Parse a date string in either of the formats RFC-1123, RFC-850 or ANSI C's asctime() format. These formats are listed here.
Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Thursday, 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
For more information see RFC-2616 section 3.1.1.
static DateTime parse(String date) {
final int SP = 32;
const List wkdays = const ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
const List weekdays = const [
const List months = const [
const List wkdaysLowerCase = const [
const List weekdaysLowerCase = const [
const List monthsLowerCase = const [
final int formatRfc1123 = 0;
final int formatRfc850 = 1;
final int formatAsctime = 2;
int index = 0;
String tmp;
int format;
void expect(String s) {
if (date.length - index < s.length) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
String tmp = date.substring(index, index + s.length);
if (tmp != s) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
index += s.length;
int expectWeekday() {
int weekday;
// The formatting of the weekday signals the format of the date string.
int pos = date.indexOf(",", index);
if (pos == -1) {
int pos = date.indexOf(" ", index);
if (pos == -1) throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
tmp = date.substring(index, pos);
index = pos + 1;
weekday = wkdays.indexOf(tmp);
if (weekday != -1) {
format = formatAsctime;
return weekday;
} else {
tmp = date.substring(index, pos);
index = pos + 1;
weekday = wkdays.indexOf(tmp);
if (weekday != -1) {
format = formatRfc1123;
return weekday;
weekday = weekdays.indexOf(tmp);
if (weekday != -1) {
format = formatRfc850;
return weekday;
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
int expectMonth(String separator) {
int pos = date.indexOf(separator, index);
if (pos - index != 3) throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
tmp = date.substring(index, pos);
index = pos + 1;
int month = months.indexOf(tmp);
if (month != -1) return month;
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
int expectNum(String separator) {
int pos;
if (separator.length > 0) {
pos = date.indexOf(separator, index);
} else {
pos = date.length;
String tmp = date.substring(index, pos);
index = pos + separator.length;
try {
int value = int.parse(tmp);
return value;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
void expectEnd() {
if (index != date.length) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid HTTP date $date");
int weekday = expectWeekday();
int day;
int month;
int year;
int hours;
int minutes;
int seconds;
if (format == formatAsctime) {
month = expectMonth(" ");
if (date.codeUnitAt(index) == SP) index++;
day = expectNum(" ");
hours = expectNum(":");
minutes = expectNum(":");
seconds = expectNum(" ");
year = expectNum("");
} else {
expect(" ");
day = expectNum(format == formatRfc1123 ? " " : "-");
month = expectMonth(format == formatRfc1123 ? " " : "-");
year = expectNum(" ");
hours = expectNum(":");
minutes = expectNum(":");
seconds = expectNum(" ");
return new DateTime.utc(year, month + 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds, 0);