- Overview
- Create your first app
- Templates for apps
- Platform support
- Android
- Blackberry 10
- iOS
- OS X
- Ubuntu
- Windows
- WP8
- Manage versions and platforms
- Customize icons
- Store data
- Manage privacy
- Manage security
- Whitelisting
- Create a plugin
- Android
- Blackberry 10
- iOS
- Windows
- WP8
- Use Plugman
- Embed Cordova in native apps
- Next Steps
- Config.xml
- Events
- CLI Reference
- Hooks
- Plugin.xml
- Battery Status
- Camera
- Console
- Contacts
- Device
- Device Motion
- Device Orientation
- Dialogs
- File
- File Transfer
- Geolocation
- Globalization
- Inappbrowser
- Media
- Media Capture
- Network Information
- Splashscreen
- Vibration
- Statusbar
- Whitelist
- Legacy Whitelist
Android 4.4 | Android 5.1 | Android 6.0 | iOS 9.3 | iOS 10.0 | Windows 10 Store | Travis CI |
This plugin aligns with the W3C vibration specification http://www.w3.org/TR/vibration/
This plugin provides a way to vibrate the device.
This plugin defines global objects including navigator.vibrate
Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the deviceready
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
:warning: Report issues on the Apache Cordova issue tracker
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
Supported Platforms
- Amazon Fire OS
- Android
- BlackBerry 10
- Firefox OS
- iOS
- Windows Phone 7 and 8
- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
- Android
- Windows Phone 8
- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
vibrate (recommended)
This function has three different functionalities based on parameters passed to it.
Standard vibrate
Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
-time: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. (Number)
// Vibrate for 3 seconds
// Vibrate for 3 seconds
iOS Quirks
time: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
navigator.vibrate(3000); // 3000 is ignored
Windows and Blackberry Quirks
time: Max time is 5000ms (5s) and min time is 1ms
navigator.vibrate(8000); // will be truncated to 5000
Vibrate with a pattern (Android and Windows only)
Vibrates the device with a given pattern
- pattern: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. (Array of Numbers)
// Vibrate for 1 second
// Wait for 1 second
// Vibrate for 3 seconds
// Wait for 1 second
// Vibrate for 5 seconds
navigator.vibrate([1000, 1000, 3000, 1000, 5000]);
Windows Phone 8 Quirks
- vibrate(pattern) falls back on vibrate with default duration
Cancel vibration (not supported in iOS)
Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
Passing in a parameter of 0, an empty array, or an array with one element of value 0 will cancel any vibrations.
*notification.vibrate (deprecated)
Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
- time: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. (Number)
// Vibrate for 2.5 seconds
iOS Quirks
time: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
navigator.notification.vibrate(); navigator.notification.vibrate(2500); // 2500 is ignored
*notification.vibrateWithPattern (deprecated)
Vibrates the device with a given pattern.
navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern(pattern, repeat)
- pattern: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. (Array of Numbers)
- repeat: Optional index into the pattern array at which to start repeating (will repeat until canceled), or -1 for no repetition (default). (Number)
// Immediately start vibrating
// vibrate for 100ms,
// wait for 100ms,
// vibrate for 200ms,
// wait for 100ms,
// vibrate for 400ms,
// wait for 100ms,
// vibrate for 800ms,
// (do not repeat)
navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern([0, 100, 100, 200, 100, 400, 100, 800]);
*notification.cancelVibration (deprecated)
Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
*Note - due to alignment with w3c spec, the starred methods will be phased out