Adds value
to the set.
Returns true
if value
(or an equal value) was not yet in the set.
Otherwise returns false
and the set is not changed.
var set = new Set();
var time1 = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
var time2 = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
// time1 and time2 are equal, but not identical.
Expect.isTrue(time1 == time2);
Expect.isFalse(identical(time1, time2));
set.add(time1); // => true.
// A value equal to time2 exists already in the set, and the call to
// add doesn't change the set.
set.add(time2); // => false.
Expect.isTrue(set.length == 1);
Expect.isTrue(identical(time1, set.first));
bool add(E element) {
int compare = _splay(element);
if (compare == 0) return false;
_addNewRoot(new _SplayTreeNode(element), compare);
return true;