animate method

  1. @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '36')
Animation animate (Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> frames, [ dynamic timing ])
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '36')


@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '36')
Animation animate(Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> frames, [timing]) {
  if (frames is! Iterable || !(frames.every((x) => x is Map))) {
    throw new ArgumentError("The frames parameter should be a List of Maps "
        "with frame information");
  var convertedFrames;
  if (frames is Iterable) {
    convertedFrames =;
  } else {
    convertedFrames = frames;
  var convertedTiming =
      timing is Map ? convertDartToNative_Dictionary(timing) : timing;
  return convertedTiming == null
      ? _animate(convertedFrames)
      : _animate(convertedFrames, convertedTiming);