docs » hs.alert

Simple on-screen alerts

API Overview

API Documentation


Signature hs.alert.defaultStyle[]
Type Variable

A table defining the default visual style for the alerts generated by this module.

The following may be specified in this table (any other key is ignored):

  • Keys which affect the alert rectangle:

    • fillColor - a table as defined by the hs.drawing.color module to specify the background color for the alert, defaults to { white = 0, alpha = 0.75 }.
    • strokeColor - a table as defined by the hs.drawing.color module to specify the outline color for the alert, defaults to { white = 1, alpha = 1 }.
    • strokeWidth - a number specifying the width of the outline for the alert, defaults to 2
    • radius - a number specifying the radius used for the rounded corners of the alert box, defaults to 27
  • Keys which affect the text of the alert when the message is a string (note that these keys will be ignored if the message being displayed is already an hs.styledtext object):

    • textColor - a table as defined by the hs.drawing.color module to specify the message text color for the alert, defaults to { white = 1, alpha = 1 }.
    • textFont - a string specifying the font to be used for the alert text, defaults to ".AppleSystemUIFont" which is a symbolic name representing the systems default user interface font.
    • textSize - a number specifying the font size to be used for the alert text, defaults to 27.
    • textStyle - an optional table, defaults to nil, specifying that a string message should be converted to an hs.styledtext object using the style elements specified in this table. This table should conform to the key-value pairs as described in the documentation for the hs.styledtext module. If this table does not contain a font key-value pair, one will be constructed from the textFont and textSize keys (or their defaults); likewise, if this table does not contain a color key-value pair, one will be constructed from the textColor key (or its default).
    • atScreenEdge - 0: screen center (default); 1: top edge; 2: bottom edge . Note when atScreenEdge>0, the latest alert will overlay above the previous ones if multiple alerts visible on same edge; and when atScreenEdge=0, latest alert will show below previous visible ones without overlap.
    • fadeInDuration - a number in seconds specifying the fade in duration of the alert, defaults to 0.15
    • fadeOutDuration - a number in seconds specifying the fade out duration of the alert, defaults to 0.15

If you modify these values directly, it will affect all future alerts generated by this module. To adjust one of these properties for a single alert, use the optional style argument to the function.


Signature hs.alert.closeAll([seconds])
Type Function

Closes all alerts currently open on the screen


  • seconds - Optional number specifying the fade out duration. Defaults to fadeOutDuration value currently defined in the hs.alert.defaultStyle


  • None
Signature hs.alert.closeSpecific(uuid, [seconds])
Type Function

Closes the alert with the specified identifier


  • uuid - the identifier of the alert to close
  • seconds - Optional number specifying the fade out duration. Defaults to fadeOutDuration value currently defined in the hs.alert.defaultStyle


  • None


  • Use this function to close an alert which is indefinate or close an alert with a long duration early.
Signature, [style], [screen], [seconds]) -> uuid
Type Function

Shows a message in large words briefly in the middle of the screen; does tostring() on its argument for convenience.

NOTE: For convenience, you can call this function as hs.alert(...)


  • str - The string or hs.styledtext object to display in the alert
  • style - an optional table containing one or more of the keys specified in hs.alert.defaultStyle. If str is already an hs.styledtext object, this argument is ignored.
  • screen - an optional hs.screen userdata object specifying the screen (monitor) to display the alert on. Defaults to hs.screen.mainScreen() which corresponds to the screen with the currently focused window.
  • seconds - The number of seconds to display the alert. Defaults to 2. If seconds is specified and is not a number, displays the alert indefinately.


  • a string identifier for the alert.


  • The optional parameters are parsed in the order presented as follows:
    • if the argument is a table and style has not previously been set, then the table is assigned to style
    • if the argument is a userdata and screen has not previously been set, then the userdata is assigned to screen
    • if duration has not been set, then it is assigned the value of the argument
    • if all of these conditions fail for a given argument, then an error is returned
  • The reason for this logic is to support the creation of persistent alerts as was previously handled by the module: If you specify a non-number value for seconds you will need to store the string identifier returned by this function so that you can close it manually with hs.alert.closeSpecific when the alert should be removed.
  • Any style element which is not specified in the style argument table will use the value currently defined in the hs.alert.defaultStyle table.