CCPotentiometer Class Reference

Inherits from CCControl : CCNode : CCResponder : NSObject
Declared in CCPotentiometer.h


Potentiometer control for Cocos2D.

A CCPotentiometer object is a visual control used to select a single value in a circular motion from a continuous range of values. An indicator notes the current value of the potentiometer and can be moved by the user to change the setting.

Creating Potentiometers

– initWithTrackSprite:progressSprite:thumbSprite:

Initializes a potentiometer with a track sprite and a progress bar.

- (id)initWithTrackSprite:(CCSprite *)trackSprite progressSprite:(CCProgressNode *)progressTimer thumbSprite:(CCSprite *)thumbSprite



CCSprite, that is used as a background.


CCProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar.


CCSprite, that is used as a thumb.

Declared In


+ potentiometerWithTrackFile:progressFile:thumbFile:

Creates potentiometer with a track filename and a progress filename.

+ (id)potentiometerWithTrackFile:(NSString *)backgroundFile progressFile:(NSString *)progressFile thumbFile:(NSString *)thumbFile

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Accessing the Potentiometer’s Value


Contains the receiver’s current value.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float value


Setting this property causes the receiver to redraw itself using the new value. To render an animated transition from the current value to the new value, you should use the setValue:animated: method instead.

If you try to set a value that is below the minimum or above the maximum value, the minimum or maximum value is set instead. The default value of this property is 0.0.

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– setValue:animated:

Sets the receiver’s current value, allowing you to animate the change visually.

- (void)setValue:(float)value animated:(BOOL)animated



The new value to assign to the value property.


Specify YES to animate the change in value when the receiver is redrawn; otherwise, specify NO to draw the receiver with the new value only. Animations are performed asynchronously and do not block the calling thread.


If you try to set a value that is below the minimum or above the maximum value, the minimum or maximum value is set instead. The default value of this property is 0.0.

See Also

Declared In


Accessing the Potentiometer’s Value Limits


Contains the minimum value of the receiver. The default value of this property is 0.0.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float minimumValue

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Contains the maximum value of the receiver. The default value of this property is 1.0.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float maximumValue

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Customizing the Appearance of the Slider


The color used to tint the appearance of the thumb when the potentiometer is pushed.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CCColor *onThumbTintColor


The default color is ccGRAY.

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