/** * This class is the base class for both {@link Ext.tree.Panel TreePanel} and * {@link Ext.grid.Panel GridPanel}. * * TablePanel aggregates: * * - a Selection Model * - a View * - a Store * - Ext.grid.header.Container * * @mixins Ext.grid.locking.Lockable */Ext.define('Ext.panel.Table', { extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel', xtype: 'tablepanel', requires: [ 'Ext.layout.container.Fit' ], uses: [ 'Ext.selection.RowModel', 'Ext.selection.CellModel', 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', 'Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer', 'Ext.grid.header.Container', 'Ext.grid.locking.Lockable', 'Ext.grid.NavigationModel', 'Ext.grid.RowContext', 'Ext.grid.CellContext' ], extraBaseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid', extraBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-body', actionableModeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-actionable', noHeaderBordersCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'no-header-borders', /** * @property defaultBindProperty * @inheritdoc */ defaultBindProperty: 'store', /** * @cfg layout * @inheritdoc */ layout: 'fit', manageLayoutScroll: false, /** * @property ariaRole * @inheritdoc */ ariaRole: 'presentation', config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.CellContext/Ext.data.Model/Number} focused * The focused cell, model or index. Typically used with {@link #bind binding}. * * If bound to a record (such as a selection), the first cell will be focused. */ focused: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} headerBorders * To show no borders around grid headers, configure this as `false`. */ headerBorders: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideHeaders * By default, visibility of headers is managed automatically based upon * whether there is textual content to display. * This configuration is only necessary if you want to disable automatic * header visibility management. * * If no columns have a {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#title text} config * (for example in the case of a {@link Ext.tree.Panel TreePanel} with no * columns specified), and no columns have {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#columns child columns} * then headers are hidden. * * If this status changes - if the column set ever goes from none having * text, to one having text or vice versa), then the visibility of headers * will be recalculated. * * Configure as `true` to hide column headers. Configure as `false` to show * column headers even if none of them have text. * */ hideHeaders: null }, /** * @cfg publishes * @inheritdoc */ publishes: ['selection'], /** * @cfg twoWayBindable * @inheritdoc */ twoWayBindable: ['selection'], /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Model} selection * The selected model. Typically used with {@link #bind binding}. */ selection: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} autoLoad * Use `true` to load the store as soon as this component is fully constructed. It is * best to initiate the store load this way to allow this component and potentially * its plugins (such as `{@link Ext.grid.filters.Filters}`) to be ready to load. */ autoLoad: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} variableRowHeight * @deprecated 5.0.0 Use {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#variableRowHeight} instead. * Configure as `true` if the row heights are not all the same height as the first row. */ variableRowHeight: false, /** * @cfg {Number} numFromEdge * This configures the zone which causes new rows to be appended to the view. As soon as the edge * of the rendered grid is this number of rows from the edge of the viewport, the view is moved. */ numFromEdge: 2, /** * @cfg {Number} trailingBufferZone * TableViews are buffer rendered in 5.x and above which means that only the visible subset of data rows * are rendered into the DOM. These are removed and added as scrolling demands. * * This configures the number of extra rows to render on the trailing side of scrolling * **outside the {@link #numFromEdge}** buffer as scrolling proceeds. */ trailingBufferZone: 10, /** * @cfg {Number} [leadingBufferZone] * TableViews are buffer rendered in 5.x and above which means that only the visible subset of data rows * are rendered into the DOM. These are removed and added as scrolling demands. * * This configures the number of extra rows to render on the leading side of scrolling * **outside the {@link #numFromEdge}** buffer as scrolling proceeds. */ leadingBufferZone: 20, /** * @property {Boolean} hasView * True to indicate that a view has been injected into the panel. */ hasView: false, /** * @property items * @hide */ /** * @cfg {String} viewType * An xtype of view to use. This is automatically set to 'tableview' by {@link Ext.grid.Panel Grid} * and to 'treeview' by {@link Ext.tree.Panel Tree}. * @protected */ viewType: null, /** * @cfg {Object} viewConfig * A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of the config options available for * {@link Ext.view.Table} can be specified here. This option is ignored if {@link #view} is specified. */ /** * @cfg {String/Object} rowViewModel * The type or a config object specifying the type of the ViewModel to instantiate when creating ViewModels for records * to which {@link Ext.grid.column.Widget widgets in widget columns}, and widgets in a * {@link Ext.grid.plugin.RowWidget RowWidget} row bind. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.view.Table} view * The {@link Ext.view.Table} used by the grid. Use {@link #viewConfig} to just supply some config options to * view (instead of creating an entire View instance). */ /** * @cfg {String} [selType] * An xtype of selection model to use. This is used to create selection model if just * a config object or nothing at all given in {@link #selModel} config. * * @deprecated 5.1.0 Use the {@link #selModel}'s `type` property. Or, if no other * configs are required, use the string form of selModel. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.selection.Model/Object/String} [selModel=rowmodel] * A {@link Ext.selection.Model selection model} instance or config object, or the selection model class's alias string. * * In latter case its `type` property determines to which type of selection model this config is applied. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [multiSelect=false] * True to enable 'MULTI' selection mode on selection model. * @deprecated 4.1.1 Use {@link Ext.selection.Model#mode} 'MULTI' instead. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [simpleSelect=false] * True to enable 'SIMPLE' selection mode on selection model. * @deprecated 4.1.1 Use {@link Ext.selection.Model#mode} 'SIMPLE' instead. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store/String/Object} store (required) * The data source to which the grid / tree is bound. Acceptable values for this * property are: * * - **any {@link Ext.data.Store Store} class / subclass** * - **an {@link Ext.data.Store#storeId ID of a store}** * - **a {@link Ext.data.Store Store} config object**. When passing a config you can * specify the store type by alias. Passing a config object with a store type will * dynamically create a new store of that type when the grid / tree is instantiated. * * For example: * * Ext.define('MyApp.store.Customers', { * extend: 'Ext.data.Store', * alias: 'store.customerstore', * fields: ['name'] * }); * * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'gridpanel', * renderTo: document.body, * store: { * type: 'customerstore', * data: [{ * name: 'Foo' * }] * }, * columns: [{ * text: 'Name', * dataIndex: 'name' * }] * }); */ /** * @cfg {String/Boolean} scroll * Scrollers configuration. Valid values are 'both', 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. * True implies 'both'. False implies 'none'. * @deprecated 5.1.0 Use {@link #scrollable} instead */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [reserveScrollbar=false] * Set this to true to **always** leave a scrollbar sized space at the end of the grid content when * fitting content into the width of the grid. * * If the grid's record count fluctuates enough to hide and show the scrollbar regularly, this setting * avoids the multiple layouts associated with switching from scrollbar present to scrollbar not present. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.column.Column[]/Object} columns * An array of {@link Ext.grid.column.Column column} definition objects which define all columns that appear in this * grid. Each column definition provides the header text for the column, and a definition of where the data for that * column comes from. * * This can also be a configuration object for a {@link Ext.grid.header.Container HeaderContainer} which may override * certain default configurations if necessary. For example, the special layout may be overridden to use a simpler * layout, or one can set default values shared by all columns: * * columns: { * items: [ * { * text: "Column A", * dataIndex: "field_A" * },{ * text: "Column B", * dataIndex: "field_B" * }, * ... * ], * defaults: { * flex: 1 * } * } */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} forceFit * True to force the columns to fit into the available width. Headers are first sized according to configuration, * whether that be a specific width, or flex. Then they are all proportionally changed in width so that the entire * content width is used. For more accurate control, it is more optimal to specify a flex setting on the columns * that are to be stretched & explicit widths on columns that are not. */ /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.feature.Feature[]/Object[]/Ext.enums.Feature[]} features * An array of grid Features to be added to this grid. Can also be just a single feature instead of array. * * Features config behaves much like {@link #plugins}. * A feature can be added by either directly referencing the instance: * * features: [Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary', {groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'})], * * By using config object with ftype: * * features: [{ftype: 'groupingsummary', groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}'}], * * Or with just a ftype: * * features: ['grouping', 'groupingsummary'], * * See {@link Ext.enums.Feature} for list of all ftypes. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} deferRowRender * Configure as `true` to enable deferred row rendering. * * This allows the View to execute a refresh quickly, with the update of the row structure deferred so * that layouts with GridPanels appear, and lay out more quickly. */ deferRowRender: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} sortableColumns * False to disable column sorting via clicking the header and via the Sorting menu items. */ sortableColumns: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} multiColumnSort * Configure as `true` to have columns remember their sorted state after other columns have been clicked upon to sort. * * As subsequent columns are clicked upon, they become the new primary sort key. * * The maximum number of sorters allowed in a Store is configurable via its underlying data collection. See {@link Ext.util.Collection#multiSortLimit} */ multiColumnSort: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableLocking * Configure as `true` to enable locking support for this grid. Alternatively, locking will also be automatically * enabled if any of the columns in the {@link #columns columns} configuration contain a {@link Ext.grid.column.Column#locked locked} config option. * * A locking grid is processed in a special way. The configuration options are cloned and *two* grids are created to be the locked (left) side * and the normal (right) side. This Panel becomes merely a {@link Ext.container.Container container} which arranges both in an {@link Ext.layout.container.HBox HBox} layout. * * {@link #plugins Plugins} may be targeted at either locked, or unlocked grid, or, both, in which case the plugin is cloned and used on both sides. * * Plugins may also be targeted at the containing locking Panel. * * This is configured by specifying a `lockableScope` property in your plugin which may have the following values: * * * `"both"` (the default) - The plugin is added to both grids * * `"top"` - The plugin is added to the containing Panel * * `"locked"` - The plugin is added to the locked (left) grid * * `"normal"` - The plugin is added to the normal (right) grid * * If `both` is specified, then each copy of the plugin gains a property `lockingPartner` which references its sibling on the other side so that they * can synchronize operations is necessary. * * {@link #features Features} may also be configured with `lockableScope` and may target the locked grid, the normal grid or both grids. Features * also get a `lockingPartner` reference injected. */ enableLocking: false, /** * @private * Used to determine where to go down to find views * this is here to support locking. */ scrollerOwner: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnMove * False to disable column dragging within this grid. */ enableColumnMove: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} sealedColumns * True to constrain column dragging so that a column cannot be dragged in or out of it's * current group. Only relevant while {@link #enableColumnMove} is enabled. */ sealedColumns: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnResize * False to disable column resizing within this grid. */ enableColumnResize: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [enableColumnHide=true] * False to disable column hiding within this grid. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} columnLines * Adds column line styling */ columnLines: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} rowLines * Adds row line styling */ rowLines: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [disableSelection=false] * True to disable selection model. */ /** * @cfg {String} emptyText Default text (HTML tags are accepted) to display in the * Panel body when the Store is empty. When specified, and the Store is empty, the * text will be rendered inside a DIV with the CSS class "x-grid-empty". The emptyText * will not display until the first load of the associated store by default. If you * want the text to be displayed prior to the first store load use the * {@link Ext.view.Table#deferEmptyText deferEmptyText} config in the {@link #viewConfig} config. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} [allowDeselect=false] * True to allow deselecting a record. This config is forwarded to {@link Ext.selection.Model#allowDeselect}. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} bufferedRenderer * Buffered rendering is enabled by default. * * Configure as `false` to disable buffered rendering. See {@link Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer}. * * @since 5.0.0 */ bufferedRenderer: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} preciseHeight * Set to `true` to ensure that measurements (such as locking grid's row-height synchronization) accurately * measure rows with sub-pixel sizes. This can be an issue for some types of row content on browsers that * support sub-pixel sizing. Note that setting this to `true` may cause a decrease in performance for large * amounts of rendered content and therefore should only be used when needed. * @since 6.5.1 */ preciseHeight : false, /** * @cfg stateEvents * @inheritdoc Ext.state.Stateful#cfg-stateEvents * @localdoc By default the following stateEvents are added: * * - {@link #event-resize} - _(added by Ext.Component)_ * - {@link #event-collapse} - _(added by Ext.panel.Panel)_ * - {@link #event-expand} - _(added by Ext.panel.Panel)_ * - {@link #event-columnresize} * - {@link #event-columnmove} * - {@link #event-columnhide} * - {@link #event-columnshow} * - {@link #event-sortchange} * - {@link #event-filterchange} * - {@link #event-groupchange} */ /** * @property {Boolean} optimizedColumnMove * If you are writing a grid plugin or a {Ext.grid.feature.Feature Feature} which creates a column-based structure which * needs a view refresh when columns are moved, then set this property in the grid. * * An example is the built in {@link Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary Summary} Feature. This creates summary rows, and the * summary columns must be in the same order as the data columns. This plugin sets the `optimizedColumnMove` to `false. */ /** * @property {Ext.panel.Table} ownerGrid * A reference to the top-level owning grid component. * * This is a reference to this GridPanel if this GridPanel is not part of a locked grid arrangement. * @readonly * @private * @since 5.0.0 */ ownerGrid: null, colLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-with-col-lines', rowLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-with-row-lines', noRowLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-no-row-lines', hiddenHeaderCtCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-header-ct-hidden', hiddenHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-header-hidden', resizeMarkerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-resize-marker', emptyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-empty', // The TablePanel claims to be focusable, but it does not place a tabIndex // on any of its elements. // Its focus implementation delegates to its view. TableViews are focusable. /** * @property focusable * @inheritdoc */ focusable: true, /** * @event viewready * Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row). * @param {Ext.panel.Table} this */ constructor: function (config) { var me = this, topGrid = config && config.ownerGrid, store; me.ownerGrid = topGrid || me; /** * @property {Array} actionables An array of objects which register themselves with a grid panel using * {@link #registerActionable} which are consulted upon entry into actionable mode. * * These must implement the following methods: * * - activateCell Called when actionable mode is requested upon a cell. A {@link Ext.grid.CellContext CellContext} * object is passed. If that cell is actionable by the terms of the callee, the callee should return `true` if it * ascertains that the cell is actionable, and that it now contains focusable elements which may be tabbed to. * - activateRow Called when the user enters actionable mode in a row. The row DOM is passed. Actionables * should take any action they need to prime the row for cell activation which happens as users TAB from cell to cell. * @readonly */ me.actionables = topGrid ? topGrid.actionables : []; // One shared array when there's a lockable at the top me.callParent([config]); store = me.store; // Any further changes become stateful. store.trackStateChanges = true; if (me.autoLoad) { // Note: if there is a store bound by a VM, we (might) do the load in #setStore. if (!store.isEmptyStore) { store.load(); } } }, /** * * @param {Object} actionable An object which has an interest in the implementation of actionable mode in * this grid. * * An actionable object may be a Plugin which upon activation injects tabbable elements or Components into * a grid row. */ registerActionable: function(actionable) { // If a lockableScope: 'both' plugin/feature registers on each side, only include it in the actionables once. Ext.Array.include(this.actionables, actionable); }, initComponent: function() { //<debug> if (this.verticalScroller) { Ext.raise("The verticalScroller config is not supported."); } if (!this.viewType) { Ext.raise("You must specify a viewType config."); } if (this.headers) { Ext.raise("The headers config is not supported. Please specify columns instead."); } //</debug> var me = this, columns = me.columns || me.colModel || [], selection = me.selection, store, view, i, len, bufferedRenderer, headerCtCfg, headerCt; if (selection) { me.selection = null; me.setSelection(selection); } // Look up the configured Store. If none configured, use the fieldless, empty Store // defined in Ext.data.Store. If store configuration is present with no storeId // we will be creating a new Store instance unique to this Panel, and we should // destroy it as well. store = me.store; if (store && Ext.isObject(store) && !store.isStore && !store.storeId) { store = Ext.apply({ autoDestroy: true }, store); } store = me.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store || 'ext-empty-store'); me.enableLocking = me.enableLocking || me.hasLockedColumns(columns); // Construct the plugins now rather than in the constructor of AbstractComponent because the component may have a subclass // that has overridden initComponent and defined plugins in it. For plugins like RowExpander that rely upon a grid feature, // this is a problem because the view needs to know about all its features before it's constructed. Constructing the plugins // now ensures that plugins defined in the instance config or in initComponent are all constructed before the view. // See EXTJSIV-11927. // // Note that any components that do not inherit from this class will still have their plugins constructed in // AbstractComponent:initComponent. if (me.plugins) { me.plugins = me.constructPlugins(); } // Add the row/column line classes to the body element so that the settings are not inherited by docked grids (https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-9263). if (me.columnLines) { me.addBodyCls(me.colLinesCls); } me.addBodyCls(me.rowLines ? me.rowLinesCls : me.noRowLinesCls); me.addBodyCls(me.extraBodyCls); // If any of the Column objects contain a locked property, and are not processed, this is a lockable TablePanel, a // special view will be injected by the Ext.grid.locking.Lockable mixin, so no processing of . if (me.enableLocking) { // Only first invocation mixes Lockable into the TablePanel class if (!me.mixins.lockable) { me.self.mixin('lockable', Ext.grid.locking.Lockable); } me.injectLockable(); } // Not lockable - create the HeaderContainer else { // It's a fully instantiated HeaderContainer if (columns.isRootHeader) { me.headerCt = headerCt = columns; headerCt.grid = me; headerCt.forceFit = !!me.forceFit; columns = []; // If it's an instance then the column managers were already created and bound to the headerCt. me.columnManager = headerCt.columnManager; me.visibleColumnManager = headerCt.visibleColumnManager; } // It's an array of Column definitions, or a config object of a HeaderContainer else { headerCtCfg = { grid: me, $initParent: me, forceFit: me.forceFit, sortable: me.sortableColumns, enableColumnMove: me.enableColumnMove, enableColumnResize: me.enableColumnResize, columnLines: me.columnLines, sealed: me.sealedColumns }; if (Ext.isObject(columns)) { Ext.apply(headerCtCfg, columns); columns = columns.items; delete headerCtCfg.items; } me.headerCt = headerCt = new Ext.grid.header.Container(headerCtCfg); } if (Ext.isDefined(me.enableColumnHide)) { headerCt.enableColumnHide = me.enableColumnHide; } } me.scrollTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.syncHorizontalScroll, me); me.cls = (me.cls || '') + (' ' + me.extraBaseCls); // autoScroll is not a valid configuration delete me.autoScroll; bufferedRenderer = me.plugins && Ext.Array.findBy(me.plugins, function(p) { return p.isBufferedRenderer; }); // If we find one in the plugins, just use that. if (bufferedRenderer) { me.bufferedRenderer = bufferedRenderer; } // If this TablePanel is lockable (Either configured lockable, or any of the defined columns has a 'locked' property) // then a special lockable view containing 2 side-by-side grids will have been injected so we do not need to set up any UI. if (!me.hasView) { // If the store is paging blocks of the dataset in, then it can only be sorted remotely. // And if the store is not remoteSort, then we cannot sort it at all. if (store.isBufferedStore && !store.getRemoteSort()) { for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) { columns[i].sortable = false; } } me.relayHeaderCtEvents(headerCt); me.features = me.features || []; if (!Ext.isArray(me.features)) { me.features = [me.features]; } me.viewConfig = me.viewConfig || {}; // AbstractDataView will look up a Store configured as an object // getView converts viewConfig into a View instance view = me.getView(); me.items = [view]; me.hasView = true; // Attach this Panel to the Store me.bindStore(store, true); me.mon(view, { viewready: me.onViewReady, refresh: me.onRestoreHorzScroll, scope: me }); } // Whatever kind of View we have, be it a TableView, or a LockingView, we are interested in the selection model me.selModel = me.view.getSelectionModel(); // We update the bound selection whenever the selectionchange event fires. // Even a CellModel, or a SpreadsheetModel in cell selection mode can yield // the *records* that are selected, and it is the first record which is published // to the selection property. me.selModel.on({ scope: me, lastselectedchanged: me.updateBindSelection, selectionchange: me.updateBindSelection }); // Relay events from the View whether it be a LockingView, or a regular GridView me.relayEvents(me.view, [ /** * @event beforeitemlongpress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemlongpress */ 'beforeitemlongpress', /** * @event beforeitemmousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemmousedown */ 'beforeitemmousedown', /** * @event beforeitemmouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemmouseup */ 'beforeitemmouseup', /** * @event beforeitemmouseenter * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemmouseenter */ 'beforeitemmouseenter', /** * @event beforeitemmouseleave * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemmouseleave */ 'beforeitemmouseleave', /** * @event beforeitemclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemclick */ 'beforeitemclick', /** * @event beforeitemdblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemdblclick */ 'beforeitemdblclick', /** * @event beforeitemcontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforeitemcontextmenu */ 'beforeitemcontextmenu', /** * @event itemlongpress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemlongpress */ 'itemlongpress', /** * @event itemmousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemmousedown */ 'itemmousedown', /** * @event itemmouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemmouseup */ 'itemmouseup', /** * @event itemmouseenter * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemmouseenter */ 'itemmouseenter', /** * @event itemmouseleave * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemmouseleave */ 'itemmouseleave', /** * @event itemclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemclick */ 'itemclick', /** * @event itemdblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemdblclick */ 'itemdblclick', /** * @event itemcontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#itemcontextmenu */ 'itemcontextmenu', /** * @event beforecellclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecellclick */ 'beforecellclick', /** * @event cellclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#cellclick */ 'cellclick', /** * @event beforecelldblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecelldblclick */ 'beforecelldblclick', /** * @event celldblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#celldblclick */ 'celldblclick', /** * @event beforecellcontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecellcontextmenu */ 'beforecellcontextmenu', /** * @event cellcontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#cellcontextmenu */ 'cellcontextmenu', /** * @event beforecellmousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecellmousedown */ 'beforecellmousedown', /** * @event cellmousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#cellmousedown */ 'cellmousedown', /** * @event beforecellmouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecellmouseup */ 'beforecellmouseup', /** * @event cellmouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#cellmouseup */ 'cellmouseup', /** * @event beforecellkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforecellkeydown */ 'beforecellkeydown', /** * @event cellkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#cellkeydown */ 'cellkeydown', /** * @event rowclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowclick */ 'rowclick', /** * @event rowdblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowdblclick */ 'rowdblclick', /** * @event rowcontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowcontextmenu */ 'rowcontextmenu', /** * @event rowmousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowmousedown */ 'rowmousedown', /** * @event rowmouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowmouseup */ 'rowmouseup', /** * @event rowkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#rowkeydown */ 'rowkeydown', /** * @event beforeitemkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!beforeitemkeydown */ 'beforeitemkeydown', /** * @event itemkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!itemkeydown */ 'itemkeydown', /** * @event beforeitemkeyup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!beforeitemkeyup */ 'beforeitemkeyup', /** * @event itemkeyup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!itemkeyup */ 'itemkeyup', /** * @event beforeitemkeypress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!beforeitemkeypress */ 'beforeitemkeypress', /** * @event itemkeypress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#event!itemkeypress */ 'itemkeypress', /** * @event beforecontainermousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainermousedown */ 'beforecontainermousedown', /** * @event beforecontainermouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainermouseup */ 'beforecontainermouseup', /** * @event beforecontainermouseover * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainermouseover */ 'beforecontainermouseover', /** * @event beforecontainermouseout * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainermouseout */ 'beforecontainermouseout', /** * @event beforecontainerclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainerclick */ 'beforecontainerclick', /** * @event beforecontainerdblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainerdblclick */ 'beforecontainerdblclick', /** * @event beforecontainercontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainercontextmenu */ 'beforecontainercontextmenu', /** * @event beforecontainerkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainerkeydown */ 'beforecontainerkeydown', /** * @event beforecontainerkeyup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainerkeyup */ 'beforecontainerkeyup', /** * @event beforecontainerkeypress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#beforecontainerkeypress */ 'beforecontainerkeypress', /** * @event containermouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containermouseup */ 'containermouseup', /** * @event containermousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containermousedown */ 'containermousedown', /** * @event containermouseover * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containermouseover */ 'containermouseover', /** * @event containermouseout * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containermouseout */ 'containermouseout', /** * @event containerclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containerclick */ 'containerclick', /** * @event containerdblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containerdblclick */ 'containerdblclick', /** * @event containercontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containercontextmenu */ 'containercontextmenu', /** * @event containerkeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containerkeydown */ 'containerkeydown', /** * @event containerkeyup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containerkeyup */ 'containerkeyup', /** * @event containerkeypress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.View#containerkeypress */ 'containerkeypress', /** * @event beforeselect * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.RowModel#beforeselect */ 'beforeselect', /** * @event select * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.RowModel#select */ 'select', /** * @event beforedeselect * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.RowModel#beforedeselect */ 'beforedeselect', /** * @event deselect * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.RowModel#deselect */ 'deselect', /** * @event beforerowexit * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#beforerowexit */ 'beforerowexit' ]); // Only relay the event if it's not SpreadsheetModel. // SpreadsheetModel fires it directly through the Panel. if (!me.selModel.isSpreadsheetModel) { me.relayEvents(me.view, [ /** * @event selectionchange * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.Model#selectionchange */ 'selectionchange' ]); } // If we have our own headerCt (not gone through injectLockable), then add it to our docked // items and then add the columns. In this way, the columns will immediately be able to // interrogate their environment through getView and getRootHeaderCt if (headerCt) { headerCt.view = me.view; (me.dockedItems = Ext.Array.from(me.dockedItems, true)).unshift(headerCt); headerCt.add(columns); } // Maintain backward compatibiliy by providing the initial leaf column set as a property. me.columns = me.headerCt.getGridColumns(); me.callParent(); me.syncHeaderVisibility(); if (me.enableLocking) { me.afterInjectLockable(); } me.addStateEvents([ 'columnresize', 'columnmove', 'columnhide', 'columnshow', 'sortchange', 'filteractivate', 'filterdeactivate', 'filterchange', 'groupchange' ]); // rowBody feature events /** * @event beforerowbodymousedown * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodymousedown */ /** * @event beforerowbodymouseup * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodymouseup */ /** * @event beforerowbodyclick * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodyclick */ /** * @event beforerowbodydblclick * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodydblclick */ /** * @event beforerowbodycontextmenu * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodycontextmenu */ /** * @event beforerowbodylongpress * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodylongpress */ /** * @event beforerowbodykeydown * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodykeydown */ /** * @event beforerowbodykeyup * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodykeyup */ /** * @event beforerowbodykeypress * @preventable * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-beforerowbodykeypress */ /** * @event rowbodymousedown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodymousedown */ /** * @event rowbodymouseup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodymouseup */ /** * @event rowbodyclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodyclick */ /** * @event rowbodydblclick * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodydblclick */ /** * @event rowbodycontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodycontextmenu */ /** * @event rowbodylongpress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodylongpress */ /** * @event rowbodykeydown * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodykeydown */ /** * @event rowbodykeyup * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodykeyup */ /** * @event rowbodykeypress * @inheritdoc Ext.view.Table#event-rowbodykeypress */ }, updateHideHeaders: function(hideHeaders) { // Must only update the visibility after all configuration is finished. // initComponent calls syncHeaderVisibility if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.syncHeaderVisibility(); } }, beforeRender: function() { var me = this, bufferedRenderer = me.bufferedRenderer, ariaAttr; // If this is the topmost container of a lockable assembly, add the special class body if (me.lockable) { me.getProtoBody().addCls(me.lockingBodyCls); } // Don't create a buffered renderer for a locked grid. else { // If we're auto heighting, we can't buffered render, so don't create it if (bufferedRenderer && me.getSizeModel().height.auto) { //<debug> if (bufferedRenderer.isBufferedRenderer) { Ext.raise('Cannot use buffered rendering with auto height'); } //</debug> me.bufferedRenderer = bufferedRenderer = false; } if (bufferedRenderer && !bufferedRenderer.isBufferedRenderer) { // Create a BufferedRenderer as a plugin if we have not already configured with one. bufferedRenderer = { xclass: 'Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer' }; Ext.copy(bufferedRenderer, me, 'variableRowHeight,numFromEdge,trailingBufferZone,leadingBufferZone,scrollToLoadBuffer', true); me.bufferedRenderer = me.addPlugin(bufferedRenderer); } ariaAttr = me.ariaRenderAttributes || (me.ariaRenderAttributes = {}); ariaAttr['aria-readonly'] = !me.isEditable; ariaAttr['aria-multiselectable'] = me.selModel.selectionMode !== 'SINGLE'; } me.callParent(arguments); }, beforeLayout: function() { var lockable = this.mixins.lockable; if (lockable) { lockable.beforeLayout.call(this); } this.callParent(); }, onHide: function(animateTarget, cb, scope) { this.getView().onOwnerGridHide(); this.callParent([animateTarget, cb, scope]); }, onShow: function() { this.callParent(); this.getView().onOwnerGridShow(); }, /** * Gets the {@link Ext.grid.header.Container headercontainer} for this grid / tree. * @return {Ext.grid.header.Container} headercontainer * * **Note:** While a locked grid / tree will return an instance of * {@link Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer} you will code to the * {@link Ext.grid.header.Container} API. */ getHeaderContainer: function () { return this.getView().getHeaderCt(); }, /** * @method getColumns * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#getGridColumns */ getColumns: function () { return this.getColumnManager().getColumns(); }, /** * @method getVisibleColumns * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#getVisibleGridColumns */ getVisibleColumns: function () { return this.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns(); }, getScrollable: function() { // Lockable grids own a separate Y scroller which scrolls both grids in a single // scrolling element. // Regular grids return their view's scroller. return this.scrollable || this.view.getScrollable(); }, focus: function() { // TablePanel is not focusable, but allow a call to delegate into the view var view = this.getView(); if (!view.isVisible(true)) { return false; } view.focus(); }, /** * Disables interaction with, and masks this grid's column headers. */ disableColumnHeaders: function() { this.headerCt.disable(); }, /** * Enables interaction with, and unmasks this grid's column headers after a call to {#disableColumnHeaders}. */ enableColumnHeaders: function() { this.headerCt.enable(); }, /** * @private * Determine if there are any columns with a locked configuration option. */ hasLockedColumns: function(columns) { var i, len, column; // Fully instantiated HeaderContainer if (columns.isRootHeader) { columns = columns.items.items; } // Config object with items else if (Ext.isObject(columns)) { columns = columns.items; } for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; if (!column.processed && column.locked) { return true; } } }, relayHeaderCtEvents: function (headerCt) { this.relayEvents(headerCt, [ /** * @event columnresize * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#columnresize */ 'columnresize', /** * @event columnmove * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#columnmove */ 'columnmove', /** * @event columnhide * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#columnhide */ 'columnhide', /** * @event columnshow * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#columnshow */ 'columnshow', /** * @event columnschanged * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#columnschanged */ 'columnschanged', /** * @event sortchange * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#sortchange */ 'sortchange', /** * @event headerclick * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#headerclick */ 'headerclick', /** * @event headercontextmenu * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#headercontextmenu */ 'headercontextmenu', /** * @event headertriggerclick * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.header.Container#headertriggerclick */ 'headertriggerclick' ]); }, getState: function(){ var me = this, state = me.callParent(), storeState = me.store.getState(); state = me.addPropertyToState(state, 'columns', me.headerCt.getColumnsState()); if (storeState) { state.storeState = storeState; } return state; }, applyState: function (state) { var me = this, sorter = state.sort, storeState = state.storeState, store = me.store, columns = state.columns = me.buildColumnHash(state.columns); // Ensure superclass has applied *its* state. // Component saves dimensions (and anchor/flex) plus collapsed state. me.callParent([state]); if (columns) { // Column state restoration needs to examine store state me.headerCt.applyColumnsState(columns, storeState); } if (store.isEmptyStore) { return; } // Old stored sort state. Deprecated and will die out. if (sorter) { if (store.getRemoteSort()) { // Pass false to prevent a sort from occurring. store.sort({ property: sorter.property, direction: sorter.direction, root: sorter.root }, null, false); } else { store.sort(sorter.property, sorter.direction); } } // New storeState which encapsulates groupers, sorters and filters. else if (storeState) { store.applyState(storeState); } }, buildColumnHash: function(columns) { var len, columnState, i, result; // Create a usable state lookup hash from which each column // may look up its state based upon its stateId // { // col_name: { // index: 0, // width: 100, // locked: true // }, // col_details: { // index: 1, // width: 200, // columns: { // col_details_1: { // index: 0, // width: 100 // }, // col_details_2: { // index: 1, // width: 100 // } // } // }, // } if (columns) { result = {}; for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) { columnState = columns[i]; columnState.index = i; if (columnState.columns) { columnState.columns = this.buildColumnHash(columnState.columns); } result[columnState.id] = columnState; } return result; } }, /** * Returns the store associated with this Panel. * @return {Ext.data.Store} The store */ getStore: function(){ return this.store; }, onViewRefresh: function(view, records) { this.onItemAdd(records, 0); }, onItemAdd: function(records, index, nodes, view) { var me = this, recCount = records.length, freeRowContexts = me.freeRowContexts, liveRowContexts = me.liveRowContexts || (me.liveRowContexts = {}), rowContext, i, record; // Ensure we have RowContexts ready for all the widget owners // (Widget columns or RowWidget plugin) which will be needing instantiated // Widgets with attached ViewModels. for (i = 0; i < recCount; i++) { record = records[i]; // We may have already been informed about the addition of this item // by the opposite locking partner if (!liveRowContexts[record.internalId]) { // Attempt to read from free RowContexts which may have been freed // by a previous item remove event. Shift of the front // to improve the chances of using the same RowContext for a record; // They were pushed on in the item remove handler. rowContext = freeRowContexts && freeRowContexts.shift(); // Need a new one if (!rowContext) { rowContext = new Ext.grid.RowContext({ ownerGrid: me }); } me.liveRowContexts[record.internalId] = rowContext; rowContext.setRecord(record, index++); } } }, onItemRemove: function(records, index, nodes, view) { var me = this, freeRowContexts = me.freeRowContexts || (me.freeRowContexts = []), liveRowContexts = me.liveRowContexts, len = nodes.length, i, id, context; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { id = nodes[i].getAttribute('data-recordId'); context = liveRowContexts[id]; // We may have already been informed about the removal of this item // by the opposite locking partner if (context) { context.free(view); freeRowContexts.push(context); delete liveRowContexts[id]; } } }, createManagedWidget: function(view, ownerId, widgetConfig, record) { return this.liveRowContexts[record.internalId].getWidget(view, ownerId, widgetConfig); }, destroyManagedWidgets: function(ownerId) { var me = this, contexts = me.liveRowContexts, freeRowContexts = me.freeRowContexts, len = freeRowContexts && freeRowContexts.length, i, recInternalId, rowWidgets; // Destroy widgets from both live contexts, and free ones for (recInternalId in contexts) { rowWidgets = contexts[recInternalId].widgets; if (rowWidgets) { Ext.destroy(rowWidgets[ownerId]); delete rowWidgets[ownerId]; } } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { rowWidgets = freeRowContexts[i].widgets; if (rowWidgets) { Ext.destroy(rowWidgets[ownerId]); delete rowWidgets[ownerId]; } } }, getManagedWidgets: function(ownerId) { var me = this, contexts = me.liveRowContexts, recInternalId, result = []; for (recInternalId in contexts) { result.push(contexts[recInternalId].widgets[ownerId]); } return result; }, /** * Gets the view for this panel. * @return {Ext.view.Table} */ getView: function() { var me = this, scroll, scrollable, viewConfig; if (!me.view) { viewConfig = me.viewConfig; scroll = viewConfig.scroll || me.scroll; scrollable = me.scrollable; if (scrollable == null && viewConfig.scrollable == null && scroll !== null) { // transform deprecated scroll config into scrollable config if (scroll === true || scroll === 'both') { scrollable = true; } else if (scroll === false || scroll === 'none') { scrollable = false; } else if (scroll === 'vertical') { scrollable = { x: false, y: true }; } else if (scroll === 'horizontal') { scrollable = { x: true, y: false }; } } viewConfig = Ext.apply({ // TableView injects the view reference into this grid so that we have a reference as early as possible // and Features need a reference to the grid. // For these reasons, we configure a reference to this grid into the View grid: me, ownerGrid: me.ownerGrid, deferInitialRefresh: me.deferRowRender, variableRowHeight: me.variableRowHeight, preserveScrollOnRefresh: true, trackOver: me.trackMouseOver !== false, throttledUpdate: me.throttledUpdate === true, xtype: me.viewType, store: me.store, headerCt: me.headerCt, columnLines: me.columnLines, rowLines: me.rowLines, navigationModel: 'grid', features: me.features, panel: me, emptyText: me.emptyText || '' }, me.viewConfig); // Impose our calculated scrollable config only if scrollability is not configured. if (!('scrollable' in viewConfig || 'scroll' in viewConfig || 'autoScroll' in viewConfig) && scrollable != null) { viewConfig.scrollable = scrollable; } viewConfig.$initParent = me; Ext.create(viewConfig); delete viewConfig.$initParent; // Normalize the application of the markup wrapping the emptyText config. // `emptyText` can now be defined on the grid as well as on its viewConfig, and this led to the emptyText not // having the wrapping markup when it was defined in the viewConfig. It should be backwards compatible. // Note that in the unlikely event that emptyText is defined on both the grid config and the viewConfig that the viewConfig wins. if (me.view.emptyText) { me.view.emptyText = '<div class="' + me.emptyCls + '">' + me.view.emptyText + '</div>'; } // TableView's custom component layout, Ext.view.TableLayout requires a reference to the headerCt because it depends on the headerCt doing its work. me.view.getComponentLayout().headerCt = me.headerCt; me.mon(me.view, { uievent: me.processEvent, scope: me }); // Plugins and features may need to access the view as soon as it is created. if (me.hasListeners.viewcreated) { me.fireEvent('viewcreated', me, me.view); } } return me.view; }, getEmptyText: function() { return this.view.emptyText; }, setEmptyText: function(emptyText) { this.emptyText = emptyText; this.view.setEmptyText( '<div class="' + this.emptyCls + '">' + emptyText + '</div>' ); return this; }, getColumnManager: function() { return this.columnManager; }, getVisibleColumnManager: function() { return this.visibleColumnManager; }, getTopLevelColumnManager: function() { return this.ownerGrid.getColumnManager(); }, getTopLevelVisibleColumnManager: function() { return this.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager(); }, /** * @method setAutoScroll */ setAutoScroll: Ext.emptyFn, applyScrollable: function(scrollable) { var view = this.view; view = view && (view.normalView || view); if (view) { view.setScrollable(scrollable); } // The view might not yet exists so we just stash the raw config away so it // can be processed by getView() return scrollable; }, /** * @private * Processes UI events from the view. Propagates them to whatever internal Components need to process them. * @param {String} type Event type, eg 'click' * @param {Ext.view.Table} view TableView Component * @param {HTMLElement} cell Cell HTMLElement the event took place within * @param {Number} recordIndex Index of the associated Store Model (-1 if none) * @param {Number} cellIndex Cell index within the row * @param {Ext.event.Event} e Original event * @param {Ext.data.Model} record * @param {Object} row */ processEvent: function(type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e, record, row) { var header = e.position.column; if (header) { return header.processEvent.apply(header, arguments); } }, /** * Scrolls the specified record into view. * @param {Number/String/Ext.data.Model} record The record, record id, or the zero-based position in the dataset to scroll to. * @param {Object} [options] An object containing options to modify the operation. * @param {Number/Ext.grid.column.Column} [options.column] The column to scroll into view. * @param {Boolean} [options.animate] Pass `true` to animate the row into view. * @param {Boolean} [options.highlight] Pass `true` to highlight the row with a glow animation when it is in view. * @param {Boolean} [options.select] Pass as `true` to select the specified row. * @param {Boolean} [options.focus] Pass as `true` to focus the specified row. * @param {Function} [options.callback] A function to execute when the record is in view. This may be necessary if the * first parameter is a record index and the view is backed by a {@link Ext.data.BufferedStore buffered store} * which does not contain that record. * @param {Boolean} options.callback.success `true` if acquiring the record's view node was successful. * @param {Ext.data.Model} options.callback.record If successful, the target record. * @param {HTMLElement} options.callback.node If successful, the record's view node. * @param {Object} [options.scope] The scope (`this` reference) in which the callback function is executed. */ ensureVisible: function(record, options) { this.doEnsureVisible(record, options); }, scrollByDeltaY: function(yDelta, animate) { // xDelta should be null here not 0! We're not scrolling horizontally, // and the Scroller is sensitive to these things. this.getView().scrollBy(null, yDelta, animate); }, scrollByDeltaX: function(xDelta, animate) { // Ditto yDelta. this.getView().scrollBy(xDelta, null, animate); }, afterCollapse: function() { this.saveScrollPos(); this.callParent(arguments); }, afterExpand: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.restoreScrollPos(); }, saveScrollPos: Ext.emptyFn, restoreScrollPos: Ext.emptyFn, onHeaderResize: Ext.emptyFn, // Update the view when a header moves onHeaderMove: function(headerCt, header, colsToMove, fromIdx, toIdx) { var me = this; // If there are Features or Plugins which create DOM which must match column order, they set the optimizedColumnMove flag to false. // In this case we must refresh the view on column move. if (me.optimizedColumnMove === false) { me.view.refreshView(); } // Simplest case for default DOM structure is just to swap the columns round in the view. else { me.view.moveColumn(fromIdx, toIdx, colsToMove); } me.delayScroll(); }, // Section onHeaderHide is invoked after view. onHeaderHide: function(headerCt, header) { var view = this.view; // The headerCt may be hiding multiple children if a leaf level column // causes a parent (and possibly other parents) to be hidden. Only run the refresh // once we're done if (!headerCt.childHideCount && view.refreshCounter) { view.refreshView(); } }, onHeaderShow: function(headerCt, header) { var view = this.view; if (view.refreshCounter) { view.refreshView(); } }, // To be triggered on add/remove/move for a leaf header onHeadersChanged: function(headerCt, header) { var me = this; if (me.rendered && !me.reconfiguring) { me.view.refreshView(); me.delayScroll(); } }, delayScroll: function(){ var target = this.view; if (target) { // Do not cause a layout by reading scrollX now. // It must be read from the target when the task finally executes. this.scrollTask.delay(10, null, null, [target]); } }, /** * @private * Fires the TablePanel's viewready event when the view declares that its internal DOM is ready */ onViewReady: function() { this.fireEvent('viewready', this); }, /** * @private * Tracks when things happen to the view and preserves the horizontal scroll position. */ onRestoreHorzScroll: function() { var me = this, x = me.scrollXPos; if (x) { // We need to restore the body scroll position here me.syncHorizontalScroll(me, true); } }, getScrollerOwner: function() { var rootCmp = this; if (!this.scrollerOwner) { rootCmp = this.up('[scrollerOwner]'); } return rootCmp; }, /** * Gets left hand side marker for header resizing. * @private */ getLhsMarker: function() { var me = this; return me.lhsMarker || (me.lhsMarker = Ext.DomHelper.append(me.el, { role: 'presentation', cls: me.resizeMarkerCls }, true)); }, /** * Gets right hand side marker for header resizing. * @private */ getRhsMarker: function() { var me = this; return me.rhsMarker || (me.rhsMarker = Ext.DomHelper.append(me.el, { role: 'presentation', cls: me.resizeMarkerCls }, true)); }, /** * @method getSelection * Returns the grid's selection. See `{@link Ext.selection.Model#getSelection}`. * @inheritdoc Ext.selection.Model#getSelection */ getSelection: function () { return this.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); }, /** * Sets the value of the selection. * @param {Ext.data.Model} selection */ setSelection: function(selection) { // This is purposefully written not as a config. Because getSelection // is an existing API that doesn't mirror the value for setSelection, we // don't want the publish system to call the getter, but rather just the // raw property. var current = this.selection; if (selection !== current) { this.selection = selection; this.updateSelection(selection, current); } }, updateSelection: function(selection) { var me = this, sm; if (!me.ignoreNextSelection) { me.ignoreNextSelection = true; sm = me.getSelectionModel(); if (selection) { sm.select(selection); } else { sm.deselectAll(); } me.ignoreNextSelection = false; } me.publishState('selection', selection); }, updateBindSelection: function(selModel, selection) { var me = this, selected = null; if (!me.ignoreNextSelection) { me.ignoreNextSelection = true; if (selection.length) { selected = selModel.getLastSelected(); me.hasHadSelection = true; } if (me.hasHadSelection) { me.setSelection(selected); } me.ignoreNextSelection = false; } }, updateFocused: function(record) { this.getNavigationModel().setPosition(record); }, updateHeaderBorders: function(headerBorders) { this[headerBorders ? 'removeCls' : 'addCls'](this.noHeaderBordersCls); }, getNavigationModel: function() { return this.getView().getNavigationModel(); }, /** * Returns the selection model being used by this grid's {@link Ext.view.Table view}. * @return {Ext.selection.Model} The selection model being used by this grid's {@link Ext.view.Table view}. */ getSelectionModel: function() { return this.getView().getSelectionModel(); }, getScrollTarget: function(){ var items = this.getScrollerOwner().query('tableview'); // Last view has the scroller return items[items.length - 1]; }, syncHorizontalScroll: function(target, setBody) { var me = this, x = me.view.getScrollX(), scrollTarget; setBody = setBody === true; // Only set the horizontal scroll if we've changed position, // so that we don't set this on vertical scrolls if (me.rendered && (setBody || x !== me.scrollXPos)) { // Only set the body position if we're reacting to a refresh, otherwise // we just need to set the header. if (setBody) { scrollTarget = me.getScrollTarget(); scrollTarget.setScrollX(x); } me.headerCt.setScrollX(x); me.scrollXPos = x; } }, // template method meant to be overriden onStoreLoad: Ext.emptyFn, getEditorParent: function() { return this.body; }, bindStore: function(store, initial) { var me = this, view = me.getView(), oldStore = me.getStore(); // Normally, this method will always be called with a valid store (because there is a symmetric // .unbindStore method), but there are cases where this method will be called and passed a null // value, i.e., a panel is used as a pickerfield. See EXTJS-13089. if (store) { // Bind to store immediately because subsequent processing looks for grid's store property me.store = store; if (view.store !== store) { // If coming from a reconfigure, we need to set the actual store property on the view. Setting the // store will then also set the dataSource. // // Note that if it's a grid feature then this is sorted out in view.bindStore(), and it's own // implementation of .bindStore() will be called. view.bindStore(store, false); } me.mon(store, { load: me.onStoreLoad, scope: me }); me.storeRelayers = me.relayEvents(store, [ /** * @event filterchange * @inheritdoc Ext.data.Store#filterchange */ 'filterchange', /** * @event groupchange * @inheritdoc Ext.data.Store#groupchange */ 'groupchange' ]); // If this is being called from reconfigure then the storechange will be called // by the reconfigure machinery at the end of all processing. Otherwise, fire here. if (!me.reconfiguring && me.hasListeners.storechange && store !== oldStore) { me.fireEvent('storechange', me, store, oldStore); } } else { me.unbindStore(); } }, unbindStore: function() { var me = this, store = me.store, view; if (store) { store.trackStateChanges = false; me.store = null; me.mun(store, { load: me.onStoreLoad, scope: me }); Ext.destroy(me.storeRelayers); view = me.view; if (view.store) { view.bindStore(null); } else if (!store.destroyed && store.autoDestroy) { store.destroy(); } // If this is being called from reconfigure then the storechange will be called // by the reconfigure machinery at the end of all processing. Otherwise, fire here. if (!me.reconfiguring && me.hasListeners.storechange) { me.fireEvent('storechange', me, null, store); } } }, setColumns: function(columns) { // If being reconfigured from zero columns to zero columns, skip operation. // This can happen if columns are being set from a binding and the initial value // of the bound data in the ViewModel is [] if (columns.length || this.getColumnManager().getColumns().length) { this.reconfigure(undefined, columns); } }, /** * A convenience method that fires {@link #event-reconfigure} with the store param. To set the store AND change columns, * use the {@link #method-reconfigure reconfigure method}. * * @param {Ext.data.Store} [store] The new store. */ setStore: function (store) { var me = this; me.reconfigure(store, undefined, true); // If we are visible, load the store if (me.isVisible(true)) { if (store && me.autoLoad && !store.isEmptyStore && !(store.loading || store.isLoaded())) { store.load(); } } // Otherwise, ensure that we will load as soon as we become visible else if (!me.globalShowListener) { me.globalShowListener = Ext.GlobalEvents.on({ show: me.onGlobalShow, scope: me, destroyable: true }); } }, onGlobalShow: function(comp) { var me = this, store = me.store; // If the global show caused this to be shown, then load unless there's already a locked kicked off. if (comp === me || (comp.isAncestor(me) && me.isVisible(true))) { if (store && me.autoLoad && !store.isEmptyStore && !(store.loading || store.isLoaded())) { store.load(); } Ext.destroy(me.globalShowListener); } }, /** * Reconfigures the grid or tree with a new store and/or columns. Stores and columns * may also be passed as params. * * grid.reconfigure(store, columns); * * Additionally, you can pass just a store or columns. * * tree.reconfigure(store); * // or * grid.reconfigure(columns); * // or * tree.reconfigure(null, columns); * * If you're using locked columns, the {@link #enableLocking} config should be set * to `true` before the reconfigure method is executed. * * @param {Ext.data.Store/Object} [store] The new store instance or store config. You can * pass `null` if no new store. * @param {Object[]} [columns] An array of column configs * @param {Boolean} allowUnbind (private) */ reconfigure: function(store, columns, allowUnbind) { var me = this, oldStore = me.store, headerCt = me.headerCt, lockable = me.lockable, oldColumns = headerCt ? headerCt.items.getRange() : me.columns, view = me.getView(), scroller, block, refreshCounter, storeChanged, columnsChanged, state, stateId, restoreFocus; // Allow optional store argument to be fully omitted, and the columns argument to be solo if (arguments.length === 1 && Ext.isArray(store)) { columns = store; store = null; } // Make copy in case the beforereconfigure listener mutates it. if (columns) { columns = Ext.Array.slice(columns); } me.reconfiguring = true; if (store) { store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup(store); storeChanged = store && store !== oldStore; } // Allow for nulling the store (convert to the empty store) else if (allowUnbind) { store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup('ext-empty-store'); storeChanged = store !== oldStore; } me.fireEvent('beforereconfigure', me, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns); Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (me.rendered && me.layoutCounter && (scroller = me.getScrollable())) { scroller.scrollTo(0,0); } if (lockable) { me.reconfigureLockable(store, columns, allowUnbind); } else { // Prevent the view from refreshing until we have resumed layouts and any columns are rendered block = view.blockRefresh; view.blockRefresh = true; restoreFocus = view.saveFocusState(); // Note that we need to process the store first in case one or more passed columns (if there are any) // have active gridfilters with values which would filter the currently-bound store. if (storeChanged) { me.unbindStore(); me.bindStore(store); } if (columns) { // new columns, delete scroll pos delete me.scrollXPos; headerCt.removeAll(); headerCt.add(columns); columnsChanged = true; } headerCt.onOwnerGridReconfigure(storeChanged, columnsChanged); refreshCounter = view.refreshCounter; } if (me.stateful) { stateId = me.getStateId(); state = stateId && Ext.state.Manager.get(stateId); if (state) { me.applyState(state); } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); me.reconfiguring = false; if (lockable) { me.afterReconfigureLockable(); } else { view.blockRefresh = block; // If the layout resumption didn't trigger the view to refresh, do it here if (view.refreshCounter === refreshCounter) { view.refreshView(); restoreFocus(); } } me.fireEvent('reconfigure', me, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns); delete me.reconfiguring; if (storeChanged) { me.fireEvent('storechange', me, store, oldStore); if (!oldStore.destroyed && oldStore.autoDestroy) { oldStore.destroy(); } } }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this, task = me.scrollTask, view = me.view; if (view) { view.destroying = true; } if (me.lockable) { me.destroyLockable(); } if (task) { task.cancel(); } // Need to destroy plugins here because they may have listeners on the View Ext.destroy( me.rowContextParent, me.plugins, me.focusEnterLeaveListeners, me.freeRowContents, Ext.Object.getValues(me.liveRowContexts), me.lhsMarker, me.rhsMarker ); me.callParent(); // Have to unbind the store this late because plugins and other things // may still need it until the very end. me.unbindStore(); }, getElementHeight: function (el) { var rect = this.preciseHeight && el.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect ? (rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.top)) : el.offsetHeight; }, getElementSize: function (el) { var rect = this.preciseHeight && el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { width: rect ? (rect.width || (rect.right - rect.left)) : el.offsetWidth, height: rect ? (rect.height || (rect.bottom - rect.top)) : el.offsetHeight }; }, privates: { // The focusable flag is set, but there is no focusable element. // Focus is delegated to the view by the focus implementation. initFocusableElement: function() {}, doEnsureVisible: function(record, options) { // Handle the case where this is a lockable assembly if (this.lockable) { return this.ensureLockedVisible(record, options); } // Allow them to pass the record id. if (typeof record !== 'number' && !record.isEntity) { record = this.store.getById(record); } var me = this, view = me.getView(), domNode = view.getNode(record), isLocking = me.ownerGrid.lockable, callback, scope, animate, highlight, select, doFocus, verticalScroller, column, cell, targetContext, internalCallback, scrollPromise; if (options) { callback = options.callback; scope = options.scope; animate = options.animate; highlight = options.highlight; select = options.select; doFocus = options.focus; column = options.column; } // Always supercede any prior deferred request if (me.deferredEnsureVisible) { me.deferredEnsureVisible.destroy(); } // We have not yet run the layout. // Add this to the end of the first sizing process. // By using the resize event, we will come in AFTER any Component's onResize and onBoxReady handling. if (!view.componentLayoutCounter) { me.deferredEnsureVisible = view.on({ resize: me.doEnsureVisible, args: Ext.Array.slice(arguments), scope: me, single: true, destroyable: true }); return; } if (typeof column === 'number') { column = me.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns()[column]; } // We found the DOM node associated with the record if (domNode) { if (!record.isEntity) { record = view.getRecord(domNode); } verticalScroller = isLocking ? me.ownerGrid.getScrollable() : view.getScrollable(); // Scrolling *may* be asynchronous if animation is used, so post-process // the target node in a callback. if (callback || select || doFocus) { internalCallback = function () { targetContext = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(record, column || 0); if (select) { view.getSelectionModel().selectByPosition(targetContext); } if (doFocus) { view.getNavigationModel().setPosition(targetContext); } Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [true, record, domNode]); }; } if (verticalScroller) { if (column) { cell = Ext.fly(domNode).selectNode(column.getCellSelector()); } // We're going to need two scrollers if we are locking, and we need to scroll horizontally. // The whole arrangement of side by side views scrolls up and down. // Each view itself scrolls horizontally. if (isLocking && column) { verticalScroller.ensureVisible(domNode, { x: false }); scrollPromise = view.getScrollable().ensureVisible(cell || domNode, { animation: animate, highlight: highlight }); } // No locking, it's simple - we just use the view's scroller else { scrollPromise = verticalScroller.ensureVisible(cell || domNode, { animation: animate, highlight: highlight, x: !!column }); } if (scrollPromise && internalCallback) { scrollPromise.then(internalCallback); } } } // If we didn't find it, it's probably because of buffered rendering else if (view.bufferedRenderer) { view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(record, { animate: animate, highlight: highlight, select: select, focus: doFocus, column: column, callback: function(recordIdx, record, domNode) { Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [true, record, domNode]); } }); } else { Ext.callback(callback, scope || me, [false, null]); } }, getFocusEl: function() { return this.getView().getFocusEl(); }, /** * Provide a single parent viewmodel for the grid so that any VM for * row contents share the same scheduler. * @return {Ext.app.ViewModel} * * @private */ getRowContextViewModelParent: function() { var vm = this.lookupViewModel() || this.rowContextParent; if (!vm) { // If we get to this point, it means that there's no parent VM above us // so we have nothing to hook up to this.rowContextParent = vm = new Ext.app.ViewModel(); } return vm; }, handleWidgetViewChange: function(view, ownerId) { var contexts = this.liveRowContexts, freeRowContexts = this.freeRowContexts, len = freeRowContexts && freeRowContexts.length, i, recInternalId; for (recInternalId in contexts) { contexts[recInternalId].handleWidgetViewChange(view, ownerId); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { freeRowContexts[i].handleWidgetViewChange(view, ownerId); } }, initInheritedState: function (inheritedState, inheritedStateInner) { inheritedState.inLockedGrid = !!this.isLocked; this.callParent([inheritedState, inheritedStateInner]); }, /** * Toggles ARIA actionable mode on/off * @param {Boolean} enabled * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} position The cell to activate. * @param {HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element} [position.target] The element within the referenced cell to focus. * @return {Boolean} `true` if actionable mode was entered * @private */ setActionableMode: function(enabled, position) { // Always set the topmost grid in a lockable assembly var me = this.ownerGrid; // Can be called to exit actionable mode upon a focusLeave caused by destruction if (!me.destroying && me.view.setActionableMode(enabled, position) !== false) { me.fireEvent('actionablemodechange', enabled); me[enabled ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](me.actionableModeCls); return true; } }, /** * Override for TablePanel. * A TablePanel can never scroll. Its View scrolls. * @private */ getOverflowStyle: function() { this.scrollFlags = this._scrollFlags['false']['false']; return { overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'hidden' }; }, getOverflowEl: function() { return null; }, shouldAutoHideHeaders: function() { var me = this, columns = me.headerCt.items.items, len = columns.length, autoHideHeaders = !!len, column, i; // Loop until we find a column with content. for (i = 0; autoHideHeaders && i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; // If any column was configured with visible text, we must show headers. if (!column.isEmptyText(column.text, true) || column.columns || (column.isGroupHeader && column.items.items.length)) { autoHideHeaders = false; } } return autoHideHeaders; }, syncHeaderVisibility: function() { var me = this, headerCt = me.headerCt, hideHeaders = me.hideHeaders, viewScroller, currentHideHeaderState; if (me.lockable) { me.syncLockableHeaderVisibility(); return; } if (hideHeaders == null) { hideHeaders = me.shouldAutoHideHeaders(); } currentHideHeaderState = headerCt.height === 0; if (!headerCt.rendered || hideHeaders !== currentHideHeaderState) { headerCt.setHeight(hideHeaders ? 0 : null); headerCt.hiddenHeaders = hideHeaders; headerCt.toggleCls(me.hiddenHeaderCtCls, hideHeaders); me.toggleCls(me.hiddenHeaderCls, hideHeaders); if (!hideHeaders) { headerCt.setScrollable({ x: false, y: false }); viewScroller = me.view.getScrollable(); if (viewScroller) { headerCt.getScrollable().addPartner(viewScroller, 'x'); } } } } }});