Source: Widgets/PerformanceWatchdog/PerformanceWatchdogViewModel.js

/*global define*/
    ], function(
        createCommand) {
    'use strict';

     * The view model for {@link PerformanceWatchdog}.
     * @alias PerformanceWatchdogViewModel
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
     * @param {Scene} options.scene The Scene instance for which to monitor performance.
     * @param {String} [options.lowFrameRateMessage='This application appears to be performing poorly on your system.  Please try using a different web browser or updating your video drivers.'] The
     *        message to display when a low frame rate is detected.  The message is interpeted as HTML, so make sure
     *        it comes from a trusted source so that your application is not vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.
    function PerformanceWatchdogViewModel(options) {
        //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
        if (!defined(options) || !defined(options.scene)) {
            throw new DeveloperError('options.scene is required.');

        this._scene = options.scene;

         * Gets or sets the message to display when a low frame rate is detected.  This string will be interpreted as HTML.
         * @type {String}
        this.lowFrameRateMessage = defaultValue(options.lowFrameRateMessage, 'This application appears to be performing poorly on your system.  Please try using a different web browser or updating your video drivers.');

         * Gets or sets a value indicating whether the low frame rate message has previously been dismissed by the user.  If it has
         * been dismissed, the message will not be redisplayed, no matter the frame rate.
         * @type {Boolean}
        this.lowFrameRateMessageDismissed = false;

         * Gets or sets a value indicating whether the low frame rate message is currently being displayed.
         * @type {Boolean}
        this.showingLowFrameRateMessage = false;

        knockout.track(this, ['lowFrameRateMessage', 'lowFrameRateMessageDismissed', 'showingLowFrameRateMessage']);

        var that = this;
        this._dismissMessage = createCommand(function() {
            that.showingLowFrameRateMessage = false;
            that.lowFrameRateMessageDismissed = true;

        var monitor = FrameRateMonitor.fromScene(options.scene);

        this._unsubscribeLowFrameRate = monitor.lowFrameRate.addEventListener(function() {
            if (!that.lowFrameRateMessageDismissed) {
                that.showingLowFrameRateMessage = true;

        this._unsubscribeNominalFrameRate = monitor.nominalFrameRate.addEventListener(function() {
            that.showingLowFrameRateMessage = false;

    defineProperties(PerformanceWatchdogViewModel.prototype, {
         * Gets the {@link Scene} instance for which to monitor performance.
         * @memberof PerformanceWatchdogViewModel.prototype
         * @type {Scene}
        scene : {
            get : function() {
                return this._scene;

         * Gets a command that dismisses the low frame rate message.  Once it is dismissed, the message
         * will not be redisplayed.
         * @memberof PerformanceWatchdogViewModel.prototype
         * @type {Command}
        dismissMessage : {
            get : function() {
                return this._dismissMessage;

    PerformanceWatchdogViewModel.prototype.destroy = function() {

        return destroyObject(this);

    return PerformanceWatchdogViewModel;