exp: golang.org/x/exp/shiny/screen Index | Files

package screen

import "golang.org/x/exp/shiny/screen"

Package screen provides interfaces for portable two-dimensional graphics and input events.

Screens are not created directly. Instead, driver packages provide access to the screen through a Main function that is designed to be called by the program's main function. The golang.org/x/exp/shiny/driver package provides the default driver for the system, such as the X11 driver for desktop Linux, but other drivers, such as the OpenGL driver, can be explicitly invoked by calling that driver's Main function. To use the default driver:

package main

import (

func main() {
	driver.Main(func(s screen.Screen) {
		w, err := s.NewWindow(nil)
		if err != nil {
		defer w.Release()

		for {
			switch e := w.NextEvent().(type) {
			case lifecycle.Event:
				if e.To == lifecycle.StageDead {
			case etc:

Each driver package provides Screen, Buffer, Texture and Window implementations that work together. Such types are interface types because this package is driver-independent, but those interfaces aren't expected to be implemented outside of drivers. For example, a driver's Window implementation will generally work only with that driver's Buffer implementation, and will not work with an arbitrary type that happens to implement the Buffer methods.


Package Files



const (
    Over = draw.Over
    Src  = draw.Src

These draw.Op constants are provided so that users of this package don't have to explicitly import "image/draw".

type Buffer

type Buffer interface {
    // Release releases the Buffer's resources, after all pending uploads and
    // draws resolve.
    // The behavior of the Buffer after Release, whether calling its methods or
    // passing it as an argument, is undefined.

    // Size returns the size of the Buffer's image.
    Size() image.Point

    // Bounds returns the bounds of the Buffer's image. It is equal to
    // image.Rectangle{Max: b.Size()}.
    Bounds() image.Rectangle

    // RGBA returns the pixel buffer as an *image.RGBA.
    // Its contents should not be accessed while the Buffer is uploading.
    // The contents of the returned *image.RGBA's Pix field (of type []byte)
    // can be modified at other times, but that Pix slice itself (i.e. its
    // underlying pointer, length and capacity) should not be modified at any
    // time.
    // The following is valid:
    //	m := buffer.RGBA()
    //	if len(m.Pix) >= 4 {
    //		m.Pix[0] = 0xff
    //		m.Pix[1] = 0x00
    //		m.Pix[2] = 0x00
    //		m.Pix[3] = 0xff
    //	}
    // or, equivalently:
    //	m := buffer.RGBA()
    //	m.SetRGBA(m.Rect.Min.X, m.Rect.Min.Y, color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff})
    // and using the standard library's image/draw package is also valid:
    //	dst := buffer.RGBA()
    //	draw.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), etc)
    // but the following is invalid:
    //	m := buffer.RGBA()
    //	m.Pix = anotherByteSlice
    // and so is this:
    //	*buffer.RGBA() = anotherImageRGBA
    RGBA() *image.RGBA

Buffer is an in-memory pixel buffer. Its pixels can be modified by any Go code that takes an *image.RGBA, such as the standard library's image/draw package. A Buffer is essentially an *image.RGBA, but not all *image.RGBA values (including those returned by image.NewRGBA) are valid Buffers, as a driver may assume that the memory backing a Buffer's pixels are specially allocated.

To see a Buffer's contents on a screen, upload it to a Texture (and then draw the Texture on a Window) or upload it directly to a Window.

When specifying a sub-Buffer via Upload, a Buffer's top-left pixel is always (0, 0) in its own coordinate space.

type DrawOptions

type DrawOptions struct {

DrawOptions are optional arguments to Draw.

type Drawer

type Drawer interface {
    // Draw draws the sub-Texture defined by src and sr to the destination (the
    // method receiver). src2dst defines how to transform src coordinates to
    // dst coordinates. For example, if src2dst is the matrix
    // m00 m01 m02
    // m10 m11 m12
    // then the src-space point (sx, sy) maps to the dst-space point
    // (m00*sx + m01*sy + m02, m10*sx + m11*sy + m12).
    Draw(src2dst f64.Aff3, src Texture, sr image.Rectangle, op draw.Op, opts *DrawOptions)

    // Copy copies the sub-Texture defined by src and sr to the destination
    // (the method receiver), such that sr.Min in src-space aligns with dp in
    // dst-space.
    Copy(dp image.Point, src Texture, sr image.Rectangle, op draw.Op, opts *DrawOptions)

    // Scale scales the sub-Texture defined by src and sr to the destination
    // (the method receiver), such that sr in src-space is mapped to dr in
    // dst-space.
    Scale(dr image.Rectangle, src Texture, sr image.Rectangle, op draw.Op, opts *DrawOptions)

Drawer is something you can draw Textures on.

Draw is the most general purpose of this interface's methods. It supports arbitrary affine transformations, such as translations, scales and rotations.

Copy and Scale are more specific versions of Draw. The affected dst pixels are an axis-aligned rectangle, quantized to the pixel grid. Copy copies pixels in a 1:1 manner, Scale is more general. They have simpler parameters than Draw, using ints instead of float64s.

When drawing on a Window, there will not be any visible effect until Publish is called.

type EventQueue

type EventQueue interface {
    // Send adds an event to the end of the queue.
    Send(event interface{})

    // NextEvent returns the next event in the queue. It blocks until such an
    // event has been sent.
    // Typical event types include:
    //	- lifecycle.Event
    //	- size.Event
    //	- paint.Event
    //	- key.Event
    //	- mouse.Event
    //	- touch.Event
    // from the golang.org/x/mobile/event/... packages. Other packages may send
    // events, of those types above or of other types, via Send.
    NextEvent() interface{}

EventQueue is an infinitely buffered FIFO queue of events.

type NewWindowOptions

type NewWindowOptions struct {
    // Width and Height specify the dimensions of the new window. If Width
    // or Height are zero, a driver-dependent default will be used for each
    // zero value dimension.
    Width, Height int

NewWindowOptions are optional arguments to NewWindow.

type PublishResult

type PublishResult struct {
    // BackBufferPreserved is whether the contents of the back buffer was
    // preserved. If false, the contents are undefined.
    BackBufferPreserved bool

PublishResult is the result of an Window.Publish call.

type Screen

type Screen interface {
    // NewBuffer returns a new Buffer for this screen.
    NewBuffer(size image.Point) (Buffer, error)

    // NewTexture returns a new Texture for this screen.
    NewTexture(size image.Point) (Texture, error)

    // NewWindow returns a new Window for this screen.
    NewWindow(opts *NewWindowOptions) (Window, error)

Screen creates Buffers, Textures and Windows.

type Texture

type Texture interface {
    // Release releases the Texture's resources, after all pending uploads and
    // draws resolve.
    // The behavior of the Texture after Release, whether calling its methods
    // or passing it as an argument, is undefined.

    // Size returns the size of the Texture's image.
    Size() image.Point

    // Bounds returns the bounds of the Texture's image. It is equal to
    // image.Rectangle{Max: t.Size()}.
    Bounds() image.Rectangle


Texture is a pixel buffer, but not one that is directly accessible as a []byte. Conceptually, it could live on a GPU, in another process or even be across a network, instead of on a CPU in this process.

Buffers can be uploaded to Textures, and Textures can be drawn on Windows.

When specifying a sub-Texture via Draw, a Texture's top-left pixel is always (0, 0) in its own coordinate space.

type Uploader

type Uploader interface {
    // Upload uploads the sub-Buffer defined by src and sr to the destination
    // (the method receiver), such that sr.Min in src-space aligns with dp in
    // dst-space. The destination's contents are overwritten; the draw operator
    // is implicitly draw.Src.
    // It is valid to upload a Buffer while another upload of the same Buffer
    // is in progress, but a Buffer's image.RGBA pixel contents should not be
    // accessed while it is uploading. A Buffer is re-usable, in that its pixel
    // contents can be further modified, once all outstanding calls to Upload
    // have returned.
    // When uploading to a Window, there will not be any visible effect until
    // Publish is called.
    Upload(dp image.Point, src Buffer, sr image.Rectangle)

    // Fill fills that part of the destination (the method receiver) defined by
    // dr with the given color.
    // When filling a Window, there will not be any visible effect until
    // Publish is called.
    Fill(dr image.Rectangle, src color.Color, op draw.Op)

Uploader is something you can upload a Buffer to.

type Window

type Window interface {
    // Release closes the window.
    // The behavior of the Window after Release, whether calling its methods or
    // passing it as an argument, is undefined.




    // Publish flushes any pending Upload and Draw calls to the window, and
    // swaps the back buffer to the front.
    Publish() PublishResult

Window is a top-level, double-buffered GUI window.

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