Functions and constants to access resources.
Mismatch between between expected bundled resources and actual bundled resources. The manifest expects a resource to be in the bundle, but it was not found in the bundle. This is typically the case when a non-excluded resource was modified between publishing the bundle and publishing the manifest.
Mismatch between running engine version and engine versions supported by manifest.
Failed to parse manifest data buffer. The manifest was probably produced by a different engine version.
The handled resource is invalid.
Mismatch between scheme used to load resources. Resources are loaded with a different scheme than from manifest, for example over HTTP or directly from file. This is typically the case when running the game directly from the editor instead of from a bundle.
Mismatch between manifest expected signature and actual signature.
Mismatch between manifest expected version and actual version.
luminance type texture format
RGB type texture format
RGBA type texture format
2D texture type
return a reference to the Manifest that is currently loaded
Return a reference to the Manifest that is currently loaded.
manifest_reference -
number reference to the Manifest that is currently loaded
load a resource
Loads the resource data for a specific resource.
path -
string The path to the resource
buffer -
buffer Returns the buffer stored on disc
-- read custom resource data into buffer local buffer = resource.load("/resources/datafile")
In order for the engine to include custom resources in the build process, you need to specify them in the "game.project" settings file:
[project] title = My project version = 0.1 custom_resources = resources/,assets/level_data.json
Set a resource
Sets the resource data for a specific resource
path -
string | hash The path to the resource
buffer -
buffer The buffer of precreated data, suitable for the intended resource type
Assuming the folder "/res" is added to the project custom resources:
-- load a texture resource and set it on a sprite local buffer = resource.load("/res/new.texturec") resource.set(go.get("#sprite", "texture0"), buffer)
set a texture
Sets the pixel data for a specific texture.
path -
hash | string The path to the resource
table -
table A table containing info about the texture. Supported entries:
buffer -
buffer The buffer of precreated pixel data
Currently, only 1 mipmap is generated.
How to set all pixels of an atlas
function init(self) self.height = 128 self.width = 128 self.buffer = buffer.create(self.width * self.height, { {name=hash("rgb"), type=buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT8, count=3} } ) = buffer.get_stream(self.buffer, hash("rgb")) for y=1,self.height do for x=1,self.width do local index = (y-1) * self.width * 3 + (x-1) * 3 + 1[index + 0] = 0xff[index + 1] = 0x80[index + 2] = 0x10 end end local resource_path = go.get("#sprite", "texture0") local header = { width=self.width, height=self.height, type=resource.TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, format=resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB, num_mip_maps=1 } resource.set_texture( resource_path, header, self.buffer ) end
create, verify, and store a manifest to device
Create a new manifest from a buffer. The created manifest is verified by ensuring that the manifest was signed using the bundled public/private key-pair during the bundle process and that the manifest supports the current running engine version. Once the manifest is verified it is stored on device. The next time the engine starts (or is rebooted) it will look for the stored manifest before loading resources. Storing a new manifest allows the developer to update the game, modify existing resources, or add new resources to the game through LiveUpdate.
manifest_buffer -
string the binary data that represents the manifest
callback -
function(self, status) the callback function executed once the engine has attempted to store the manifest.
How to download a manifest with HTTP and store it on device.
local function store_manifest_cb(self, status) if status == resource.LIVEUPATE_OK then pprint("Successfully stored manifest. This manifest will be loaded instead of the bundled manifest the next time the engine starts.") else pprint("Failed to store manifest") end end local function download_and_store_manifest(self) http.request(MANIFEST_URL, "GET", function(self, id, response) if response.status == 200 then resource.store_manifest(response.response, store_manifest_cb) end end) end
add a resource to the data archive and runtime index
add a resource to the data archive and runtime index. The resource will be verified internally before being added to the data archive.
manifest_reference -
number The manifest to check against.
data -
string The resource data that should be stored.
hexdigest -
string The expected hash for the resource, retrieved through collectionproxy.missing_resources.
callback -
function(self, hexdigest, status) The callback function that is executed once the engine has been attempted to store the resource.
function init(self) self.manifest = resource.get_current_manifest() end local function callback_store_resource(self, hexdigest, status) if status == true then print("Successfully stored resource: " .. hexdigest) else print("Failed to store resource: " .. hexdigest) end end local function load_resources(self, target) local resources = collectionproxy.missing_resources(target) for _, resource_hash in ipairs(resources) do local baseurl = "" http.request(baseurl .. resource_hash, "GET", function(self, id, response) if response.status == 200 then resource.store_resource(self.manifest, response.response, resource_hash, callback_store_resource) else print("Failed to download resource: " .. resource_hash) end end) end end