * If there is an instance with a differing color, a <code>DeveloperError</code> will be thrown
         * on the first attempt to render.
         * </p>
         * @type {Array|GeometryInstance}
         * @default undefined
        this.geometryInstances = options.geometryInstances;
         * Determines if the primitive will be shown.  This affects all geometry
         * instances in the primitive.
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default true
         */ = defaultValue(, true);
         * This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use nor is it optimized.
         * <p>
         * Draws the bounding sphere for each draw command in the primitive.
         * </p>
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default false
        this.debugShowBoundingVolume = defaultValue(options.debugShowBoundingVolume, false);

         * This property is for debugging only; it is not for production use nor is it optimized.
         * <p>
         * Draws the shadow volume for each geometry in the primitive. Must be <code>true</code> on
         * creation for the volumes to be created before the geometry is released or releaseGeometryInstances
         * must be <code>false</code>
         * </p>
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default false
        this.debugShowShadowVolume = defaultValue(options.debugShowShadowVolume, false);

        this._sp = undefined;
        this._spPick = undefined;

        this._rsStencilPreloadPass = undefined;
        this._rsStencilDepthPass = undefined;
        this._rsColorPass = undefined;
        this._rsPickPass = undefined;

        this._uniformMap = {};

        this._boundingVolumes = [];
        this._boundingVolumes2D = [];

        this._ready = false;
        this._readyPromise = when.defer();

        this._primitive = undefined;
        this._debugPrimitive = undefined;

        this._maxHeight = undefined;
        this._minHeight = undefined;

        this._maxTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMaxTerrainHeight;
        this._minTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMinTerrainHeight;

        this._boundingSpheresKeys = [];
        this._boundingSpheres = [];

        var appearance = new PerInstanceColorAppearance({
            flat : true

        var readOnlyAttributes;
        if (defined(this.geometryInstances) && isArray(this.geometryInstances) && this.geometryInstances.length > 1) {
            readOnlyAttributes = readOnlyInstanceAttributesScratch;

        this._primitiveOptions = {
            geometryInstances : undefined,
            appearance : appearance,
            vertexCacheOptimize : defaultValue(options.vertexCacheOptimize, false),
            interleave : defaultValue(options.interleave, false),
            releaseGeometryInstances : defaultValue(options.releaseGeometryInstances, true),
            allowPicking : defaultValue(options.allowPicking, true),
            asynchronous : defaultValue(options.asynchronous, true),
            compressVertices : defaultValue(options.compressVertices, true),
            _readOnlyInstanceAttributes : readOnlyAttributes,
            _createRenderStatesFunction : undefined,
            _createShaderProgramFunction : undefined,
            _createCommandsFunction : undefined,
            _createPickOffsets : true

    var readOnlyInstanceAttributesScratch = ['color'];

    defineProperties(GroundPrimitive.prototype, {
         * When <code>true</code>, geometry vertices are optimized for the pre and post-vertex-shader caches.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default true
        vertexCacheOptimize : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.vertexCacheOptimize;

         * Determines if geometry vertex attributes are interleaved, which can slightly improve rendering performance.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default false
        interleave : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.interleave;

         * When <code>true</code>, the primitive does not keep a reference to the input <code>geometryInstances</code> to save memory.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default true
        releaseGeometryInstances : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.releaseGeometryInstances;

         * When <code>true</code>, each geometry instance will only be pickable with {@link Scene#pick}.  When <code>false</code>, GPU memory is saved.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default true
        allowPicking : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.allowPicking;

         * Determines if the geometry instances will be created and batched on a web worker.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default true
        asynchronous : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.asynchronous;

         * When <code>true</code>, geometry vertices are compressed, which will save memory.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
         * @default true
        compressVertices : {
            get : function() {
                return this._primitiveOptions.compressVertices;

         * Determines if the primitive is complete and ready to render.  If this property is
         * true, the primitive will be rendered the next time that {@link GroundPrimitive#update}
         * is called.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @readonly
        ready : {
            get : function() {
                return this._ready;

         * Gets a promise that resolves when the primitive is ready to render.
         * @memberof GroundPrimitive.prototype
         * @type {Promise.<GroundPrimitive>}
         * @readonly
        readyPromise : {
            get : function() {
                return this._readyPromise.promise;

     * Determines if GroundPrimitive rendering is supported.
     * @param {Scene} scene The scene.
     * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if GroundPrimitives are supported; otherwise, returns <code>false</code>
    GroundPrimitive.isSupported = function(scene) {
        return scene.context.fragmentDepth;

    GroundPrimitive._defaultMaxTerrainHeight = 9000.0;
    GroundPrimitive._defaultMinTerrainHeight = -100000.0;

    GroundPrimitive._terrainHeights = undefined;
    GroundPrimitive._terrainHeightsMaxLevel = 6;

    function getComputeMaximumHeightFunction(primitive) {
        return function(granularity, ellipsoid) {
            var r = ellipsoid.maximumRadius;
            var delta = (r / Math.cos(granularity * 0.5)) - r;
            return primitive._maxHeight + delta;

    function getComputeMinimumHeightFunction(primitive) {
        return function(granularity, ellipsoid) {
            return primitive._minHeight;

    var stencilPreloadRenderState = {
        colorMask : {
            red : false,
            green : false,
            blue : false,
            alpha : false
        stencilTest : {
            enabled : true,
            frontFunction : StencilFunction.ALWAYS,
            frontOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            backFunction : StencilFunction.ALWAYS,
            backOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.INCREMENT_WRAP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.INCREMENT_WRAP
            reference : 0,
            mask : ~0
        depthTest : {
            enabled : false
        depthMask : false

    var stencilDepthRenderState = {
        colorMask : {
            red : false,
            green : false,
            blue : false,
            alpha : false
        stencilTest : {
            enabled : true,
            frontFunction : StencilFunction.ALWAYS,
            frontOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.INCREMENT_WRAP
            backFunction : StencilFunction.ALWAYS,
            backOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            reference : 0,
            mask : ~0
        depthTest : {
            enabled : true,
            func : DepthFunction.LESS_OR_EQUAL
        depthMask : false

    var colorRenderState = {
        stencilTest : {
            enabled : true,
            frontFunction : StencilFunction.NOT_EQUAL,
            frontOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            backFunction : StencilFunction.NOT_EQUAL,
            backOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            reference : 0,
            mask : ~0
        depthTest : {
            enabled : false
        depthMask : false,
        blending : BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND

    var pickRenderState = {
        stencilTest : {
            enabled : true,
            frontFunction : StencilFunction.NOT_EQUAL,
            frontOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            backFunction : StencilFunction.NOT_EQUAL,
            backOperation : {
                fail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zFail : StencilOperation.KEEP,
                zPass : StencilOperation.DECREMENT_WRAP
            reference : 0,
            mask : ~0
        depthTest : {
            enabled : false
        depthMask : false

    var scratchBVCartesianHigh = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchBVCartesianLow = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchBVCartesian = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchBVCartographic = new Cartographic();
    var scratchBVRectangle = new Rectangle();
    var tilingScheme = new GeographicTilingScheme();
    var scratchCorners = [new Cartographic(), new Cartographic(), new Cartographic(), new Cartographic()];
    var scratchTileXY = new Cartesian2();

    function getRectangle(frameState, geometry) {
        var ellipsoid = frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid;
        if (!defined(geometry.attributes) || !defined(geometry.attributes.position3DHigh)) {
            if (defined(geometry.rectangle)) {
                return geometry.rectangle;

            return undefined;

        var highPositions = geometry.attributes.position3DHigh.values;
        var lowPositions = geometry.attributes.position3DLow.values;
        var length = highPositions.length;

        var minLat = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        var minLon = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        var maxLat = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        var maxLon = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

        for (var i = 0; i < length; i +=3) {
            var highPosition = Cartesian3.unpack(highPositions, i, scratchBVCartesianHigh);
            var lowPosition = Cartesian3.unpack(lowPositions, i, scratchBVCartesianLow);

            var position = Cartesian3.add(highPosition, lowPosition, scratchBVCartesian);
            var cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(position, scratchBVCartographic);

            var latitude = cartographic.latitude;
            var longitude = cartographic.longitude;

            minLat = Math.min(minLat, latitude);
            minLon = Math.min(minLon, longitude);
            maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, latitude);
            maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, longitude);

        var rectangle = scratchBVRectangle;
        rectangle.north = maxLat;
        rectangle.south = minLat;
        rectangle.east = maxLon;
        rectangle.west = minLon;

        return rectangle;

    var scratchDiagonalCartesianNE = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchDiagonalCartesianSW = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchDiagonalCartographic = new Cartographic();
    var scratchCenterCartesian = new Cartesian3();
    var scratchSurfaceCartesian = new Cartesian3();

    function getTileXYLevel(rectangle) {
        Cartographic.fromRadians(rectangle.east, rectangle.north, 0.0, scratchCorners[0]);
        Cartographic.fromRadians(rectangle.west, rectangle.north, 0.0, scratchCorners[1]);
        Cartographic.fromRadians(rectangle.east, rectangle.south, 0.0, scratchCorners[2]);
        Cartographic.fromRadians(rectangle.west, rectangle.south, 0.0, scratchCorners[3]);

        // Determine which tile the bounding rectangle is in
        var lastLevelX = 0, lastLevelY = 0;
        var currentX = 0, currentY = 0;
        var maxLevel = GroundPrimitive._terrainHeightsMaxLevel;
        for(var i = 0; i <= maxLevel; ++i) {
            var failed = false;
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                var corner = scratchCorners[j];
                tilingScheme.positionToTileXY(corner, i, scratchTileXY);
                if (j === 0) {
                    currentX = scratchTileXY.x;
                    currentY = scratchTileXY.y;
                } else if(currentX !== scratchTileXY.x || currentY !== scratchTileXY.y) {
                    failed = true;

            if (failed) {

            lastLevelX = currentX;
            lastLevelY = currentY;

        if (i === 0) {
            return undefined;

        return {
            x : lastLevelX,
            y : lastLevelY,
            level : (i > maxLevel) ? maxLevel : (i - 1)

    function setMinMaxTerrainHeights(primitive, rectangle, ellipsoid) {
        var xyLevel = getTileXYLevel(rectangle);

        // Get the terrain min/max for that tile
        var minTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMinTerrainHeight;
        var maxTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMaxTerrainHeight;
        if (defined(xyLevel)) {
            var key = xyLevel.level + '-' + xyLevel.x + '-' + xyLevel.y;
            var heights = GroundPrimitive._terrainHeights[key];
            if (defined(heights)) {
                minTerrainHeight = heights[0];
                maxTerrainHeight = heights[1];

            // Compute min by taking the center of the NE->SW diagonal and finding distance to the surface
            ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(Rectangle.northeast(rectangle, scratchDiagonalCartographic),
            ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(Rectangle.southwest(rectangle, scratchDiagonalCartographic),

            Cartesian3.subtract(scratchDiagonalCartesianSW, scratchDiagonalCartesianNE, scratchCenterCartesian);
                Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchCenterCartesian, 0.5, scratchCenterCartesian), scratchCenterCartesian);
            var surfacePosition = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(scratchCenterCartesian, scratchSurfaceCartesian);
            if (defined(surfacePosition)) {
                var distance = Cartesian3.distance(scratchCenterCartesian, surfacePosition);
                minTerrainHeight = Math.min(minTerrainHeight, -distance);
            } else {
                minTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMinTerrainHeight;

        primitive._minTerrainHeight = Math.max(GroundPrimitive._defaultMinTerrainHeight, minTerrainHeight);
        primitive._maxTerrainHeight = maxTerrainHeight;

    var scratchBoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();
    function getInstanceBoundingSphere(rectangle, ellipsoid) {
        var xyLevel = getTileXYLevel(rectangle);

        // Get the terrain max for that tile
        var maxTerrainHeight = GroundPrimitive._defaultMaxTerrainHeight;
        if (defined(xyLevel)) {
            var key = xyLevel.level + '-' + xyLevel.x + '-' + xyLevel.y;
            var heights = GroundPrimitive._terrainHeights[key];
            if (defined(heights)) {
                maxTerrainHeight = heights[1];

        var result = BoundingSphere.fromRectangle3D(rectangle, ellipsoid, 0.0);
        BoundingSphere.fromRectangle3D(rectangle, ellipsoid, maxTerrainHeight, scratchBoundingSphere);
        return BoundingSphere.union(result, scratchBoundingSphere, result);

    function createBoundingVolume(primitive, frameState, geometry) {
        var ellipsoid = frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid;
        var rectangle = getRectangle(frameState, geometry);

        // Use an oriented bounding box by default, but switch to a bounding sphere if bounding box creation would fail.
        if (rectangle.width < CesiumMath.PI) {
            var obb = OrientedBoundingBox.fromRectangle(rectangle, primitive._maxHeight, primitive._minHeight, ellipsoid);
        } else {
            var highPositions = geometry.attributes.position3DHigh.values;
            var lowPositions = geometry.attributes.position3DLow.values;
            primitive._boundingVolumes.push(BoundingSphere.fromEncodedCartesianVertices(highPositions, lowPositions));

        if (!frameState.scene3DOnly) {
            var projection = frameState.mapProjection;
            var boundingVolume = BoundingSphere.fromRectangleWithHeights2D(rectangle, projection, primitive._maxHeight, primitive._minHeight);


    function createRenderStates(primitive, context, appearance, twoPasses) {
        if (defined(primitive._rsStencilPreloadPass)) {

        primitive._rsStencilPreloadPass = RenderState.fromCache(stencilPreloadRenderState);
        primitive._rsStencilDepthPass = RenderState.fromCache(stencilDepthRenderState);
        primitive._rsColorPass = RenderState.fromCache(colorRenderState);
        primitive._rsPickPass = RenderState.fromCache(pickRenderState);

    function createShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, appearance) {
        if (defined(primitive._sp)) {

        var context = frameState.context;

        var vs = ShadowVolumeVS;
        vs = primitive._primitive._batchTable.getVertexShaderCallback()(vs);
        vs = Primitive._appendShowToShader(primitive._primitive, vs);
        vs = Primitive._appendDistanceDisplayConditionToShader(primitive._primitive, vs);
        vs = Primitive._modifyShaderPosition(primitive, vs, frameState.scene3DOnly);
        vs = Primitive._updateColorAttribute(primitive._primitive, vs);

        var fs = ShadowVolumeFS;
        var attributeLocations = primitive._primitive._attributeLocations;

        primitive._sp = ShaderProgram.replaceCache({
            context : context,
            shaderProgram : primitive._sp,
            vertexShaderSource : vs,
            fragmentShaderSource : fs,
            attributeLocations : attributeLocations

        if (primitive._primitive.allowPicking) {
            var vsPick = ShaderSource.createPickVertexShaderSource(vs);
            vsPick = Primitive._updatePickColorAttribute(vsPick);

            var pickFS = new ShaderSource({
                sources : [fs],
                pickColorQualifier : 'varying'
            primitive._spPick = ShaderProgram.replaceCache({
                context : context,
                shaderProgram : primitive._spPick,
                vertexShaderSource : vsPick,
                fragmentShaderSource : pickFS,
                attributeLocations : attributeLocations
        } else {
            primitive._spPick = ShaderProgram.fromCache({
                context : context,
                vertexShaderSource : vs,
                fragmentShaderSource : fs,
                attributeLocations : attributeLocations

    function createColorCommands(groundPrimitive, colorCommands) {
        var primitive = groundPrimitive._primitive;
        var length = primitive._va.length * 3;
        colorCommands.length = length;

        var vaIndex = 0;
        var uniformMap = primitive._batchTable.getUniformMapCallback()(groundPrimitive._uniformMap);

        for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
            var vertexArray = primitive._va[vaIndex++];

            // stencil preload command
            var command = colorCommands[i];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = colorCommands[i] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsStencilPreloadPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._sp;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

            // stencil depth command
            command = colorCommands[i + 1];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = colorCommands[i + 1] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsStencilDepthPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._sp;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

            // color command
            command = colorCommands[i + 2];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = colorCommands[i + 2] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsColorPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._sp;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

    function createPickCommands(groundPrimitive, pickCommands) {
        var primitive = groundPrimitive._primitive;
        var pickOffsets = primitive._pickOffsets;
        var length = pickOffsets.length * 3;
        pickCommands.length = length;

        var pickIndex = 0;
        var uniformMap = primitive._batchTable.getUniformMapCallback()(groundPrimitive._uniformMap);

        for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 3) {
            var pickOffset = pickOffsets[pickIndex++];

            var offset = pickOffset.offset;
            var count = pickOffset.count;
            var vertexArray = primitive._va[pickOffset.index];

            // stencil preload command
            var command = pickCommands[j];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = pickCommands[j] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.offset = offset;
            command.count = count;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsStencilPreloadPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._sp;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

            // stencil depth command
            command = pickCommands[j + 1];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = pickCommands[j + 1] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.offset = offset;
            command.count = count;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsStencilDepthPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._sp;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

            // color command
            command = pickCommands[j + 2];
            if (!defined(command)) {
                command = pickCommands[j + 2] = new DrawCommand({
                    owner : groundPrimitive,
                    primitiveType : primitive._primitiveType

            command.vertexArray = vertexArray;
            command.offset = offset;
            command.count = count;
            command.renderState = groundPrimitive._rsPickPass;
            command.shaderProgram = groundPrimitive._spPick;
            command.uniformMap = uniformMap;
            command.pass = Pass.GROUND;

    function createCommands(groundPrimitive, appearance, material, translucent, twoPasses, colorCommands, pickCommands) {
        createColorCommands(groundPrimitive, colorCommands);
        createPickCommands(groundPrimitive, pickCommands);

    function updateAndQueueCommands(groundPrimitive, frameState, colorCommands, pickCommands, modelMatrix, cull, debugShowBoundingVolume, twoPasses) {
        var boundingVolumes;
        if (frameState.mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D) {
            boundingVolumes = groundPrimitive._boundingVolumes;
        } else if (frameState.mode !== SceneMode.SCENE3D && defined(groundPrimitive._boundingVolumes2D)) {
            boundingVolumes = groundPrimitive._boundingVolumes2D;

        var commandList = frameState.commandList;
        var passes = frameState.passes;
        if (passes.render) {
            var colorLength = colorCommands.length;
            for (var j = 0; j < colorLength; ++j) {
                colorCommands[j].modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
                colorCommands[j].boundingVolume = boundingVolumes[Math.floor(j / 3)];
                colorCommands[j].cull = cull;
                colorCommands[j].debugShowBoundingVolume = debugShowBoundingVolume;


        if (passes.pick) {
            var primitive = groundPrimitive._primitive;
            var pickOffsets = primitive._pickOffsets;
            var length = pickOffsets.length * 3;
            pickCommands.length = length;

            var pickIndex = 0;
            for (var k = 0; k < length; k += 3) {
                var pickOffset = pickOffsets[pickIndex++];
                var bv = boundingVolumes[pickOffset.index];

                pickCommands[k].modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
                pickCommands[k].boundingVolume = bv;
                pickCommands[k].cull = cull;

                pickCommands[k + 1].modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
                pickCommands[k + 1].boundingVolume = bv;
                pickCommands[k + 1].cull = cull;

                pickCommands[k + 2].modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
                pickCommands[k + 2].boundingVolume = bv;
                pickCommands[k + 2].cull = cull;

                commandList.push(pickCommands[k], pickCommands[k + 1], pickCommands[k + 2]);

    GroundPrimitive._initialized = false;
    GroundPrimitive._initPromise = undefined;

     * Initializes the minimum and maximum terrain heights. This only needs to be called if you are creating the
     * GroundPrimitive asynchronously.
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that will resolve once the terrain heights have been loaded.
    GroundPrimitive.initializeTerrainHeights = function() {
        var initPromise = GroundPrimitive._initPromise;
        if (defined(initPromise)) {
            return initPromise;

        GroundPrimitive._initPromise = loadJson(buildModuleUrl('Assets/approximateTerrainHeights.json')).then(function(json) {
            GroundPrimitive._initialized = true;
            GroundPrimitive._terrainHeights = json;

        return GroundPrimitive._initPromise;

     * Called when {@link Viewer} or {@link CesiumWidget} render the scene to
     * get the draw commands needed to render this primitive.
     * <p>
     * Do not call this function directly.  This is documented just to
     * list the exceptions that may be propagated when the scene is rendered:
     * </p>
     * @exception {DeveloperError} All instance geometries must have the same primitiveType.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} Appearance and material have a uniform with the same name.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} Not all of the geometry instances have the same color attribute.
    GroundPrimitive.prototype.update = function(frameState) {
        var context = frameState.context;
        if (!context.fragmentDepth || ! || (!defined(this._primitive) && !defined(this.geometryInstances))) {

        if (!GroundPrimitive._initialized) {
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!this.asynchronous) {
                throw new DeveloperError('For synchronous GroundPrimitives, you must call GroundPrimitive.initializeTerrainHeights() and wait for the returned promise to resolve.');


        if (!defined(this._primitive)) {
            var primitiveOptions = this._primitiveOptions;
            var ellipsoid = frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid;

            var instance;
            var geometry;
            var instanceType;

            var instances = isArray(this.geometryInstances) ? this.geometryInstances : [this.geometryInstances];
            var length = instances.length;
            var groundInstances = new Array(length);

            var i;
            var color;
            var rectangle;
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                instance = instances[i];
                geometry = instance.geometry;
                var instanceRectangle = getRectangle(frameState, geometry);
                if (!defined(rectangle)) {
                    rectangle = instanceRectangle;
                } else {
                    if (defined(instanceRectangle)) {
                        Rectangle.union(rectangle, instanceRectangle, rectangle);

                var id =;
                if (defined(id) && defined(instanceRectangle)) {
                    var boundingSphere = getInstanceBoundingSphere(instanceRectangle, ellipsoid);

                instanceType = geometry.constructor;
                if (defined(instanceType) && defined(instanceType.createShadowVolume)) {
                    var attributes = instance.attributes;

                    //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                    if (!defined(attributes) || !defined(attributes.color)) {
                        throw new DeveloperError('Not all of the geometry instances have the same color attribute.');
                    } else if (defined(color) && !ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.equals(color, attributes.color)) {
                        throw new DeveloperError('Not all of the geometry instances have the same color attribute.');
                    } else if (!defined(color)) {
                        color = attributes.color;
                } else {
                    //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
                    throw new DeveloperError('Not all of the geometry instances have GroundPrimitive support.');

            // Now compute the min/max heights for the primitive
            setMinMaxTerrainHeights(this, rectangle, frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid);
            var exaggeration = frameState.terrainExaggeration;
            this._minHeight = this._minTerrainHeight * exaggeration;
            this._maxHeight = this._maxTerrainHeight * exaggeration;

            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                instance = instances[i];
                geometry = instance.geometry;
                instanceType = geometry.constructor;
                groundInstances[i] = new GeometryInstance({
                    geometry : instanceType.createShadowVolume(geometry, getComputeMinimumHeightFunction(this),
                    attributes : instance.attributes,
                    id :,
                    pickPrimitive : this

            primitiveOptions.geometryInstances = groundInstances;

            var that = this;
            primitiveOptions._createBoundingVolumeFunction = function(frameState, geometry) {
                createBoundingVolume(that, frameState, geometry);
            primitiveOptions._createRenderStatesFunction = function(primitive, context, appearance, twoPasses) {
                createRenderStates(that, context);
            primitiveOptions._createShaderProgramFunction = function(primitive, frameState, appearance) {
                createShaderProgram(that, frameState);
            primitiveOptions._createCommandsFunction = function(primitive, appearance, material, translucent, twoPasses, colorCommands, pickCommands) {
                createCommands(that, undefined, undefined, true, false, colorCommands, pickCommands);
            primitiveOptions._updateAndQueueCommandsFunction = function(primitive, frameState, colorCommands, pickCommands, modelMatrix, cull, debugShowBoundingVolume, twoPasses) {
                updateAndQueueCommands(that, frameState, colorCommands, pickCommands, modelMatrix, cull, debugShowBoundingVolume, twoPasses);

            this._primitive = new Primitive(primitiveOptions);
            this._primitive.readyPromise.then(function(primitive) {
                that._ready = true;

                if (that.releaseGeometryInstances) {
                    that.geometryInstances = undefined;

                var error = primitive._error;
                if (!defined(error)) {
                } else {

        this._primitive.debugShowBoundingVolume = this.debugShowBoundingVolume;

        if (this.debugShowShadowVolume && !defined(this._debugPrimitive) && defined(this.geometryInstances)) {
            var debugInstances = isArray(this.geometryInstances) ? this.geometryInstances : [this.geometryInstances];
            var debugLength = debugInstances.length;
            var debugVolumeInstances = new Array(debugLength);

            for (var j = 0 ; j < debugLength; ++j) {
                var debugInstance = debugInstances[j];
                var debugGeometry = debugInstance.geometry;
                var debugInstanceType = debugGeometry.constructor;
                if (defined(debugInstanceType) && defined(debugInstanceType.createShadowVolume)) {
                    var debugColorArray = debugInstance.attributes.color.value;
                    var debugColor = Color.fromBytes(debugColorArray[0], debugColorArray[1], debugColorArray[2], debugColorArray[3]);
                    Color.subtract(new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), debugColor, debugColor);
                    debugVolumeInstances[j] = new GeometryInstance({
                        geometry : debugInstanceType.createShadowVolume(debugGeometry, getComputeMinimumHeightFunction(this), getComputeMaximumHeightFunction(this)),
                        attributes : {
                            color : ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(debugColor)
                        id :,
                        pickPrimitive : this

            this._debugPrimitive = new Primitive({
                geometryInstances : debugVolumeInstances,
                releaseGeometryInstances : true,
                allowPicking : false,
                asynchronous : false,
                appearance : new PerInstanceColorAppearance({
                    flat : true

        if (defined(this._debugPrimitive)) {
            if (this.debugShowShadowVolume) {
            } else {
                this._debugPrimitive = undefined;

     * @private
    GroundPrimitive.prototype.getBoundingSphere = function(id) {
        var index = this._boundingSpheresKeys.indexOf(id);
        if (index !== -1) {
            return this._boundingSpheres[index];

        return undefined;

     * Returns the modifiable per-instance attributes for a {@link GeometryInstance}.
     * @param {Object} id The id of the {@link GeometryInstance}.
     * @returns {Object} The typed array in the attribute's format or undefined if the is no instance with id.
     * @exception {DeveloperError} must call update before calling getGeometryInstanceAttributes.
     * @example
     * var attributes = primitive.getGeometryInstanceAttributes('an id');
     * attributes.color = Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.toValue(Cesium.Color.AQUA);
     * = Cesium.ShowGeometryInstanceAttribute.toValue(true);
    GroundPrimitive.prototype.getGeometryInstanceAttributes = function(id) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(this._primitive)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('must call update before calling getGeometryInstanceAttributes');
        return this._primitive.getGeometryInstanceAttributes(id);

     * Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
     * <p>
     * If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
     * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.
     * </p>
     * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if this object was destroyed; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
     * @see GroundPrimitive#destroy
    GroundPrimitive.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
        return false;

     * Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object.  Destroying an object allows for deterministic
     * release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.
     * <p>
     * Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
     * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.  Therefore,
     * assign the return value (<code>undefined</code>) to the object as done in the example.
     * </p>
     * @returns {undefined}
     * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
     * @example
     * e = e && e.destroy();
     * @see GroundPrimitive#isDestroyed
    GroundPrimitive.prototype.destroy = function() {
        this._primitive = this._primitive && this._primitive.destroy();
        this._debugPrimitive = this._debugPrimitive && this._debugPrimitive.destroy();
        this._sp = this._sp && this._sp.destroy();
        this._spPick = this._spPick && this._spPick.destroy();
        return destroyObject(this);

    return GroundPrimitive;