Functions for controlling factory components which are used to dynamically spawn game objects into the runtime.
make a factory create a new game object
The URL identifies which factory should create the game object. If the game object is created inside of the frame (e.g. from an update callback), the game object will be created instantly, but none of its component will be updated in the same frame.
Properties defined in scripts in the created game object can be overridden through the properties-parameter below. See for more information on script properties.
Calling factory.create on a factory that is marked as dynamic without having loaded resources using factory.load will synchronously load and create resources which may affect application performance.
url -
string | hash | url the factory that should create a game object.
[position] -
vector3 the position of the new game object, the position of the game object calling factory.create()
is used by default, or if the value is nil
[rotation] -
quaternion the rotation of the new game object, the rotation of the game object calling factory.create()
is used by default, or if the value is nil
[properties] -
table the properties defined in a script attached to the new game object.
[scale] -
number | vector3 the scale of the new game object (must be greater than 0), the scale of the game object containing the factory is used by default, or if the value is nil
id -
hash the global id of the spawned game object
How to create a new game object:
function init(self) -- create a new game object and provide property values self.my_created_object = factory.create("#factory", nil, nil, {my_value = 1}) -- communicate with the object, "hello") end
And then let the new game object have a script attached:"my_value", 0) function init(self) -- do something with self.my_value which is now one end
Get factory status
This returns status of the factory.
Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading always returns factory.STATUS_LOADED.
[url] -
string | hash | url the factory component to get status from
status -
constant status of the factory component
Load resources of a factory prototype.
Resources are referenced by the factory component until the existing (parent) collection is destroyed or factory.unload is called.
Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing.
[url] -
string | hash | url the factory component to load
[complete_function] -
function(self, url, result)) function to call when resources are loaded.
How to load resources of a factory prototype.
factory.load("#factory", function(self, url, result) end)
Unload resources previously loaded using factory.load
This decreases the reference count for each resource loaded with factory.load. If reference is zero, the resource is destroyed.
Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing.
[url] -
string | hash | url the factory component to unload
How to unload resources of a factory prototype loaded with factory.load