dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_FilterExpr.StringExpr (version 1.10)


A condition expression wrapper for string values


var foo = new _FilterExpr.StringExpr(dataValue,isColumn,convertArgs);
Parameter Type Description
dataValue anything

If isColumn is a boolean true, then it should be a kind of column information, like field name or column index. Otherwise, it is regarded as a pure value, and the getValue method will simply return it.

isColumn boolean

Optional. To specify whether this _DataExpr represents a column or a pure value.

convertArgs object

Property Summary

Method Summary

  • _convertData(dataValue) override from _DataExpr
  • applyRow(datarow,getter) Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow.
  • getName() Get the name of this kind of expression.
  • getValue() If this is a pure value wrapper, simply return the value.
  • toObject() Overrided from _ConditionExpr.toObject




override from _DataExpr

Parameter Type Description
dataValue anything

Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow. If this is a pure value, simply return self. Otherwise, extract the cell data from datarow using the given getter function, and then convert this cell data to a _DataExpr and return the expression.

An object with the following properties:

  • _name
  • applyRow:

    Unimplemented Interface Apply this condition expression on the given datarow, return a result expression.

  • toObject:

    Convert this data expression to a simple object. Mainly used for serialization.

  • getName:

    Get the name of this kind of expression.

Parameter Type Description
datarow data item
getter function(row,colIdx)

Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow. If this is a pure value, simply return self. Otherwise, extract the cell data from datarow using the given getter function, and then convert this cell data to a _DataExpr and return the expression.


Get the name of this kind of expression.

Returns:any | undefined

the name of this kind of expression


If this is a pure value wrapper, simply return the value. Otherwise (it's a column), return is undefined.

Returns:any | undefined

the value of this data expression.


Overrided from _ConditionExpr.toObject

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