» Config HTTP Endpoint

The /config endpoints create, update, delete and query central configuration entries registered with Consul. See the agent configuration for more information on how to enable this functionality for centrally configuring services.

» Apply Configuration

This endpoint creates or updates the given config entry.

Method Path Produces
PUT /config application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none service:write

1 The ACL required depends on the config entry kind being updated:

Config Entry Kind Required ACL
service-defaults service:write
proxy-defaults operator:write

» Parameters

  • dc (string: "") - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.

  • cas (int: 0) - Specifies to use a Check-And-Set operation. If the index is 0, Consul will only store the entry if it does not already exist. If the index is non-zero, the entry is only set if the current index matches the ModifyIndex of that entry.

» Sample Payload

    "Kind": "service-defaults",
    "Name": "web",
    "Protocol": "http",
    "Connect": {
        "SidecarProxy": false

» Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request PUT \
    --data @payload \

» Get Configuration

This endpoint returns a specific config entry.

Method Path Produces
GET /config/:kind/:name application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
YES all none service:read1

1 The ACL required depends on the config entry kind being read:

Config Entry Kind Required ACL
service-defaults service:read
proxy-defaults <none>

» Parameters

  • dc (string: "") - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.

  • kind (string: <required>) - Specifies the kind of the entry to read. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • name (string: <required>) - Specifies the name of the entry to read. This is specified as part of the URL.

» Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request GET \

» Sample Response

    "Kind": "service-defaults",
    "Name": "web",
    "Protocol": "http",
    "Connect": {
        "SidecarProxy": true
    "CreateIndex": 15,
    "ModifyIndex": 35

» List Configurations

This endpoint returns all config entries of the given kind.

Method Path Produces
GET /config/:kind application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
YES all none service:read1

1 The ACL required depends on the config entry kind being read:

Config Entry Kind Required ACL
service-defaults service:read
proxy-defaults <none>

» Parameters

  • dc (string: "") - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.

  • kind (string: <required>) - Specifies the kind of the entry to list. This is specified as part of the URL.

» Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request GET \

» Sample Response

        "Kind": "service-defaults",
        "Name": "db",
        "Protocol": "tcp",
        "Connect": {
            "SidecarProxy": false
        "CreateIndex": 16,
        "ModifyIndex": 16
        "Kind": "service-defaults",
        "Name": "web",
        "Protocol": "http",
        "Connect": {
            "SidecarProxy": true
        "CreateIndex": 13,
        "ModifyIndex": 13

» Delete Configuration

This endpoint creates or updates the given config entry.

Method Path Produces
DELETE /config/:kind/:name application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none service:write

1 The ACL required depends on the config entry kind being deleted:

Config Entry Kind Required ACL
service-defaults service:write
proxy-defaults operator:write

» Parameters

  • dc (string: "") - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the URL as a query parameter.

  • kind (string: <required>) - Specifies the kind of the entry to delete. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • name (string: <required>) - Specifies the name of the entry to delete. This is specified as part of the URL.

» Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request DELETE \