dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterLayer.ClientSideFilterLayer (version 1.10)


Add a client side filter layer on top of the data store, so any filter expression can be applied to the store.


var foo = new FilterLayer.ClientSideFilterLayer(args);
Parameter Type Description
args undefined

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _addCachedItems(items,filterStartIdx) Add data items to the cache.
  • _applyFilter(datarow,rowIndex) Apply the filter to a row of data
  • _completeQuery(userRequest) Logically, the user's query is completed here, i.e., all the filtered results are ready. (or their index mappings are ready)
  • _defaultGetter(datarow,colName,rowIndex,store)
  • _doFilter(items,startIdx,userRequest) Use the filter expression to filter items.
  • _fetch(userRequest,filterRequest) Implement _StoreLayer._fetch
  • _hasReachedStoreEnd() Check whether all the items in the original store have been fetched.
  • _unwrap(nextLayer) Do the actual unwrapping to the store.
  • _wrap(store,funcName,layerFuncName,nextLayer) Do the actual wrapping (or 'hacking' if you like) to the store.
  • enabled(toEnable) The get/set function of the enabled status of this layer
  • fetchAllOnFirstFilter(toFetchAll) The get/set function for fetchAll.
  • filterDef(filter) See _FilterLayerMixin.filterDef
  • initialize(store)
  • invalidate() Clear all the status information of this layer
  • name() Get the name of this store layer.
  • originFetch()
  • setGetter(getter) Set the user defined way to retrieve data from store.
  • uninitialize(store)

Event Summary



To control whether this layer is valid.


The filter definition


A user defined way to get data from store


A map from the row index of this._items to the row index of the original store.


Cached items (may contain holes)


The index of the next item in the store that is never fetched.


The original fetch function of the store.


Current fetch result


The index in cache of the first result item


The wrapped store.


The actual size of the original store




Add data items to the cache. The insert point is at filterStartIdx

Parameter Type Description
items Array

Data items to add.

filterStartIdx Integer

The start point to insert in the cache.


Apply the filter to a row of data

Parameter Type Description
datarow data item
rowIndex Integer
Returns:any | boolean

whether this row survived the filter.


Logically, the user's query is completed here, i.e., all the filtered results are ready. (or their index mappings are ready)

Parameter Type Description
userRequest request object
Parameter Type Description
datarow undefined
colName undefined
rowIndex undefined
store undefined

Use the filter expression to filter items. Survived items are stored in this._items. The given items start from "startIdx" in the original store.

Parameter Type Description
items Array
startIdx Integer
userRequest object

Implement _StoreLayer._fetch

Parameter Type Description
userRequest undefined
filterRequest dojo/data/api/Request

The actual request used in store.fetch. This function is called recursively to fill the result store items until the user specified item count is reached. Only in recursive calls, this parameter is valid.


Check whether all the items in the original store have been fetched.


Do the actual unwrapping to the store.

Parameter Type Description
nextLayer undefined

Do the actual wrapping (or 'hacking' if you like) to the store.

Parameter Type Description
store undefined

The store to be unwrapped.

funcName undefined
layerFuncName undefined
nextLayer undefined

The get/set function of the enabled status of this layer

Parameter Type Description
toEnable Boolean

If given, is a setter, otherwise, it's getter.


The get/set function for fetchAll.

Parameter Type Description
toFetchAll boolean

If provided, it's a set function, otherwise it's a get function.

Returns:any | boolean

Whether fetch all on first filter if this is a getter


See _FilterLayerMixin.filterDef

Parameter Type Description
filter (_ConditionExpr | null)
Parameter Type Description
store undefined

Clear all the status information of this layer


Get the name of this store layer. The default name retrieved from class name, which should have a pattern of "{name}Layer". If this pattern does not exist, the whole class name will be this layer's name. It's better to override this method if your class name is too complicated.

Returns:any | undefined

The name of this layer.


Set the user defined way to retrieve data from store.

Parameter Type Description
getter function
Parameter Type Description
store undefined



This function is used to replace the user's onFetchBegin in store.fetch

Parameter Type Description
size Integer
req request object
Parameter Type Description
filter undefined

Called when store data is filtered. This event is before onComplete, after onBegin.

Parameter Type Description
filteredSize Integer

The number of remaining fetched items after filtering.

totalSize Integer

The number of original fetched items.

Parameter Type Description
mapping undefined
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