Built-in scripting functions.
helper macro to validate the Lua stack state and throw a lua error.
This macro will verify that the Lua stack size hasn't been changed before throwing a Lua error, which will long-jump out of the current function. This macro can only be used together with DM_LUA_STACK_CHECK and should be prefered over manual checking of the stack.
fmt -
const char* Format string that contains error information.
args -
... Format string args (variable arg list)
static int ModuleFunc(lua_State* L) { DM_LUA_STACK_CHECK(L, 1); if (some_error_check(L)) { return DM_LUA_ERROR("some error message"); } lua_pushnumber(L, 42); return 1; }
helper macro to validate the Lua stack state before leaving a function.
Diff is the expected difference of the stack size.
If luaL_error, or another function that executes a long-jump, is part of the executed code,
the stack guard cannot be guaranteed to execute at the end of the function.
In that case you should manually check the stack using lua_gettop
In the case of luaL_error, see DM_LUA_ERROR.
L -
lua_State* lua state
diff -
int Number of expected items to be on the Lua stack once this struct goes out of scope
DM_LUA_STACK_CHECK(L, 1); lua_pushnumber(L, 42);
convert a dmJson::Document to a Lua table
Convert a dmJson::Document document to Lua table.
L -
lua_State* lua state
doc -
dmJson::Document JSON document
index -
int index of JSON node
error_str_out -
char* if an error is encountered, the error string is written to this argument
error_str_size -
size_t size of error_str_out
int -
int <0 if it fails. >=0 if it succeeds.
retrieve a HBuffer from the supplied lua state
Check if the value in the supplied index on the lua stack is a HBuffer and returns it.
L -
lua_State* lua state
index -
int Index of the value
buffer -
LuaHBuffer* pointer to dmScript::LuaHBuffer
check if the value is a Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4
Check if the value in the supplied index on the lua stack is a Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
matrix -
Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4* The pointer to the value
check if the value is a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3
Check if the value in the supplied index on the lua stack is a Vectormath::Aos::Quat.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
quat -
Vectormath::Aos::Quat* The pointer to the value
check if the value is a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3
Check if the value in the supplied index on the lua stack is a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
vector3 -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3* The pointer to the value
check if the value is a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3
Check if the value in the supplied index on the lua stack is a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
vector4 -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector4* The pointer to the value
Retrieve current script instance from the global table and place it on the top of the stack, only valid when set. (see dmScript::GetMainThread)
L -
lua_State* lua state
Retrieve the main thread lua state from any lua state (main thread or coroutine).
L -
lua_State* lua state
lua_State -
lua_State* the main thread lua state
How to create a Lua callback
struct LuaCallbackInfo { LuaCallbackInfo() : m_L(0), m_Callback(LUA_NOREF), m_Self(LUA_NOREF) {} lua_State* m_L; int m_Callback; int m_Self; }; static void RegisterCallback(lua_State* L, int index, LuaCallbackInfo* cbk) { if(cbk->m_Callback != LUA_NOREF) { dmScript::Unref(cbk->m_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Callback); dmScript::Unref(cbk->m_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Self); } cbk->m_L = dmScript::GetMainThread(L); luaL_checktype(L, index, LUA_TFUNCTION); lua_pushvalue(L, index); cbk->m_Callback = dmScript::Ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); dmScript::GetInstance(L); cbk->m_Self = dmScript::Ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } static void UnregisterCallback(LuaCallbackInfo* cbk) { if(cbk->m_Callback != LUA_NOREF) { dmScript::Unref(cbk->m_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Callback); dmScript::Unref(cbk->m_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Self); cbk->m_Callback = LUA_NOREF; } } LuaCallbackInfo g_MyCallbackInfo; static void InvokeCallback(LuaCallbackInfo* cbk) { if(cbk->m_Callback == LUA_NOREF) { return; } lua_State* L = cbk->m_L; int top = lua_gettop(L); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Callback); // Setup self (the script instance) lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbk->m_Self); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); dmScript::SetInstance(L); lua_pushstring(L, "Hello from extension!"); lua_pushnumber(L, 76); int number_of_arguments = 3; // instance + 2 int ret = lua_pcall(L, number_of_arguments, 0, 0); if(ret != 0) { dmLogError("Error running callback: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } assert(top == lua_gettop(L)); } static int Start(lua_State* L) { DM_LUA_STACK_CHECK(L, 0); RegisterCallback(L, 1, &g_MyCallbackInfo); return 0; } static int Update(lua_State* L) { DM_LUA_STACK_CHECK(L, 0); static int count = 0; if( count++ == 5 ) { InvokeCallback(&g_MyCallbackInfo); UnregisterCallback(&g_MyCallbackInfo); } return 0; }
check if the value is a dmScript::LuaHBuffer
Check if the value is a dmScript::LuaHBuffer
L -
lua_State* lua state
index -
int Index of the value
boolean -
boolean True if value at index is a LuaHBuffer
Check if the script instance in the lua state is valid. The instance is assumed to have been previously set by dmScript::SetInstance.
L -
lua_State* lua state
boolean -
bool Returns true if the instance is valid
Lua wrapper for a dmBuffer::HBuffer
Holds info about the buffer and who owns it.
m_Buffer -
dmBuffer::HBuffer The buffer
m_UseLuaGC -
bool If true, it will be garbage collected by Lua. If false, the C++ extension still owns the reference.
push a LuaHBuffer onto the supplied lua state
Will increase the stack by 1.
L -
lua_State* lua state
buffer -
dmScript::LuaHBuffer buffer to push
How to push a buffer and give Lua ownership of the buffer (GC)
dmScript::LuaHBuffer luabuf = { buffer, true }; PushBuffer(L, luabuf);
How to push a buffer and keep ownership in C++
dmScript::LuaHBuffer luabuf = { buffer, false }; PushBuffer(L, luabuf);
push a Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4 onto the Lua stack
Push a matrix4 value onto the Lua stack. Will increase the stack by 1.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
matrix -
Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4 Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4 value to push
push a Vectormath::Aos::Quat onto the Lua stack
Push a quaternion value onto Lua stack. Will increase the stack by 1.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
quat -
Vectormath::Aos::Quat Vectormath::Aos::Quat value to push
push a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 onto the Lua stack
Push a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 value onto the supplied lua state, will increase the stack by 1.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
v -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 Vector3 value to push
push a Vectormath::Aos::Vector4 on the stack
Push a Vectormath::Aos::Vector4 value onto the supplied lua state, will increase the stack by 1.
L -
lua_State* Lua state
v -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector4 Vectormath::Aos::Vector4 value to push
wrapper for luaL_ref.
Creates and returns a reference, in the table at index t, for the object at the top of the stack (and pops the object). It also tracks number of global references kept.
L -
lua_State* lua state
table -
int table the lua table that stores the references. E.g LUA_REGISTRYINDEX
reference -
int the new reference
Sets the current script instance Set the value on the top of the stack as the instance into the global table and pops it from the stack. (see dmScript::GetMainThread)
L -
lua_State* lua state
get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4*
Get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4*
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
quat -
Vectormath::Aos::Matrix4* The pointer to the value, or 0 if not correct type
get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Quat*
Get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Quat*
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
quat -
Vectormath::Aos::Quat* The pointer to the value, or 0 if not correct type
get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3*
Get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Vector3*
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
v -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector3* The pointer to the value, or 0 if not correct type
get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Vector4*
Get the value at index as a Vectormath::Aos::Vector4*
L -
lua_State* Lua state
index -
int Index of the value
v -
Vectormath::Aos::Vector4* The pointer to the value, or 0 if not correct type
wrapper for luaL_unref.
Releases reference ref from the table at index t (see luaL_ref). The entry is removed from the table, so that the referred object can be collected. It also decreases the number of global references kept
L -
lua_State* lua state
table -
int table the lua table that stores the references. E.g LUA_REGISTRYINDEX
reference -
int the reference to the object