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38.20.3 Examples of Byte Unpacking and Packing

Here are two complete examples that use bindat.el. The first shows simple byte packing:

     (require 'bindat)
     (defun rfc868-payload ()
        '((now-hi u16)
          (now-lo u16))
        ;; Emacs uses Unix epoch, while RFC868 epoch
        ;; is 1900-01-01 00:00:00, which is 2208988800
        ;; (or #x83aa7e80) seconds more.
        (let ((now (time-add nil '(#x83aa #x7e80))))
          `((now-hi . ,(car now))
            (now-lo . ,(cadr now))))))
     (let ((s (rfc868-payload)))
       (list (multibyte-string-p s)
             (mapconcat (lambda (byte)
                          (format "%02x" byte))
                        s " ")
          ⇒ (nil "dc 6d 17 01" "Fri Mar 10 13:13:53 2017")

The following is an example of defining and unpacking a complex structure. Consider the following C structures:

     struct header {
         unsigned long    dest_ip;
         unsigned long    src_ip;
         unsigned short   dest_port;
         unsigned short   src_port;
     struct data {
         unsigned char    type;
         unsigned char    opcode;
         unsigned short   length;  /* in network byte order  */
         unsigned char    id[8];   /* null-terminated string  */
         unsigned char    data[/* (length + 3) & ~3 */];
     struct packet {
         struct header    header;
         unsigned long    counters[2];  /* in little endian order  */
         unsigned char    items;
         unsigned char    filler[3];
         struct data      item[/* items */];

The corresponding data layout specification is:

     (setq header-spec
           '((dest-ip   ip)
             (src-ip    ip)
             (dest-port u16)
             (src-port  u16)))
     (setq data-spec
           '((type      u8)
             (opcode    u8)
             (length    u16)  ; network byte order
             (id        strz 8)
             (data      vec (length))
             (align     4)))
     (setq packet-spec
           '((header    struct header-spec)
             (counters  vec 2 u32r)   ; little endian order
             (items     u8)
             (fill      3)
             (item      repeat (items)
                        (struct data-spec))))

A binary data representation is:

     (setq binary-data
           [ 192 168 1 100 192 168 1 101 01 28 21 32
             160 134 1 0 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 0
             2 3 0 5 ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0
             1 4 0 7 ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G 0 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 ])

The corresponding decoded structure is:

     (setq decoded (bindat-unpack packet-spec binary-data))
       (dest-ip   . [192 168 1 100])
       (src-ip    . [192 168 1 101])
       (dest-port . 284)
       (src-port  . 5408))
      (counters . [100000 261])
      (items . 2)
      (item ((data . [1 2 3 4 5])
             (id . "ABCDEF")
             (length . 5)
             (opcode . 3)
             (type . 2))
            ((data . [6 7 8 9 10 11 12])
             (id . "BCDEFG")
             (length . 7)
             (opcode . 4)
             (type . 1))))

An example of fetching data from this structure:

     (bindat-get-field decoded 'item 1 'id)
          ⇒ "BCDEFG"