dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin (version 1.10)



A mixin to handle mouse or touch events for a focus-less menu Abstract methods that must be defined externally:

See the dijit/form/_ListMouseMixin reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

Method Summary

Event Summary


Defined by: dijit/form/_ListBase

currently selected node



Connects 'containerNode' to specified method of this object and automatically registers for 'disconnect' on widget destroy.

Provide widget-specific analog to 'connect'. The callback function is called with the normal event object, but also a second parameter is passed that indicates which list item actually received the event.

Parameter Type Description
eventType String | Function
callbackFuncName String
Returns:any | undefined

A handle that can be passed to disconnect in order to disconnect before the widget is destroyed.


Does the actual select.

Parameter Type Description
node DomNode

The option to select

scroll Boolean

If necessary, scroll node into view. Set to false for mouse/touch to avoid jumping problems on mobile/RTL, see https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17739.


Select the first displayed item in the list.


Select the last displayed item in the list


Select the item just below the current selection. If nothing selected, select first node.


Select the item just above the current selection. If nothing selected, select last node (if you select Previous and try to keep scrolling up the list).


Parameter Type Description
evt Event
target DomNode
Parameter Type Description
evt Event
target DomNode
Parameter Type Description
evt Event
target DomNode
Parameter Type Description
evt Event
target DomNode
Parameter Type Description
evt Event
target DomNode
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