/*global define*/
], function(
ShadowMapShader) {
'use strict';
* Creates a shadow map from the provided light camera.
* The normalOffset bias pushes the shadows forward slightly, and may be disabled
* for applications that require ultra precise shadows.
* @alias ShadowMap
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options An object containing the following properties:
* @param {Context} options.context The context in which to create the shadow map.
* @param {Camera} options.lightCamera A camera representing the light source.
* @param {Boolean} [options.enabled=true] Whether the shadow map is enabled.
* @param {Boolean} [options.isPointLight=false] Whether the light source is a point light. Point light shadows do not use cascades.
* @param {Boolean} [options.pointLightRadius=100.0] Radius of the point light.
* @param {Boolean} [options.cascadesEnabled=true] Use multiple shadow maps to cover different partitions of the view frustum.
* @param {Number} [options.numberOfCascades=4] The number of cascades to use for the shadow map. Supported values are one and four.
* @param {Number} [options.maximumDistance=5000.0] The maximum distance used for generating cascaded shadows. Lower values improve shadow quality.
* @param {Number} [options.size=2048] The width and height, in pixels, of each shadow map.
* @param {Boolean} [options.softShadows=false] Whether percentage-closer-filtering is enabled for producing softer shadows.
* @param {Number} [options.darkness=0.3] The shadow darkness.
* @exception {DeveloperError} Only one or four cascades are supported.
* @demo {@link http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Shadows.html|Cesium Sandcastle Shadows Demo}
function ShadowMap(options) {
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
var context = options.context;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(context)) {
throw new DeveloperError('context is required.');
if (!defined(options.lightCamera)) {
throw new DeveloperError('lightCamera is required.');
if (defined(options.numberOfCascades) && ((options.numberOfCascades !== 1) && (options.numberOfCascades !== 4))) {
throw new DeveloperError('Only one or four cascades are supported.');
this._enabled = defaultValue(options.enabled, true);
this._softShadows = defaultValue(options.softShadows, false);
this.dirty = true;
* Specifies whether the shadow map originates from a light source. Shadow maps that are used for analytical
* purposes should set this to false so as not to affect scene rendering.
* @private
this.fromLightSource = defaultValue(options.fromLightSource, true);
* Determines the darkness of the shadows.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.3
this.darkness = defaultValue(options.darkness, 0.3);
this._darkness = this.darkness;
* Determines the maximum distance of the shadow map. Only applicable for cascaded shadows. Larger distances may result in lower quality shadows.
* @type {Number}
* @default 5000.0
this.maximumDistance = defaultValue(options.maximumDistance, 5000.0);
this._outOfView = false;
this._outOfViewPrevious = false;
this._needsUpdate = true;
// In IE11 polygon offset is not functional.
// TODO : Also disabled for Chrome (ANGLE) temporarily. Re-enable once https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/4560 is resolved.
var polygonOffsetSupported = true;
if (FeatureDetection.isInternetExplorer() || (FeatureDetection.isChrome() && FeatureDetection.isWindows())) {
polygonOffsetSupported = false;
this._polygonOffsetSupported = polygonOffsetSupported;
this._terrainBias = {
polygonOffset : polygonOffsetSupported,
polygonOffsetFactor : 1.1,
polygonOffsetUnits : 4.0,
normalOffset : true,
normalOffsetScale : 0.5,
normalShading : true,
normalShadingSmooth : 0.3,
depthBias : 0.0001
this._primitiveBias = {
polygonOffset : polygonOffsetSupported,
polygonOffsetFactor : 1.1,
polygonOffsetUnits : 4.0,
normalOffset : true,
normalOffsetScale : 0.1,
normalShading : true,
normalShadingSmooth : 0.05,
depthBias : 0.00002
this._pointBias = {
polygonOffset : false,
polygonOffsetFactor : 1.1,
polygonOffsetUnits : 4.0,
normalOffset : false,
normalOffsetScale : 0.0,
normalShading : true,
normalShadingSmooth : 0.1,
depthBias : 0.0005
// Framebuffer resources
this._depthAttachment = undefined;
this._colorAttachment = undefined;
// Uniforms
this._shadowMapMatrix = new Matrix4();
this._shadowMapTexture = undefined;
this._lightDirectionEC = new Cartesian3();
this._lightPositionEC = new Cartesian4();
this._distance = 0.0;
this._lightCamera = options.lightCamera;
this._shadowMapCamera = new ShadowMapCamera();
this._shadowMapCullingVolume = undefined;
this._sceneCamera = undefined;
this._boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();
this._isPointLight = defaultValue(options.isPointLight, false);
this._pointLightRadius = defaultValue(options.pointLightRadius, 100.0);
this._cascadesEnabled = this._isPointLight ? false : defaultValue(options.cascadesEnabled, true);
this._numberOfCascades = !this._cascadesEnabled ? 0 : defaultValue(options.numberOfCascades, 4);
this._fitNearFar = true;
this._maximumCascadeDistances = [25.0, 150.0, 700.0, Number.MAX_VALUE];
this._textureSize = new Cartesian2();
this._isSpotLight = false;
if (this._cascadesEnabled) {
// Cascaded shadows are always orthographic. The frustum dimensions are calculated on the fly.
this._shadowMapCamera.frustum = new OrthographicFrustum();
} else if (defined(this._lightCamera.frustum.fov)) {
// If the light camera uses a perspective frustum, then the light source is a spot light
this._isSpotLight = true;
// Uniforms
this._cascadeSplits = [new Cartesian4(), new Cartesian4()];
this._cascadeMatrices = [new Matrix4(), new Matrix4(), new Matrix4(), new Matrix4()];
this._cascadeDistances = new Cartesian4();
var numberOfPasses;
if (this._isPointLight) {
numberOfPasses = 6; // One shadow map for each direction
} else if (!this._cascadesEnabled) {
numberOfPasses = 1;
} else {
numberOfPasses = this._numberOfCascades;
this._passes = new Array(numberOfPasses);
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPasses; ++i) {
this._passes[i] = new ShadowPass(context);
this.debugShow = false;
this.debugFreezeFrame = false;
this._debugFreezeFrame = false;
this._debugCascadeColors = false;
this._debugLightFrustum = undefined;
this._debugCameraFrustum = undefined;
this._debugCascadeFrustums = new Array(this._numberOfCascades);
this._debugShadowViewCommand = undefined;
this._usesDepthTexture = context.depthTexture;
if (this._isPointLight) {
this._usesDepthTexture = false;
// Create render states for shadow casters
this._primitiveRenderState = undefined;
this._terrainRenderState = undefined;
this._pointRenderState = undefined;
// For clearing the shadow map texture every frame
this._clearCommand = new ClearCommand({
depth : 1.0,
color : new Color()
this._clearPassState = new PassState(context);
this._size = defaultValue(options.size, 2048);
this.size = this._size;
* Global maximum shadow distance used to prevent far off receivers from extending
* the shadow far plane. This helps set a tighter near/far when viewing objects from space.
* @private
ShadowMap.MAXIMUM_DISTANCE = 20000.0;
function ShadowPass(context) {
this.camera = new ShadowMapCamera();
this.passState = new PassState(context);
this.framebuffer = undefined;
this.textureOffsets = undefined;
this.commandList = [];
this.cullingVolume = undefined;
function createRenderState(colorMask, bias) {
return RenderState.fromCache({
cull : {
enabled : true,
face : CullFace.BACK
depthTest : {
enabled : true
colorMask : {
red : colorMask,
green : colorMask,
blue : colorMask,
alpha : colorMask
depthMask : true,
polygonOffset : {
enabled : bias.polygonOffset,
factor : bias.polygonOffsetFactor,
units : bias.polygonOffsetUnits
function createRenderStates(shadowMap) {
// Enable the color mask if the shadow map is backed by a color texture, e.g. when depth textures aren't supported
var colorMask = !shadowMap._usesDepthTexture;
shadowMap._primitiveRenderState = createRenderState(colorMask, shadowMap._primitiveBias);
shadowMap._terrainRenderState = createRenderState(colorMask, shadowMap._terrainBias);
shadowMap._pointRenderState = createRenderState(colorMask, shadowMap._pointBias);
* @private
ShadowMap.prototype.debugCreateRenderStates = function() {
defineProperties(ShadowMap.prototype, {
* Determines if the shadow map will be shown.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
enabled : {
get : function() {
return this._enabled;
set : function(value) {
this.dirty = this._enabled !== value;
this._enabled = value;
* Determines if soft shadows are enabled. Uses pcf filtering which requires more texture reads and may hurt performance.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
softShadows : {
get : function() {
return this._softShadows;
set : function(value) {
this.dirty = this._softShadows !== value;
this._softShadows = value;
* The width and height, in pixels, of each shadow map.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Number}
* @default 2048
size : {
get : function() {
return this._size;
set : function(value) {
resize(this, value);
* Whether the shadow map is out of view of the scene camera.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @private
outOfView : {
get : function() {
return this._outOfView;
* The culling volume of the shadow frustum.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {CullingVolume}
* @readonly
* @private
shadowMapCullingVolume : {
get : function() {
return this._shadowMapCullingVolume;
* The passes used for rendering shadows. Each face of a point light or each cascade for a cascaded shadow map is a separate pass.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {ShadowPass[]}
* @readonly
* @private
passes : {
get : function() {
return this._passes;
* Whether the light source is a point light.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @private
isPointLight : {
get : function() {
return this._isPointLight;
* Debug option for visualizing the cascades by color.
* @memberof ShadowMap.prototype
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @private
debugCascadeColors : {
get : function() {
return this._debugCascadeColors;
set : function(value) {
this.dirty = this._debugCascadeColors !== value;
this._debugCascadeColors = value;
function destroyFramebuffer(shadowMap) {
var length = shadowMap._passes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var pass = shadowMap._passes[i];
var framebuffer = pass.framebuffer;
if (defined(framebuffer) && !framebuffer.isDestroyed()) {
pass.framebuffer = undefined;
// Destroy the framebuffer attachments
shadowMap._depthAttachment = shadowMap._depthAttachment && shadowMap._depthAttachment.destroy();
shadowMap._colorAttachment = shadowMap._colorAttachment && shadowMap._colorAttachment.destroy();
function createSampler() {
return new Sampler({
wrapS : TextureWrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
wrapT : TextureWrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
minificationFilter : TextureMinificationFilter.NEAREST,
magnificationFilter : TextureMagnificationFilter.NEAREST
function createFramebufferColor(shadowMap, context) {
var depthRenderbuffer = new Renderbuffer({
context : context,
width : shadowMap._textureSize.x,
height : shadowMap._textureSize.y,
format : RenderbufferFormat.DEPTH_COMPONENT16
var colorTexture = new Texture({
context : context,
width : shadowMap._textureSize.x,
height : shadowMap._textureSize.y,
pixelFormat : PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype : PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
sampler : createSampler()
var framebuffer = new Framebuffer({
context : context,
depthRenderbuffer : depthRenderbuffer,
colorTextures : [colorTexture],
destroyAttachments : false
var length = shadowMap._passes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var pass = shadowMap._passes[i];
pass.framebuffer = framebuffer;
pass.passState.framebuffer = framebuffer;
shadowMap._shadowMapTexture = colorTexture;
shadowMap._depthAttachment = depthRenderbuffer;
shadowMap._colorAttachment = colorTexture;
function createFramebufferDepth(shadowMap, context) {
var depthStencilTexture = new Texture({
context : context,
width : shadowMap._textureSize.x,
height : shadowMap._textureSize.y,
pixelFormat : PixelFormat.DEPTH_STENCIL,
pixelDatatype : PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8,
sampler : createSampler()
var framebuffer = new Framebuffer({
context : context,
depthStencilTexture : depthStencilTexture,
destroyAttachments : false
var length = shadowMap._passes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var pass = shadowMap._passes[i];
pass.framebuffer = framebuffer;
pass.passState.framebuffer = framebuffer;
shadowMap._shadowMapTexture = depthStencilTexture;
shadowMap._depthAttachment = depthStencilTexture;
function createFramebufferCube(shadowMap, context) {
var depthRenderbuffer = new Renderbuffer({
context : context,
width : shadowMap._textureSize.x,
height : shadowMap._textureSize.y,
format : RenderbufferFormat.DEPTH_COMPONENT16
var cubeMap = new CubeMap({
context : context,
width : shadowMap._textureSize.x,
height : shadowMap._textureSize.y,
pixelFormat : PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype : PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
sampler : createSampler()
var faces = [cubeMap.negativeX, cubeMap.negativeY, cubeMap.negativeZ, cubeMap.positiveX, cubeMap.positiveY, cubeMap.positiveZ];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
var framebuffer = new Framebuffer({
context : context,
depthRenderbuffer : depthRenderbuffer,
colorTextures : [faces[i]],
destroyAttachments : false
var pass = shadowMap._passes[i];
pass.framebuffer = framebuffer;
pass.passState.framebuffer = framebuffer;
shadowMap._shadowMapTexture = cubeMap;
shadowMap._depthAttachment = depthRenderbuffer;
shadowMap._colorAttachment = cubeMap;
function createFramebuffer(shadowMap, context) {
if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
createFramebufferCube(shadowMap, context);
} else if (shadowMap._usesDepthTexture) {
createFramebufferDepth(shadowMap, context);
} else {
createFramebufferColor(shadowMap, context);
function checkFramebuffer(shadowMap, context) {
// Attempt to make an FBO with only a depth texture. If it fails, fallback to a color texture.
if (shadowMap._usesDepthTexture && (shadowMap._passes[0].framebuffer.status !== WebGLConstants.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)) {
shadowMap._usesDepthTexture = false;
createFramebuffer(shadowMap, context);
function updateFramebuffer(shadowMap, context) {
if (!defined(shadowMap._passes[0].framebuffer) || (shadowMap._shadowMapTexture.width !== shadowMap._textureSize.x)) {
createFramebuffer(shadowMap, context);
checkFramebuffer(shadowMap, context);
clearFramebuffer(shadowMap, context);
function clearFramebuffer(shadowMap, context, shadowPass) {
shadowPass = defaultValue(shadowPass, 0);
if (shadowMap._isPointLight || (shadowPass === 0)) {
shadowMap._clearCommand.framebuffer = shadowMap._passes[shadowPass].framebuffer;
shadowMap._clearCommand.execute(context, shadowMap._clearPassState);
function resize(shadowMap, size) {
shadowMap._size = size;
var passes = shadowMap._passes;
var numberOfPasses = passes.length;
var textureSize = shadowMap._textureSize;
if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
size = (ContextLimits.maximumCubeMapSize >= size) ? size : ContextLimits.maximumCubeMapSize;
textureSize.x = size;
textureSize.y = size;
var faceViewport = new BoundingRectangle(0, 0, size, size);
passes[0].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
passes[1].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
passes[2].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
passes[3].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
passes[4].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
passes[5].passState.viewport = faceViewport;
} else if (numberOfPasses === 1) {
// +----+
// | 1 |
// +----+
size = (ContextLimits.maximumTextureSize >= size) ? size : ContextLimits.maximumTextureSize;
textureSize.x = size;
textureSize.y = size;
passes[0].passState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(0, 0, size, size);
} else if (numberOfPasses === 4) {
// +----+----+
// | 3 | 4 |
// +----+----+
// | 1 | 2 |
// +----+----+
size = (ContextLimits.maximumTextureSize >= size * 2) ? size : ContextLimits.maximumTextureSize / 2;
textureSize.x = size * 2;
textureSize.y = size * 2;
passes[0].passState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(0, 0, size, size);
passes[1].passState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(size, 0, size, size);
passes[2].passState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(0, size, size, size);
passes[3].passState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(size, size, size, size);
// Update clear pass state
shadowMap._clearPassState.viewport = new BoundingRectangle(0, 0, textureSize.x, textureSize.y);
// Transforms shadow coordinates [0, 1] into the pass's region of the texture
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPasses; ++i) {
var pass = passes[i];
var viewport = pass.passState.viewport;
var biasX = viewport.x / textureSize.x;
var biasY = viewport.y / textureSize.y;
var scaleX = viewport.width / textureSize.x;
var scaleY = viewport.height / textureSize.y;
pass.textureOffsets = new Matrix4(scaleX, 0.0, 0.0, biasX, 0.0, scaleY, 0.0, biasY, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
var scratchViewport = new BoundingRectangle();
function createDebugShadowViewCommand(shadowMap, context) {
var fs;
if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
fs = 'uniform samplerCube shadowMap_textureCube; \n' +
'varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; \n' +
'void main() \n' +
'{ \n' +
' vec2 uv = v_textureCoordinates; \n' +
' vec3 dir; \n' +
' \n' +
' if (uv.y < 0.5) \n' +
' { \n' +
' if (uv.x < 0.333) \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.x = -1.0; \n' +
' dir.y = uv.x * 6.0 - 1.0; \n' +
' dir.z = uv.y * 4.0 - 1.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' else if (uv.x < 0.666) \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.y = -1.0; \n' +
' dir.x = uv.x * 6.0 - 3.0; \n' +
' dir.z = uv.y * 4.0 - 1.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' else \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.z = -1.0; \n' +
' dir.x = uv.x * 6.0 - 5.0; \n' +
' dir.y = uv.y * 4.0 - 1.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' } \n' +
' else \n' +
' { \n' +
' if (uv.x < 0.333) \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.x = 1.0; \n' +
' dir.y = uv.x * 6.0 - 1.0; \n' +
' dir.z = uv.y * 4.0 - 3.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' else if (uv.x < 0.666) \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.y = 1.0; \n' +
' dir.x = uv.x * 6.0 - 3.0; \n' +
' dir.z = uv.y * 4.0 - 3.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' else \n' +
' { \n' +
' dir.z = 1.0; \n' +
' dir.x = uv.x * 6.0 - 5.0; \n' +
' dir.y = uv.y * 4.0 - 3.0; \n' +
' } \n' +
' } \n' +
' \n' +
' float shadow = czm_unpackDepth(textureCube(shadowMap_textureCube, dir)); \n' +
' gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(shadow), 1.0); \n' +
'} \n';
} else {
fs = 'uniform sampler2D shadowMap_texture; \n' +
'varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; \n' +
'void main() \n' +
'{ \n' +
(shadowMap._usesDepthTexture ?
' float shadow = texture2D(shadowMap_texture, v_textureCoordinates).r; \n' :
' float shadow = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap_texture, v_textureCoordinates)); \n') +
' gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(shadow), 1.0); \n' +
'} \n';
var drawCommand = context.createViewportQuadCommand(fs, {
uniformMap : {
shadowMap_texture : function() {
return shadowMap._shadowMapTexture;
shadowMap_textureCube : function() {
return shadowMap._shadowMapTexture;
drawCommand.pass = Pass.OVERLAY;
return drawCommand;
function updateDebugShadowViewCommand(shadowMap, frameState) {
// Draws the shadow map on the bottom-right corner of the screen
var context = frameState.context;
var screenWidth = frameState.context.drawingBufferWidth;
var screenHeight = frameState.context.drawingBufferHeight;
var size = Math.min(screenWidth, screenHeight) * 0.3;
var viewport = scratchViewport;
viewport.x = screenWidth - size;
viewport.y = 0;
viewport.width = size;
viewport.height = size;
var debugCommand = shadowMap._debugShadowViewCommand;
if (!defined(debugCommand)) {
debugCommand = createDebugShadowViewCommand(shadowMap, context);
shadowMap._debugShadowViewCommand = debugCommand;
// Get a new RenderState for the updated viewport size
if (!defined(debugCommand.renderState) || !BoundingRectangle.equals(debugCommand.renderState.viewport, viewport)) {
debugCommand.renderState = RenderState.fromCache({
viewport : BoundingRectangle.clone(viewport)
var frustumCornersNDC = new Array(8);
frustumCornersNDC[0] = new Cartesian4(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[1] = new Cartesian4(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[2] = new Cartesian4(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[3] = new Cartesian4(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[4] = new Cartesian4(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[5] = new Cartesian4(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[6] = new Cartesian4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
frustumCornersNDC[7] = new Cartesian4(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
var scratchMatrix = new Matrix4();
var scratchFrustumCorners = new Array(8);
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
scratchFrustumCorners[i] = new Cartesian4();
function createDebugPointLight(modelMatrix, color) {
var box = new GeometryInstance({
geometry : new BoxOutlineGeometry({
minimum : new Cartesian3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5),
maximum : new Cartesian3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
attributes : {
color : ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(color)
var sphere = new GeometryInstance({
geometry : new SphereOutlineGeometry({
radius : 0.5
attributes : {
color : ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(color)
return new Primitive({
geometryInstances : [box, sphere],
appearance : new PerInstanceColorAppearance({
translucent : false,
flat : true
asynchronous : false,
modelMatrix : modelMatrix
var debugOutlineColors = [Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.MAGENTA];
var scratchScale = new Cartesian3();
function applyDebugSettings(shadowMap, frameState) {
updateDebugShadowViewCommand(shadowMap, frameState);
var enterFreezeFrame = shadowMap.debugFreezeFrame && !shadowMap._debugFreezeFrame;
shadowMap._debugFreezeFrame = shadowMap.debugFreezeFrame;
// Draw scene camera in freeze frame mode
if (shadowMap.debugFreezeFrame) {
if (enterFreezeFrame) {
// Recreate debug camera when entering freeze frame mode
shadowMap._debugCameraFrustum = shadowMap._debugCameraFrustum && shadowMap._debugCameraFrustum.destroy();
shadowMap._debugCameraFrustum = new DebugCameraPrimitive({
camera : shadowMap._sceneCamera,
color : Color.CYAN,
updateOnChange : false
if (shadowMap._cascadesEnabled) {
// Draw cascades only in freeze frame mode
if (shadowMap.debugFreezeFrame) {
if (enterFreezeFrame) {
// Recreate debug frustum when entering freeze frame mode
shadowMap._debugLightFrustum = shadowMap._debugLightFrustum && shadowMap._debugLightFrustum.destroy();
shadowMap._debugLightFrustum = new DebugCameraPrimitive({
camera : shadowMap._shadowMapCamera,
color : Color.YELLOW,
updateOnChange : false
for (var i = 0; i < shadowMap._numberOfCascades; ++i) {
if (enterFreezeFrame) {
// Recreate debug frustum when entering freeze frame mode
shadowMap._debugCascadeFrustums[i] = shadowMap._debugCascadeFrustums[i] && shadowMap._debugCascadeFrustums[i].destroy();
shadowMap._debugCascadeFrustums[i] = new DebugCameraPrimitive({
camera : shadowMap._passes[i].camera,
color : debugOutlineColors[i],
updateOnChange : false
} else if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
if (!defined(shadowMap._debugLightFrustum) || shadowMap._needsUpdate) {
var translation = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera.positionWC;
var rotation = Quaternion.IDENTITY;
var uniformScale = shadowMap._pointLightRadius * 2.0;
var scale = Cartesian3.fromElements(uniformScale, uniformScale, uniformScale, scratchScale);
var modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale(translation, rotation, scale, scratchMatrix);
shadowMap._debugLightFrustum = shadowMap._debugLightFrustum && shadowMap._debugLightFrustum.destroy();
shadowMap._debugLightFrustum = createDebugPointLight(modelMatrix, Color.YELLOW);
} else {
if (!defined(shadowMap._debugLightFrustum) || shadowMap._needsUpdate) {
shadowMap._debugLightFrustum = new DebugCameraPrimitive({
camera : shadowMap._shadowMapCamera,
color : Color.YELLOW,
updateOnChange : false
function ShadowMapCamera() {
this.viewMatrix = new Matrix4();
this.inverseViewMatrix = new Matrix4();
this.frustum = undefined;
this.positionCartographic = new Cartographic();
this.positionWC = new Cartesian3();
this.directionWC = Cartesian3.clone(Cartesian3.UNIT_Z);
this.upWC = Cartesian3.clone(Cartesian3.UNIT_Y);
this.rightWC = Cartesian3.clone(Cartesian3.UNIT_X);
this.viewProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4();
ShadowMapCamera.prototype.clone = function(camera) {
Matrix4.clone(camera.viewMatrix, this.viewMatrix);
Matrix4.clone(camera.inverseViewMatrix, this.inverseViewMatrix);
this.frustum = camera.frustum.clone(this.frustum);
Cartographic.clone(camera.positionCartographic, this.positionCartographic);
Cartesian3.clone(camera.positionWC, this.positionWC);
Cartesian3.clone(camera.directionWC, this.directionWC);
Cartesian3.clone(camera.upWC, this.upWC);
Cartesian3.clone(camera.rightWC, this.rightWC);
// Converts from NDC space to texture space
var scaleBiasMatrix = new Matrix4(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
ShadowMapCamera.prototype.getViewProjection = function() {
var view = this.viewMatrix;
var projection = this.frustum.projectionMatrix;
Matrix4.multiply(projection, view, this.viewProjectionMatrix);
Matrix4.multiply(scaleBiasMatrix, this.viewProjectionMatrix, this.viewProjectionMatrix);
return this.viewProjectionMatrix;
var scratchSplits = new Array(5);
var scratchFrustum = new PerspectiveFrustum();
var scratchCascadeDistances = new Array(4);
function computeCascades(shadowMap, frameState) {
var shadowMapCamera = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera;
var sceneCamera = shadowMap._sceneCamera;
var cameraNear = sceneCamera.frustum.near;
var cameraFar = sceneCamera.frustum.far;
var numberOfCascades = shadowMap._numberOfCascades;
// Split cascades. Use a mix of linear and log splits.
var i;
var range = cameraFar - cameraNear;
var ratio = cameraFar / cameraNear;
var lambda = 0.9;
var clampCascadeDistances = false;
// When the camera is close to a relatively small model, provide more detail in the closer cascades.
// If the camera is near or inside a large model, such as the root tile of a city, then use the default values.
// To get the most accurate cascade splits we would need to find the min and max values from the depth texture.
if (frameState.shadowHints.closestObjectSize < 200.0) {
clampCascadeDistances = true;
lambda = 0.9;
var cascadeDistances = scratchCascadeDistances;
var splits = scratchSplits;
splits[0] = cameraNear;
splits[numberOfCascades] = cameraFar;
// Find initial splits
for (i = 0; i < numberOfCascades; ++i) {
var p = (i + 1) / numberOfCascades;
var logScale = cameraNear * Math.pow(ratio, p);
var uniformScale = cameraNear + range * p;
var split = CesiumMath.lerp(uniformScale, logScale, lambda);
splits[i + 1] = split;
cascadeDistances[i] = split - splits[i];
if (clampCascadeDistances) {
// Clamp each cascade to its maximum distance
for (i = 0; i < numberOfCascades; ++i) {
cascadeDistances[i] = Math.min(cascadeDistances[i], shadowMap._maximumCascadeDistances[i]);
// Recompute splits
var distance = splits[0];
for (i = 0; i < numberOfCascades - 1; ++i) {
distance += cascadeDistances[i];
splits[i + 1] = distance;
Cartesian4.unpack(splits, 0, shadowMap._cascadeSplits[0]);
Cartesian4.unpack(splits, 1, shadowMap._cascadeSplits[1]);
Cartesian4.unpack(cascadeDistances, 0, shadowMap._cascadeDistances);
var shadowFrustum = shadowMapCamera.frustum;
var left = shadowFrustum.left;
var right = shadowFrustum.right;
var bottom = shadowFrustum.bottom;
var top = shadowFrustum.top;
var near = shadowFrustum.near;
var far = shadowFrustum.far;
var position = shadowMapCamera.positionWC;
var direction = shadowMapCamera.directionWC;
var up = shadowMapCamera.upWC;
var cascadeSubFrustum = sceneCamera.frustum.clone(scratchFrustum);
var shadowViewProjection = shadowMapCamera.getViewProjection();
for (i = 0; i < numberOfCascades; ++i) {
// Find the bounding box of the camera sub-frustum in shadow map texture space
cascadeSubFrustum.near = splits[i];
cascadeSubFrustum.far = splits[i + 1];
var viewProjection = Matrix4.multiply(cascadeSubFrustum.projectionMatrix, sceneCamera.viewMatrix, scratchMatrix);
var inverseViewProjection = Matrix4.inverse(viewProjection, scratchMatrix);
var shadowMapMatrix = Matrix4.multiply(shadowViewProjection, inverseViewProjection, scratchMatrix);
// Project each corner from camera NDC space to shadow map texture space. Min and max will be from 0 to 1.
var min = Cartesian3.fromElements(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, scratchMin);
var max = Cartesian3.fromElements(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, scratchMax);
for (var k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
var corner = Cartesian4.clone(frustumCornersNDC[k], scratchFrustumCorners[k]);
Matrix4.multiplyByVector(shadowMapMatrix, corner, corner);
Cartesian3.divideByScalar(corner, corner.w, corner); // Handle the perspective divide
Cartesian3.minimumByComponent(corner, min, min);
Cartesian3.maximumByComponent(corner, max, max);
// Limit light-space coordinates to the [0, 1] range
min.x = Math.max(min.x, 0.0);
min.y = Math.max(min.y, 0.0);
min.z = 0.0; // Always start cascade frustum at the top of the light frustum to capture objects in the light's path
max.x = Math.min(max.x, 1.0);
max.y = Math.min(max.y, 1.0);
max.z = Math.min(max.z, 1.0);
var pass = shadowMap._passes[i];
var cascadeCamera = pass.camera;
cascadeCamera.clone(shadowMapCamera); // PERFORMANCE_IDEA : could do a shallow clone for all properties except the frustum
var frustum = cascadeCamera.frustum;
frustum.left = left + min.x * (right - left);
frustum.right = left + max.x * (right - left);
frustum.bottom = bottom + min.y * (top - bottom);
frustum.top = bottom + max.y * (top - bottom);
frustum.near = near + min.z * (far - near);
frustum.far = near + max.z * (far - near);
pass.cullingVolume = cascadeCamera.frustum.computeCullingVolume(position, direction, up);
// Transforms from eye space to the cascade's texture space
var cascadeMatrix = shadowMap._cascadeMatrices[i];
Matrix4.multiply(cascadeCamera.getViewProjection(), sceneCamera.inverseViewMatrix, cascadeMatrix);
Matrix4.multiply(pass.textureOffsets, cascadeMatrix, cascadeMatrix);
var scratchLightView = new Matrix4();
var scratchRight = new Cartesian3();
var scratchUp = new Cartesian3();
var scratchMin = new Cartesian3();
var scratchMax = new Cartesian3();
var scratchTranslation = new Cartesian3();
function fitShadowMapToScene(shadowMap, frameState) {
var shadowMapCamera = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera;
var sceneCamera = shadowMap._sceneCamera;
// 1. First find a tight bounding box in light space that contains the entire camera frustum.
var viewProjection = Matrix4.multiply(sceneCamera.frustum.projectionMatrix, sceneCamera.viewMatrix, scratchMatrix);
var inverseViewProjection = Matrix4.inverse(viewProjection, scratchMatrix);
// Start to construct the light view matrix. Set translation later once the bounding box is found.
var lightDir = shadowMapCamera.directionWC;
var lightUp = sceneCamera.directionWC; // Align shadows to the camera view.
var lightRight = Cartesian3.cross(lightDir, lightUp, scratchRight);
lightUp = Cartesian3.cross(lightRight, lightDir, scratchUp); // Recalculate up now that right is derived
Cartesian3.normalize(lightUp, lightUp);
Cartesian3.normalize(lightRight, lightRight);
var lightPosition = Cartesian3.fromElements(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scratchTranslation);
var lightView = Matrix4.computeView(lightPosition, lightDir, lightUp, lightRight, scratchLightView);
var cameraToLight = Matrix4.multiply(lightView, inverseViewProjection, scratchMatrix);
// Project each corner from NDC space to light view space, and calculate a min and max in light view space
var min = Cartesian3.fromElements(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, scratchMin);
var max = Cartesian3.fromElements(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, scratchMax);
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
var corner = Cartesian4.clone(frustumCornersNDC[i], scratchFrustumCorners[i]);
Matrix4.multiplyByVector(cameraToLight, corner, corner);
Cartesian3.divideByScalar(corner, corner.w, corner); // Handle the perspective divide
Cartesian3.minimumByComponent(corner, min, min);
Cartesian3.maximumByComponent(corner, max, max);
// 2. Set bounding box back to include objects in the light's view
max.z += 1000.0; // Note: in light space, a positive number is behind the camera
min.z -= 10.0; // Extend the shadow volume forward slightly to avoid problems right at the edge
// 3. Adjust light view matrix so that it is centered on the bounding volume
var translation = scratchTranslation;
translation.x = -(0.5 * (min.x + max.x));
translation.y = -(0.5 * (min.y + max.y));
translation.z = -max.z;
var translationMatrix = Matrix4.fromTranslation(translation, scratchMatrix);
lightView = Matrix4.multiply(translationMatrix, lightView, lightView);
// 4. Create an orthographic frustum that covers the bounding box extents
var halfWidth = 0.5 * (max.x - min.x);
var halfHeight = 0.5 * (max.y - min.y);
var depth = max.z - min.z;
var frustum = shadowMapCamera.frustum;
frustum.left = -halfWidth;
frustum.right = halfWidth;
frustum.bottom = -halfHeight;
frustum.top = halfHeight;
frustum.near = 0.01;
frustum.far = depth;
// 5. Update the shadow map camera
Matrix4.clone(lightView, shadowMapCamera.viewMatrix);
Matrix4.inverse(lightView, shadowMapCamera.inverseViewMatrix);
Matrix4.getTranslation(shadowMapCamera.inverseViewMatrix, shadowMapCamera.positionWC);
frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(shadowMapCamera.positionWC, shadowMapCamera.positionCartographic);
Cartesian3.clone(lightDir, shadowMapCamera.directionWC);
Cartesian3.clone(lightUp, shadowMapCamera.upWC);
Cartesian3.clone(lightRight, shadowMapCamera.rightWC);
var directions = [
new Cartesian3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
new Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
var ups = [
new Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
var rights = [
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
new Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
new Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
new Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
function computeOmnidirectional(shadowMap, frameState) {
// All sides share the same frustum
var frustum = new PerspectiveFrustum();
frustum.fov = CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO;
frustum.near = 1.0;
frustum.far = shadowMap._pointLightRadius;
frustum.aspectRatio = 1.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
var camera = shadowMap._passes[i].camera;
camera.positionWC = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera.positionWC;
camera.positionCartographic = frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.positionWC, camera.positionCartographic);
camera.directionWC = directions[i];
camera.upWC = ups[i];
camera.rightWC = rights[i];
Matrix4.computeView(camera.positionWC, camera.directionWC, camera.upWC, camera.rightWC, camera.viewMatrix);
Matrix4.inverse(camera.viewMatrix, camera.inverseViewMatrix);
camera.frustum = frustum;
var scratchCartesian1 = new Cartesian3();
var scratchCartesian2 = new Cartesian3();
var scratchBoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();
var scratchCenter = scratchBoundingSphere.center;
function checkVisibility(shadowMap, frameState) {
var sceneCamera = shadowMap._sceneCamera;
var shadowMapCamera = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera;
var boundingSphere = scratchBoundingSphere;
// Check whether the shadow map is in view and needs to be updated
if (shadowMap._cascadesEnabled) {
// If the nearest shadow receiver is further than the shadow map's maximum distance then the shadow map is out of view.
if (sceneCamera.frustum.near >= shadowMap.maximumDistance) {
shadowMap._outOfView = true;
shadowMap._needsUpdate = false;
// If the light source is below the horizon then the shadow map is out of view
var surfaceNormal = frameState.mapProjection.ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(sceneCamera.positionWC, scratchCartesian1);
var lightDirection = Cartesian3.negate(shadowMapCamera.directionWC, scratchCartesian2);
var dot = Cartesian3.dot(surfaceNormal, lightDirection);
// Shadows start to fade out once the light gets closer to the horizon.
// At this point the globe uses vertex lighting alone to darken the surface.
var darknessAmount = CesiumMath.clamp(dot / 0.1, 0.0, 1.0);
shadowMap._darkness = CesiumMath.lerp(1.0, shadowMap.darkness, darknessAmount);
if (dot < 0.0) {
shadowMap._outOfView = true;
shadowMap._needsUpdate = false;
// By default cascaded shadows need to update and are always in view
shadowMap._needsUpdate = true;
shadowMap._outOfView = false;
} else if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
// Sphere-frustum intersection test
boundingSphere.center = shadowMapCamera.positionWC;
boundingSphere.radius = shadowMap._pointLightRadius;
shadowMap._outOfView = frameState.cullingVolume.computeVisibility(boundingSphere) === Intersect.OUTSIDE;
shadowMap._needsUpdate = !shadowMap._outOfView && !shadowMap._boundingSphere.equals(boundingSphere);
BoundingSphere.clone(boundingSphere, shadowMap._boundingSphere);
} else {
// Simplify frustum-frustum intersection test as a sphere-frustum test
var frustumRadius = shadowMapCamera.frustum.far / 2.0;
var frustumCenter = Cartesian3.add(shadowMapCamera.positionWC, Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(shadowMapCamera.directionWC, frustumRadius, scratchCenter), scratchCenter);
boundingSphere.center = frustumCenter;
boundingSphere.radius = frustumRadius;
shadowMap._outOfView = frameState.cullingVolume.computeVisibility(boundingSphere) === Intersect.OUTSIDE;
shadowMap._needsUpdate = !shadowMap._outOfView && !shadowMap._boundingSphere.equals(boundingSphere);
BoundingSphere.clone(boundingSphere, shadowMap._boundingSphere);
function updateCameras(shadowMap, frameState) {
var camera = frameState.camera; // The actual camera in the scene
var lightCamera = shadowMap._lightCamera; // The external camera representing the light source
var sceneCamera = shadowMap._sceneCamera; // Clone of camera, with clamped near and far planes
var shadowMapCamera = shadowMap._shadowMapCamera; // Camera representing the shadow volume, initially cloned from lightCamera
// Clone light camera into the shadow map camera
if (shadowMap._cascadesEnabled) {
Cartesian3.clone(lightCamera.directionWC, shadowMapCamera.directionWC);
} else if (shadowMap._isPointLight) {
Cartesian3.clone(lightCamera.positionWC, shadowMapCamera.positionWC);
} else {
// Get the light direction in eye coordinates
var lightDirection = shadowMap._lightDirectionEC;
Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(camera.viewMatrix, shadowMapCamera.directionWC, lightDirection);
Cartesian3.normalize(lightDirection, lightDirection);
Cartesian3.negate(lightDirection, lightDirection);
// Get the light position in eye coordinates
Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(camera.viewMatrix, shadowMapCamera.positionWC, shadowMap._lightPositionEC);
shadowMap._lightPositionEC.w = shadowMap._pointLightRadius;
// Get the near and far of the scene camera
var near;
var far;
if (shadowMap._fitNearFar) {
// shadowFar can be very large, so limit to shadowMap.maximumDistance
// Push the far plane slightly further than the near plane to avoid degenerate frustum
near = Math.min(frameState.shadowHints.nearPlane, shadowMap.maximumDistance);
far = Math.min(frameState.shadowHints.farPlane, shadowMap.maximumDistance + 1.0);
} else {
near = camera.frustum.near;
far = shadowMap.maximumDistance;
shadowMap._sceneCamera = Camera.clone(camera, sceneCamera);
shadowMap._sceneCamera.frustum.near = near;
shadowMap._sceneCamera.frustum.far = far;
shadowMap._distance = far - near;
checkVisibility(shadowMap, frameState);
if (!shadowMap._outOfViewPrevious && shadowMap._outOfView) {
shadowMap._needsUpdate = true;
shadowMap._outOfViewPrevious = shadowMap._outOfView;
* @private
ShadowMap.prototype.update = function(frameState) {
updateCameras(this, frameState);
if (this._needsUpdate) {
updateFramebuffer(this, frameState.context);
if (this._isPointLight) {
computeOmnidirectional(this, frameState);
if (this._cascadesEnabled) {
fitShadowMapToScene(this, frameState);
if (this._numberOfCascades > 1) {
computeCascades(this, frameState);
if (!this._isPointLight) {
// Compute the culling volume
var shadowMapCamera = this._shadowMapCamera;
var position = shadowMapCamera.positionWC;
var direction = shadowMapCamera.directionWC;
var up = shadowMapCamera.upWC;
this._shadowMapCullingVolume = shadowMapCamera.frustum.computeCullingVolume(position, direction, up);
if (this._passes.length === 1) {
// Since there is only one pass, use the shadow map camera as the pass camera.
} else {
this._shadowMapCullingVolume = CullingVolume.fromBoundingSphere(this._boundingSphere);
if (this._passes.length === 1) {
// Transforms from eye space to shadow texture space.
// Always requires an update since the scene camera constantly changes.
var inverseView = this._sceneCamera.inverseViewMatrix;
Matrix4.multiply(this._shadowMapCamera.getViewProjection(), inverseView, this._shadowMapMatrix);
if (this.debugShow) {
applyDebugSettings(this, frameState);
* @private
ShadowMap.prototype.updatePass = function(context, shadowPass) {
clearFramebuffer(this, context, shadowPass);
var scratchTexelStepSize = new Cartesian2();
function combineUniforms(shadowMap, uniforms, isTerrain) {
var bias = shadowMap._isPointLight ? shadowMap._pointBias : (isTerrain ? shadowMap._terrainBias : shadowMap._primitiveBias);
var mapUniforms = {
shadowMap_texture :function() {
return shadowMap._shadowMapTexture;
shadowMap_textureCube : function() {
return shadowMap._shadowMapTexture;
shadowMap_matrix : function() {
return shadowMap._shadowMapMatrix;
shadowMap_cascadeSplits : function() {
return shadowMap._cascadeSplits;
shadowMap_cascadeMatrices : function() {
return shadowMap._cascadeMatrices;
shadowMap_lightDirectionEC : function() {
return shadowMap._lightDirectionEC;
shadowMap_lightPositionEC : function() {
return shadowMap._lightPositionEC;
shadowMap_cascadeDistances : function() {
return shadowMap._cascadeDistances;
shadowMap_texelSizeDepthBiasAndNormalShadingSmooth : function() {
var texelStepSize = scratchTexelStepSize;
texelStepSize.x = 1.0 / shadowMap._textureSize.x;
texelStepSize.y = 1.0 / shadowMap._textureSize.y;
return Cartesian4.fromElements(texelStepSize.x, texelStepSize.y, bias.depthBias, bias.normalShadingSmooth, this.combinedUniforms1);
shadowMap_normalOffsetScaleDistanceMaxDistanceAndDarkness : function() {
return Cartesian4.fromElements(bias.normalOffsetScale, shadowMap._distance, shadowMap.maximumDistance, shadowMap._darkness, this.combinedUniforms2);
combinedUniforms1 : new Cartesian4(),
combinedUniforms2 : new Cartesian4()
return combine(uniforms, mapUniforms, false);
function createCastDerivedCommand(shadowMap, shadowsDirty, command, context, oldShaderId, result) {
var castShader;
var castRenderState;
var castUniformMap;
if (defined(result)) {
castShader = result.shaderProgram;
castRenderState = result.renderState;
castUniformMap = result.uniformMap;
result = DrawCommand.shallowClone(command, result);
result.castShadows = true;
result.receiveShadows = false;
if (!defined(castShader) || oldShaderId !== command.shaderProgram.id || shadowsDirty) {
if (defined(castShader)) {
var shaderProgram = command.shaderProgram;
var vertexShaderSource = shaderProgram.vertexShaderSource;
var fragmentShaderSource = shaderProgram.fragmentShaderSource;
var isTerrain = command.pass === Pass.GLOBE;
var isOpaque = command.pass !== Pass.TRANSLUCENT;
var isPointLight = shadowMap._isPointLight;
var useDepthTexture = shadowMap._usesDepthTexture;
var castVS = ShadowMapShader.createShadowCastVertexShader(vertexShaderSource, isPointLight, isTerrain);
var castFS = ShadowMapShader.createShadowCastFragmentShader(fragmentShaderSource, isPointLight, useDepthTexture, isOpaque);
castShader = ShaderProgram.fromCache({
context : context,
vertexShaderSource : castVS,
fragmentShaderSource : castFS,
attributeLocations : shaderProgram._attributeLocations
castRenderState = shadowMap._primitiveRenderState;
if (isPointLight) {
castRenderState = shadowMap._pointRenderState;
} else if (isTerrain) {
castRenderState = shadowMap._terrainRenderState;
// Modify the render state for commands that do not use back-face culling, e.g. flat textured walls
var cullEnabled = command.renderState.cull.enabled;
if (!cullEnabled) {
castRenderState = clone(castRenderState, false);
castRenderState.cull.enabled = false;
castRenderState = RenderState.fromCache(castRenderState);
castUniformMap = combineUniforms(shadowMap, command.uniformMap, isTerrain);
result.shaderProgram = castShader;
result.renderState = castRenderState;
result.uniformMap = castUniformMap;
return result;
ShadowMap.createDerivedCommands = function(shadowMaps, lightShadowMaps, command, shadowsDirty, context, result) {
if (!defined(result)) {
result = {};
var lightShadowMapsEnabled = (lightShadowMaps.length > 0);
var shaderProgram = command.shaderProgram;
var vertexShaderSource = shaderProgram.vertexShaderSource;
var fragmentShaderSource = shaderProgram.fragmentShaderSource;
var isTerrain = command.pass === Pass.GLOBE;
var hasTerrainNormal = false;
if (isTerrain) {
hasTerrainNormal = command.owner.data.pickTerrain.mesh.encoding.hasVertexNormals;
if (command.castShadows) {
var castCommands = result.castCommands;
if (!defined(castCommands)) {
castCommands = result.castCommands = [];
var oldShaderId = result.castShaderProgramId;
var shadowMapLength = shadowMaps.length;
castCommands.length = shadowMapLength;
for (var i = 0; i < shadowMapLength; ++i) {
castCommands[i] = createCastDerivedCommand(shadowMaps[i], shadowsDirty, command, context, oldShaderId, castCommands[i]);
result.castShaderProgramId = command.shaderProgram.id;
if (command.receiveShadows && lightShadowMapsEnabled) {
// Only generate a receiveCommand if there is a shadow map originating from a light source.
var receiveShader;
var receiveUniformMap;
if (defined(result.receiveCommand)) {
receiveShader = result.receiveCommand.shaderProgram;
receiveUniformMap = result.receiveCommand.uniformMap;
result.receiveCommand = DrawCommand.shallowClone(command, result.receiveCommand);
result.castShadows = false;
result.receiveShadows = true;
// If castShadows changed, recompile the receive shadows shader. The normal shading technique simulates
// self-shadowing so it should be turned off if castShadows is false.
var castShadowsDirty = result.receiveShaderCastShadows !== command.castShadows;
var shaderDirty = result.receiveShaderProgramId !== command.shaderProgram.id;
if (!defined(receiveShader) || shaderDirty || shadowsDirty || castShadowsDirty) {
if (defined(receiveShader)) {
var receiveVS = ShadowMapShader.createShadowReceiveVertexShader(vertexShaderSource, isTerrain, hasTerrainNormal);
var receiveFS = ShadowMapShader.createShadowReceiveFragmentShader(fragmentShaderSource, lightShadowMaps[0], command.castShadows, isTerrain, hasTerrainNormal);
receiveShader = ShaderProgram.fromCache({
context : context,
vertexShaderSource : receiveVS,
fragmentShaderSource : receiveFS,
attributeLocations : shaderProgram._attributeLocations
receiveUniformMap = combineUniforms(lightShadowMaps[0], command.uniformMap, isTerrain);
result.receiveCommand.shaderProgram = receiveShader;
result.receiveCommand.uniformMap = receiveUniformMap;
result.receiveShaderProgramId = command.shaderProgram.id;
result.receiveShaderCastShadows = command.castShadows;
return result;
* @private
ShadowMap.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
return false;
* @private
ShadowMap.prototype.destroy = function() {
this._debugLightFrustum = this._debugLightFrustum && this._debugLightFrustum.destroy();
this._debugCameraFrustum = this._debugCameraFrustum && this._debugCameraFrustum.destroy();
this._debugShadowViewCommand = this._debugShadowViewCommand && this._debugShadowViewCommand.shaderProgram && this._debugShadowViewCommand.shaderProgram.destroy();
for (var i = 0; i < this._numberOfCascades; ++i) {
this._debugCascadeFrustums[i] = this._debugCascadeFrustums[i] && this._debugCascadeFrustums[i].destroy();
return destroyObject(this);
return ShadowMap;