Next: Extending pcase, Up: Pattern-Matching Conditional
macroFor background, See Pattern-Matching Conditional.
Each clause in clauses has the form:
.Evaluate expression to determine its value, expval. Find the first clause in clauses whose pattern matches expval and pass control to that clause's body-forms.
If there is a match, the value of
is the value of the last of body-forms in the successful clause. Otherwise,pcase
evaluates tonil
Each pattern has to be a pcase pattern, which can use
either one of the core patterns defined below, or one of the patterns
defined via pcase-defmacro
(see Extending pcase).
The rest of this subsection describes different forms of core patterns, presents some examples, and concludes with important caveats on using the let-binding facility provided by some pattern forms. A core pattern can have the following forms:
(see Equality Predicates).
val, above,
possible because literal objects of these types are self-quoting.
If symbol is part of a sequencing pattern seqpat
(e.g., by using and
, below), the binding is also available to
the portion of seqpat following the appearance of symbol.
This usage has some caveats, see caveats.
Two symbols to avoid are t
, which behaves like _
(above) and is deprecated, and nil
, which signals an error.
Likewise, it makes no sense to bind keyword symbols
(see Constant Variables).
when called on expval.
the predicate function can have one of the following forms:
Example: integerp
Example: (lambda (n) (= 42 n))
Example: (= 42)
In this example, the function is =
, n is one, and
the actual function call becomes: (= 42
function pattern)
above. Unlike pred
, however, app
tests the result
against pattern, rather than against a boolean truth value.
pattern expr)
because pattern
can bind symbols to values using symbol.)
A sequencing pattern (also known as seqpat) is a
pattern that processes its sub-pattern arguments in sequence.
There are two for pcase
: and
and or
They behave in a similar manner to the special forms
that share their name (see Combining Conditions),
but instead of processing values, they process sub-patterns.
likewise fails to match, and
the rest of the sub-patterns are not tested. If all sub-patterns
match, and
pattern1 pattern2...)
likewise matches,
and the rest of the sub-patterns are not tested. (Note that there
must be at least two sub-patterns.
Simply (or
signals error.)
To present a consistent environment (see Intro Eval) to body-forms (thus avoiding an evaluation error on match), if any of the sub-patterns let-binds a set of symbols, they must all bind the same set of symbols.
Here's an example that highlights some advantages pcase
has over cl-case
(see Conditionals).
(pcase (get-return-code x) ;; string ((and (pred stringp) msg) (message "%s" msg)) ;; symbol ('success (message "Done!")) ('would-block (message "Sorry, can't do it now")) ('read-only (message "The shmliblick is read-only")) ('access-denied (message "You do not have the needed rights")) ;; default (code (message "Unknown return code %S" code)))
With cl-case
, you would need to explicitly declare a local
variable code
to hold the return value of get-return-code
Also cl-case
is difficult to use with strings because it
uses eql
for comparison.
A common idiom is to write a pattern starting with and
with one or more symbol sub-patterns providing bindings
to the sub-patterns that follow (as well as to the body forms).
For example, the following pattern matches single-digit integers.
(pred integerp)
n ; bind n
to expval
(guard (<= -9 n 9)))
First, pred
matches if (integerp
evaluates to non-nil
Next, n
is a symbol pattern that matches
anything and binds n
to expval.
Lastly, guard
matches if the boolean expression
(<= -9 n 9)
(note the reference to n
evaluates to non-nil
If all these sub-patterns match, and
Here is another example that shows how to reformulate a simple
matching task from its traditional implementation
(function grok/traditional
) to one using
(function grok/pcase
The docstring for both these functions is:
“If OBJ is a string of the form "key:NUMBER", return NUMBER
(a string). Otherwise, return the list ("149" default).”
First, the traditional implementation (see Regular Expressions):
(defun grok/traditional (obj) (if (and (stringp obj) (string-match "^key:\\([[:digit:]]+\\)$" obj)) (match-string 1 obj) (list "149" 'default))) (grok/traditional "key:0") ⇒ "0" (grok/traditional "key:149") ⇒ "149" (grok/traditional 'monolith) ⇒ ("149" default)
The reformulation demonstrates symbol binding as well as
, and
, pred
, app
and let
(defun grok/pcase (obj) (pcase obj ((or ; line 1 (and ; line 2 (pred stringp) ; line 3 (pred (string-match ; line 4 "^key:\\([[:digit:]]+\\)$")) ; line 5 (app (match-string 1) ; line 6 val)) ; line 7 (let val (list "149" 'default))) ; line 8 val))) ; line 9 (grok/pcase "key:0") ⇒ "0" (grok/pcase "key:149") ⇒ "149" (grok/pcase 'monolith) ⇒ ("149" default)
The bulk of grok/pcase
is a single clause of a pcase
form, the pattern on lines 1-8, the (single) body form on line 9.
The pattern is or
, which tries to match in turn its argument
sub-patterns, first and
(lines 2-7), then let
(line 8),
until one of them succeeds.
As in the previous example (see Example 1),
begins with a pred
sub-pattern to ensure
the following sub-patterns work with an object of the correct
type (string, in this case). If (stringp
returns nil
, pred
fails, and thus and
fails, too.
The next pred
(lines 4-5) evaluates
(string-match RX
and matches if the result is non-nil
, which means
that expval has the desired form: key:NUMBER
Again, failing this, pred
fails and and
, too.
Lastly (in this series of and
sub-patterns), app
evaluates (match-string 1
(line 6)
to get a temporary value tmp (i.e., the “NUMBER” substring)
and tries to match tmp against pattern val
(line 7).
Since that is a symbol pattern, it matches unconditionally
and additionally binds val
to tmp.
Now that app
has matched, all and
have matched, and so and
Likewise, once and
has matched, or
and does not proceed to try sub-pattern let
(line 8).
Let's consider the situation where obj
is not a string,
or it is a string but has the wrong form.
In this case, one of the pred
(lines 3-5) fails to match,
thus and
(line 2) fails to match,
thus or
(line 1) proceeds to try sub-pattern let
(line 8).
First, let
evaluates (list "149" 'default)
to get ("149" default)
, the exprval, and then
tries to match exprval against pattern val
Since that is a symbol pattern, it matches unconditionally
and additionally binds val
to exprval.
Now that let
has matched, or
Note how both and
and let
sub-patterns finish in the
same way: by trying (always successfully) to match against the
symbol pattern val
, in the process binding val
Thus, or
always matches and control always passes
to the body form (line 9).
Because that is the last body form in a successfully matched
clause, it is the value of pcase
and likewise
the return value of grok/pcase
(see What Is a Function).
The preceding examples all use sequencing patterns which include the symbol sub-pattern in some way. Here are some important details about that usage.
The following example features a pcase
with two clauses and two seqpat, A and B.
Both A and B first check that expval is a
pair (using pred
and then bind symbols to the car
and cdr
of expval (using one app
For A, because symbol st
is mentioned twice, the second
mention becomes an equality test using eq
On the other hand, B uses two separate symbols, s1
, both of which become independent bindings.
(defun grok (object) (pcase object ((and (pred consp) ; seqpat A (app car st) ; first mention: st (app cdr st)) ; second mention: st (list 'eq st)) ((and (pred consp) ; seqpat B (app car s1) ; first mention: s1 (app cdr s2)) ; first mention: s2 (list 'not-eq s1 s2)))) (let ((s "yow!")) (grok (cons s s))) ⇒ (eq "yow!") (grok (cons "yo!" "yo!")) ⇒ (not-eq "yo!" "yo!") (grok '(4 2)) ⇒ (not-eq 4 (2))
, symbol and guard
(defun square-double-digit-p/CLEAN (integer)
(pcase (* integer integer)
((and n (guard (< 9 n 100))) (list 'yes n))
(sorry (list 'no sorry))))
(square-double-digit-p/CLEAN 9) ⇒ (yes 81)
(square-double-digit-p/CLEAN 3) ⇒ (no 9)
(defun square-double-digit-p/MAYBE (integer)
(pcase (* integer integer)
((and n (guard (< 9 (incf n) 100))) (list 'yes n))
(sorry (list 'no sorry))))
(square-double-digit-p/MAYBE 9) ⇒ (yes 81)
(square-double-digit-p/MAYBE 3) ⇒ (yes 9) ; WRONG!
The difference is in boolean-expression in guard
references n
simply and directly,
while MAYBE
references n
with a side-effect,
in the expression (incf n)
When integer
is 3, here's what happens:
binds it to expval,
i.e., the result of evaluating (* 3 3)
, or 9.
start: (< 9 (incf n) 100)
becomes: (< 9 (setq n (1+ n)) 100)
becomes: (< 9 (setq n (1+ 9)) 100)
becomes: (< 9 (setq n 10) 100)
; side-effect here!
becomes: (< 9 n 100) ; n
now bound to 10
becomes: (< 9 10 100)
becomes: t
matches, and
matches, and
control passes to that clause's body forms.
Aside from the mathematical incorrectness of asserting that 9 is a
double-digit integer, there is another problem with MAYBE
The body form references n
once more, yet we do not see
the updated value—10—at all. What happened to it?
To sum up, it's best to avoid side-effecting references to
symbol patterns entirely, not only
in boolean-expression (in guard
but also in expr (in let
and function (in pred
and app
, this set is
the union of all the symbols each of its sub-patterns let-binds.
This makes sense because, for and
to match,
all the sub-patterns must match.
When seqpat is or
, things are different:
matches at the first sub-pattern that matches;
the rest of the sub-patterns are ignored.
It makes no sense for each sub-pattern to let-bind a different
set of symbols because the body forms have no way to distinguish
which sub-pattern matched and choose among the different sets.
For example, the following is invalid:
(pcase (read-number "Enter an integer: ") ((or (and (pred evenp) e-num) ; binde-num
to expval o-num) ; bindo-num
to expval (list e-num o-num))) Enter an integer: 42 error--> Symbol’s value as variable is void: o-num Enter an integer: 149 error--> Symbol’s value as variable is void: e-num
Evaluating body form (list e-num o-num)
signals error.
To distinguish between sub-patterns, you can use another symbol,
identical in name in all sub-patterns but differing in value.
Reworking the above example:
(pcase (read-number "Enter an integer: ") ((and num ; line 1 (or (and (pred evenp) ; line 2 (let spin 'even)) ; line 3 (let spin 'odd))) ; line 4 (list spin num))) ; line 5 Enter an integer: 42 ⇒ (even 42) Enter an integer: 149 ⇒ (odd 149)
Line 1 “factors out” the expval binding with
and symbol (in this case, num
On line 2, or
begins in the same way as before,
but instead of binding different symbols, uses let
(lines 3-4) to bind the same symbol spin
in both sub-patterns.
The value of spin
distinguishes the sub-patterns.
The body form references both symbols (line 5).