A controller with a stream that supports only one single subscriber.
If sync
is true, the returned stream controller is a
SynchronousStreamController, and must be used with the care
and attention necessary to not break the Stream contract. If in doubt,
use the non-sync version.
Using an asynchronous controller will never give the wrong behavior, but using a synchronous controller incorrectly can cause otherwise correct programs to break.
A synchronous controller is only intended for optimizing event
propagation when one asynchronous event immediately triggers another.
It should not be used unless the calls to add or addError
are guaranteed to occur in places where it won't break Stream
Use synchronous controllers only to forward (potentially transformed) events from another stream or a future.
A Stream should be inert until a subscriber starts listening on it (using
the onListen
callback to start producing events). Streams should not
leak resources (like websockets) when no user ever listens on the stream.
The controller buffers all incoming events until a subscriber is registered, but this feature should only be used in rare circumstances.
The onPause
function is called when the stream becomes
paused. onResume
is called when the stream resumed.
The onListen
callback is called when the stream
receives its listener and onCancel
when the listener ends
its subscription. If onCancel
needs to perform an asynchronous operation,
should return a future that completes when the cancel operation
is done.
If the stream is canceled before the controller needs new data the
call might not be executed.
factory StreamController(
{void onListen(),
void onPause(),
void onResume(),
bool sync: false}) {
return sync
? new _SyncStreamController<T>(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel)
: new _AsyncStreamController<T>(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel);