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Packages imported by godoc

bufioPackage bufio implements buffered I/O.
bytesPackage bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
encoding/gobPackage gob manages streams of gobs - binary values exchanged between an Encoder (transmitter) and a Decoder (receiver).
encoding/jsonPackage json implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as defined in RFC 4627.
errorsPackage errors implements functions to manipulate errors.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/​O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
go/astPackage ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go packages.
go/buildPackage build gathers information about Go packages.
go/docPackage doc extracts source code documentation from a Go AST.
go/formatPackage format implements standard formatting of Go source.
go/parserPackage parser implements a parser for Go source files.
go/printerPackage printer implements printing of AST nodes.
go/scannerPackage scanner implements a scanner for Go source text.
go/tokenPackage token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates). analysis performs type and pointer analysis and generates mark-up for the Go source view. util contains utility types and functions for godoc. vfs defines types for abstract file system access and provides an implementation accessing the file system of the underlying OS. httpfs implements http.FileSystem using a godoc vfs.FileSystem.
htmlPackage html provides functions for escaping and unescaping HTML text.
html/templatePackage template (html/​template) implements data-driven templates for generating HTML output safe against code injection.
index/suffixarrayPackage suffixarray implements substring search in logarithmic time using an in-memory suffix array.
ioPackage io provides basic interfaces to I/​O primitives.
io/ioutilPackage ioutil implements some I/​O utility functions.
logPackage log implements a simple logging package.
net/httpPackage http provides HTTP client and server implementations.
osPackage os provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality.
pathPackage path implements utility routines for manipulating slash-separated paths.
path/filepathPackage filepath implements utility routines for manipulating filename paths in a way compatible with the target operating system-defined file paths.
regexpPackage regexp implements regular expression search.
runtimePackage runtime contains operations that interact with Go's runtime system, such as functions to control goroutines.
sortPackage sort provides primitives for sorting slices and user-defined collections.
strconvPackage strconv implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
syncPackage sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual exclusion locks.
text/scannerPackage scanner provides a scanner and tokenizer for UTF-8-encoded text.
text/templatePackage template implements data-driven templates for generating textual output.
timePackage time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
unicodePackage unicode provides data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points.
unicode/utf8Package utf8 implements functions and constants to support text encoded in UTF-8.