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Packages imported by interp

bytesPackage bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/​O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
go/constantPackage constant implements Values representing untyped Go constants and their corresponding operations.
go/tokenPackage token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates).
go/typesPackage types declares the data types and implements the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages. ssa defines a representation of the elements of Go programs (packages, types, functions, variables and constants) using a static single-assignment (SSA) form intermediate representation (IR) for the bodies of functions. typeutil defines various utilities for types, such as Map, a mapping from types.Type to interface{} values.
ioPackage io provides basic interfaces to I/​O primitives.
mathPackage math provides basic constants and mathematical functions.
osPackage os provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality.
reflectPackage reflect implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to manipulate objects with arbitrary types.
runtimePackage runtime contains operations that interact with Go's runtime system, such as functions to control goroutines.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
syncPackage sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual exclusion locks.
syscallPackage syscall contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives.
timePackage time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
unsafePackage unsafe contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs.