

benchcmpThe benchcmp command displays performance changes between benchmarks.
bundleBundle creates a single-source-file version of a source package suitable for inclusion in a particular target package.
callgraphcallgraph: a tool for reporting the call graph of a Go program.
coverCover is a program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'.
digraphThe digraph command performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs represented in text form.
egThe eg command performs example-based refactoring.
fiximportsThe fiximports command fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path for packages that have an "import comment" as defined by
godexThe godex command prints (dumps) exported information of packages or selected package objects.
godocGodoc extracts and generates documentation for Go programs.
goimportsCommand goimports updates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones.
gomvpkgThe gomvpkg command moves go packages, updating import declarations.
gorenameThe gorename command performs precise type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go source code.
gotypeThe gotype command does syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages like the front-end of a Go compiler.
guruguru: a tool for answering questions about Go source code.
guru/serialPackage serial defines the guru's schema for -json output.
html2articleThis program takes an HTML file and outputs a corresponding article file in present format.
oracleoracle: a tool for answering questions about Go source code.
presentPresent displays slide presentations and articles.
ssadumpssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs.
stressThe stress utility is intended for catching of episodic failures.
stringerStringer is a tool to automate the creation of methods that satisfy the fmt.Stringer interface.
tipCommand tipgodoc is the beginning of the new server, serving the latest HEAD straight from the Git oven.

Updated 2016-04-18. Refresh now. Tools for package owners.