CCScrollView Class Reference

Inherits from CCNode : CCResponder : NSObject
Conforms to UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
Declared in CCScrollView.h


A scroll view implementation similar to but technically unrelated to UIScrollView.

The scroll view supports pagination, where content snaps back to the nearest page when the user stopped dragging the content. The behavior is similar to flicking through photos in the iOS Photo Album app.

If you initialize the CCScrollView with a contentNode, the scroll view’s contentSize will be set to automatically scale with the content node’s size. You can also set the scroll view’s contentSize to a fixed size to limit where the scroll view reacts to touches, but this will not prevent the content node from drawing its contents over the bounds of the scroll view (ie CCScrollView is not combined with CCClippingNode behavior). Though you could use a clipping node as the content node, and add the actual content node to the clipping node if that’s what you’re looking for.

In pagination mode, the contentNode must have a contentSize that’s a multiple of the number of pages you want to display. Ie in a horizontal paging scroll view with width 350 points and 7 pages the content node’s width must be 2450 points. If there’s a mismatch you’ll notice that as you flick through pages they won’t be aligned perfectly with the rectangle defined by the scroll view’s position and contentSize.

A simple code example for a scroll view positioned at the center, extending 200 points to the right and up:


CCSprite* contentNode = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:@"Default.png"];

CCScrollView* scrollView = [CCScrollView scrollViewWithContentNode:contentNode];
scrollView.contentSizeType = CCSizeTypePoints;
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(200, 200);
CGSize viewSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].viewSize;
scrollView.position = CGPointMake(viewSize.width / 2.0, viewSize.height / 2.0);
[self addChild:scrollView];


let contentNode = CCSprite(imageNamed: "Default.png")

let scrollView = CCScrollView(contentNode: contentNode)
scrollView.contentSizeType = CCSizeType(widthUnit: .Points, heightUnit: .Points)
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(200, 200)
let viewSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector().viewSize()
scrollView.position = CGPoint(x: viewSize.width / 2.0, y: viewSize.height / 2.0)

Notice that you have to change the contentSizeType if you want to feed point coordinates into the contentSize because the type defaults to CCSizeTypeNormalized.

Refer to the CCScrollViewTest for more code examples.

Note: CCScrollView internally uses UIGestureRecognizer instances to control the scrolling. You may run into issues when using your own gesture recognizers while a CCScrollView is active.

Warning: You should not manually alter the contentNode’s CCNode properties while it is part of a scroll view, specifically don’t modify properties or run actions that affect its position, size and scale.

Warning: Contrary to its name, this node is not supposed to be used to scroll game worlds! Specifically it is not meant to scroll content based on the position of other objects, such as the player character’s node. For this kind of scrolling, CCScrollView is inefficient and can have adverse side-effects. CCScrollView is supposed to be used for content that’s scrolled directly through user interaction (dragging, flicking). For that, it captures user input, so one major issue would be to allow user interaction on the game world’s contents and converting coordinates of touch input to the actual scroll location. For “correct” game world scrolling, please find a solution better suited to the purpose. For one such solution and more details about CCScrollView in general please refer to the Learn SpriteBuilder book.

Creating a Scroll View

+ scrollViewWithContentNode:

Creates a new scroll view with a content node.

+ (id)scrollViewWithContentNode:(CCNode *)contentNode



The node the scroll view will display. Must not be nil.


This also sets the scroll view’s contentSize as normalized to (same size as) the contentNode’s size:

self.contentSize = CGSizeMake(1, 1); self.contentSizeType = CCSizeTypeNormalized;

Declared In


– initWithContentNode:

Initializes a new scroll view with a content node.

- (id)initWithContentNode:(CCNode *)contentNode



The node the scroll view will display. Must not be nil.


This also sets the scroll view’s contentSize as normalized to (same size as) the contentNode’s size:

self.contentSize = CGSizeMake(1, 1);
self.contentSizeType = CCSizeTypeNormalized;

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Assigning Content Node and Delegate


An object that implements the CCScrollViewDelegate protocol. Use this to get informed about scroll view events.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<CCScrollViewDelegate> delegate

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The content node. Assigning a new content node will remove and replace the previous one.

@property (nonatomic, strong) CCNode *contentNode


Note: Assigning a new contentNode will not update the scroll view’s [CCNode contentSize] and [CCNode contentSizeType] properties. If you need multiple views with varying sizes/pages you will also have to update these properties after assigning a new contentNode with different dimensions or pages.

Declared In


Scrolling Properties


This is essentially the content node’s position relative to the scroll view’s origin.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint scrollPosition


Note: Due to the way scrolling works, the content node’s position is inversed, meaning if scrollPosition is {0, 300} the contentNode.position is actually {0, -300}.

Declared In


– setScrollPosition:animated:

Sets the scrollPosition property, except that you can optionally specify whether the position change should be animated. Animated of course means the view will scroll to this new location.

- (void)setScrollPosition:(CGPoint)newPos animated:(BOOL)animated



The new scroll position.


If YES, the view will scroll to the new position. Otherwise it will snap to the new position instantly.


Note: The scrolling speed depends on the relative distance between the current and new position, but its maximum duration is clamped to the snap duration (currently: 0.4 seconds).

Warning: Running this method with animation multiple times in short sequence can lead to glitches as any previous scrolling operation (ie move action) is not interrupted, thus you can potentially end up stacking multiple move actions that run simultaneously with unpredictable results.

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Determines whether scrolling horizontally is allowed or not.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL horizontalScrollEnabled

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Determines whether scrolling vertically is allowed or not.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL verticalScrollEnabled

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Whether the Y coordinates for position and velocity calculations should be inversed. Defaults to YES.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL flipYCoordinates


This is intended to allow switching between “natural” scroll direction where scrolling down moves the content down, which is most natural for touch input. However for non-touch input such as a mouse drag operation or the mouse wheel you’ll find that “natural” scroll direction isn’t so natural after all. In that case you may want to reset flipYCoordinates to NO.

Declared In


Paging Properties


Whether paging is enabled. With paging enabled, the contentNode’s contentSize is assumed to have a multiple of the scroll view’s contentSize, so that each page aligns perfectly on the rectangle defined by the scroll view’s position and contentSize.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL pagingEnabled

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Whether one can drag the contents of the scroll view past the bounds. This will create a snap-back effect with animation like in UIScrollView. Defaults to YES.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL bounces

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Zero-based index of the currently displayed horizontal page.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int horizontalPage

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Zero-based index of the currently displayed vertical page.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int verticalPage

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The highest page index or “count” for horizontal pages.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) int numHorizontalPages

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The highest page index or “count” for vertical pages.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) int numVerticalPages

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– setHorizontalPage:animated:

Sets the horizontalPage property, except that you can optionally animate the change. Internally calls setScrollPosition:animated: so all caveats (scroll speed, stacking move actions) apply here as well.

- (void)setHorizontalPage:(int)horizontalPage animated:(BOOL)animated



The index of the horizontal page to scroll or snap to. Index must be in the range 0 to (numHorizontalPages - 1).


If YES, the view will scroll to the page. Otherwise it will instantly snap to the page.

Declared In


– setVerticalPage:animated:

Sets the verticalPage property, except that you can optionally animate the change. Internally calls setScrollPosition:animated: so all caveats (scroll speed, stacking move actions) apply here as well.

- (void)setVerticalPage:(int)verticalPage animated:(BOOL)animated



The index of the vertical page to scroll or snap to. Index must be in the range 0 to (numVerticalPages - 1).


If YES, the view will scroll to the page. Otherwise it will instantly snap to the page.

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