, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware
, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal
, ExtensionAware
, Task
, org.gradle.util.Configurable<Task>
@Incubating @CacheableTask public class SwiftCompile extends DefaultTask
Constructor | Description |
SwiftCompile(org.gradle.nativeplatform.internal.CompilerOutputFileNamingSchemeFactory compilerOutputFileNamingSchemeFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
ListProperty<String> |
getCompilerArgs() |
Additional arguments to provide to the compiler.
protected CompilerVersion |
getCompilerVersion() |
The compiler used, including the type and the version.
Property<Boolean> |
getDebuggable() |
Should the compiler generate debuggable code?
ListProperty<String> |
getMacros() |
Macros that should be defined for the compiler.
RegularFileProperty |
getModuleFile() |
The location to write the Swift module file to.
Property<String> |
getModuleName() |
The name of the module to produce.
ConfigurableFileCollection |
getModules() |
The modules required to compile the source.
DirectoryProperty |
getObjectFileDir() |
The directory where object files will be generated.
Property<Boolean> |
getOptimized() |
Should the compiler generate optimized code?
ConfigurableFileCollection |
getSource() |
Returns the source files to be compiled.
Property<SwiftVersion> |
getSourceCompatibility() |
Returns the Swift language level to use to compile the source files.
Property<NativePlatform> |
getTargetPlatform() |
The platform being compiled for.
Property<NativeToolChain> |
getToolChain() |
The tool chain used for compilation.
boolean |
isDebuggable() |
Should the compiler generate debuggable code?
boolean |
isOptimized() |
Should the compiler generate debuggable code?
newInputDirectory, newInputFile, newOutputDirectory, newOutputFile
appendParallelSafeAction, compareTo, configure, dependsOn, doFirst, doFirst, doFirst, doLast, doLast, doLast, finalizedBy, getActions, getAnt, getAsDynamicObject, getConvention, getDependsOn, getDescription, getDestroyables, getDidWork, getEnabled, getExtensions, getFinalizedBy, getGroup, getIdentityPath, getImpliesSubProjects, getInputs, getLocalState, getLogger, getLogging, getMustRunAfter, getName, getOnlyIf, getOutputs, getPath, getProject, getServices, getShouldRunAfter, getStandardOutputCapture, getState, getTaskActions, getTaskDependencies, getTaskIdentity, getTemporaryDir, getTemporaryDirFactory, getTimeout, hasProperty, hasTaskActions, injectIntoNewInstance, isEnabled, isHasCustomActions, mustRunAfter, onlyIf, onlyIf, prependParallelSafeAction, property, replaceLogger, setActions, setDependsOn, setDescription, setDidWork, setEnabled, setFinalizedBy, setGroup, setImpliesSubProjects, setMustRunAfter, setOnlyIf, setOnlyIf, setProperty, setShouldRunAfter, shouldRunAfter, toString
@Inject public SwiftCompile(org.gradle.nativeplatform.internal.CompilerOutputFileNamingSchemeFactory compilerOutputFileNamingSchemeFactory)
@Internal public Property<NativeToolChain> getToolChain()
public Property<NativePlatform> getTargetPlatform()
@InputFiles @SkipWhenEmpty @PathSensitive(RELATIVE) public ConfigurableFileCollection getSource()
@Input public ListProperty<String> getMacros()
Macros do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent.
@Internal public boolean isDebuggable()
@Input public Property<Boolean> getDebuggable()
@Internal public boolean isOptimized()
@Input public Property<Boolean> getOptimized()
@Input public ListProperty<String> getCompilerArgs()
@OutputDirectory public DirectoryProperty getObjectFileDir()
@OutputFile public RegularFileProperty getModuleFile()
@Optional @Input public Property<String> getModuleName()
@InputFiles @PathSensitive(NAME_ONLY) public ConfigurableFileCollection getModules()
@Input public Property<SwiftVersion> getSourceCompatibility()
protected CompilerVersion getCompilerVersion()