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36.6 Abbrev Properties

Abbrevs have properties, some of which influence the way they work. You can provide them as arguments to define-abbrev, and manipulate them with the following functions:

— Function: abbrev-put abbrev prop val

Set the property prop of abbrev to value val.

— Function: abbrev-get abbrev prop

Return the property prop of abbrev, or nil if the abbrev has no such property.

The following properties have special meanings:

This property counts the number of times the abbrev has been expanded. If not explicitly set, it is initialized to 0 by define-abbrev.
If non-nil, this property marks the abbrev as a system abbrev. Such abbrevs are not saved (see Abbrev Files).
If non-nil, this property should be a function of no arguments which returns nil if the abbrev should not be used and t otherwise.
If non-nil, this property indicates that the case of the abbrev's name is significant and should only match a text with the same pattern of capitalization. It also disables the code that modifies the capitalization of the expansion.