text: golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen Index | Examples | Files | Directories

Packages imported by triegen

bytesPackage bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
encoding/binaryPackage binary implements simple translation between numbers and byte sequences and encoding and decoding of varints.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/​O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
hash/crc64Package crc64 implements the 64-bit cyclic redundancy check, or CRC-64, checksum.
ioPackage io provides basic interfaces to I/​O primitives.
logPackage log implements a simple logging package.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
text/templatePackage template implements data-driven templates for generating textual output.
unicode/utf8Package utf8 implements functions and constants to support text encoded in UTF-8.