Observes the target for the specified changes.
Some requirements for the optional parameters:
void observe(Node target,
{bool childList,
bool attributes,
bool characterData,
bool subtree,
bool attributeOldValue,
bool characterDataOldValue,
List<String> attributeFilter}) {
// Parse options into map of known type.
var parsedOptions = _createDict();
// Override options passed in the map with named optional arguments.
override(key, value) {
if (value != null) _add(parsedOptions, key, value);
override('childList', childList);
override('attributes', attributes);
override('characterData', characterData);
override('subtree', subtree);
override('attributeOldValue', attributeOldValue);
override('characterDataOldValue', characterDataOldValue);
if (attributeFilter != null) {
override('attributeFilter', _fixupList(attributeFilter));
_call(target, parsedOptions);